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Militant Muslim group says it carried out western China attacks

Terrorism in China would be bad for USA's economy, especially if it would spread to more industrialized areas. It's Pakistanis responsibility to make sure that terrorists don't use their country as base camp.

Even IF these rebels would be sponsored by CIA, that does not explain how they have training camps in Pakistan...

Care to elaborate on the bold part!

Frankly, many economists are not in a situation to foresee US economy with or without China. This could be a blessing in disguise for USA though.

What I mean to say here is that it could be bad or good that only time will tell. :azn:
Terrorism in China would be bad for USA's economy, especially if it would spread to more industrialized areas. It's Pakistanis responsibility to make sure that terrorists don't use their country as base camp.

Even IF these rebels would be sponsored by CIA, that does not explain how they have training camps in Pakistan...

The only terrorist are the ones droping bombs from air, with cross on their flags

CIA openly funds money to terrorist groups , so they can disrupt economies of other emerging nations so it can manipulate negotiations and pressure other governments

CIA seeks out , rouge groups and funds them with weapons , communication networks and funds them to carry out attacks and in return it gives them support (Look at terrorist groups in Libya )
"The terroists are believed to be in Pakistan"--------interesting.
Just a CIA funded operation , to destabilize super power china since they can't compete in clean business

CIA hand book

a) Get into countries diplomatic visas
b) Get bags full of untraceable cash
c) Find local operatives , and hand them cash , and weapons
d) Support the disgruntle operatives , and promise them greater power if they do small tasks
e) Lay the blame on another group to achieve goals

This has been going on in Pakistan since the US embassies opened up in Pakistan specially since 80's which is exactly the same time when bombs started to go off in Pakistani cities alot of people have mentioned that there were no bombings in Pakistan prior to 80's
This is getting ridiculous. The terrorists always seem to be from Pakistan. If you people ever went to Pakistan, you would understand this **** is a setup. Every god damn terrorist in the world just conveniently finds Pakistan as their base of operations. This is an outright lie.
The only terrorist are the ones droping bombs from air, with cross on their flags

CIA openly funds money to terrorist groups , so they can disrupt economies of other emerging nations so it can manipulate negotiations and pressure other governments

CIA seeks out , rouge groups and funds them with weapons , communication networks and funds them to carry out attacks and in return it gives them support (Look at terrorist groups in Libya )

Again, I don't see you giving any evidence to back up these claims. Yanks had to go to Pakistan's heartlands to kill Bin Laden, and you tell me it's not possible that ETIM is training in Pakistan?

It's always easy to blame other people, but that certainly does not solve this sort of problems.
Of course it is IMPOSSIBLE that China would have domestic terrorists... it MUST be a plot. Right?
Of course it is IMPOSSIBLE that China would have domestic terrorists... it MUST be a plot. Right?

Don't think China has ever denied domestic terrorism. You can stow your sarcastic remarks.
You cant defy the fact that muslim extremist wanted to attack China though.

duh, Muslims extremist attacked China several times. thats exactly why the u.s. invaded Pakistan, and central asia, using it as a staging area for destabilising the asia, and Russia, and training terorists. it also helps that rebia kadir can give her blessings from virginia

---------- Post added at 08:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 PM ----------

How very convenient. When Muslim Uighurs fight against Chinese expansionism, all the Muslim world turns a blind eye and labels them as agents of the West. The so called Muslim Ummah does not recognise their existence since it is the Chinese money that is greasing their national economies. So these terrorists are sponsored by the CIA/MI6?? Well, they are trained in Pakistan so is the Pakistani state also sponsored by CIA/MI6? Despite repeated requests, China refuses to acknowledge LET/JEM as terrorist organisations and prevents their leaders from being banned by the UN. Perhaps it is time India started sympathising with the Uighur cause!!! Let us see how it feels when the shoe is on the other foot.
Muslim attacks on India are also done by agents of the west. does raymond davis ring a bell? ever notice how there werent Muslim terorists in 4000/5000 yrs of Indian history. then all of a sudden after contact with the brits, terorist attacks start to happen. it cant be a coincidence
Terrorism in China would be bad for USA's economy, especially if it would spread to more industrialized areas. It's Pakistanis responsibility to make sure that terrorists don't use their country as base camp.

Even IF these rebels would be sponsored by CIA, that does not explain how they have training camps in Pakistan...
usa has terorist training camps in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and countless numbers of other countries, but those are the main ones they did 9/11 for
How sad this pakistani always support every millitant group in world(except anti-pakistan element like TTP,BLA etc.) but when it comes to china they always support them not even their muslim brother who are fighting aganist those intruder who coming to thier homeland for mineral resource(unlike kasmir where no non-kasmiri allowed to settle,i mean they can't buy land).shame on pakistan
This is getting ridiculous. The terrorists always seem to be from Pakistan. If you people ever went to Pakistan, you would understand this **** is a setup. Every god damn terrorist in the world just conveniently finds Pakistan as their base of operations. This is an outright lie.

Denial, the river that flows... - anyway, someone is lying, is it all those suicide attacks and attacks on the Pakistani state, all those madressah students who say Pakistan is illegitimate because she is not islamic enough or those who ask Pakistan government to get a handle on this problem? For some it seems difficult to acknowledge that the islamists of Pakistan have mae Pakistan welcome territory for islamists from around the world, that it's part of their Ummah ideology.
I find it amazing how Chinese and Pakistani's are united because of a lighting rod to vent there hatred. ie Indians even on this forum...expecially on this forum. Its funny because Chinese not involved with politics will say they dislike Indians and Pakistani's are nothing but another type of Indians to them.
FYI the people arming terrorists in Kashmir NEFA is Norinco who has extra retired AK-47 knock offs, Norinco also arms Baloch rebels etc.. The funding comes from various organizations around the Islamic world. Those donations you make to mosques or mardasas end up funding these militants.
The only time Norinco won't do business is when they have anti chinese clients.
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