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US stops UNESCO funds over Palestine vote

So much for democracy and freedom bullcrap!Now going against the consensus.
USA has proved once again "Whos the daddy"
For USA..Israel is the daddy,and they are just being an obedient child
Do you ever know we human civilization has a social institution called DEMOCRACY? how old are you?

In such a institution, by votes the minority has to respect the result by all means, if you are signed into that society.

Hmmm wonder what happend to "Democratically" elected former leaders of pakistan... remember Nawaz sharif ? ... ok nevermind !!!
Nothing against an average joe of USA,as in general public..

But this is the country who has fought wars round the world,claiming to be the flag bearers of justice,freedom,democracy and some other bull..
And now the same country is using its weight to stop the just cause of the Palestinian people...How very pathetic.

---------- Post added at 07:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:37 PM ----------

Hmmm wonder what happend to "Democratically" elected former leaders of pakistan... remember Nawaz sharif ? ... ok nevermind !!!

Please stop being an .a.ss.....as in Donkey ;)
...and we ponder is to why the US gets so many terrorist attacks. Making the civilain population of the US to pay the full price for thier Deeds by paying the civillains life. If there was ever a word that suppasses terrorism, to describe the level of evilness and arrogance, this would describe Zionists Fanatics of ISrael and the West.

Furthermore is the evil of Muslims killng other Muslims just to Satify their Zionist masters

A Day of Massacre In Bahrain | UN Dispatch
Congress passed a law during the Clinton administration requiring the USA to stop payments to any international organization that grants full member status to a Palestinian entity until there is a UN approved Palestinian nation. The US State Department must follow US law as Congress has established it. It's ironic that Hillary Clinton, as the present Secretary of State, has to enforce a law that her husband chose not to veto as President, when he could have. What goes around comes around. Anyway, let the nations of UNESCO who voted full membership for the Palestinians make up the $$$ that the USA will not now be contributing. We would just have to borrow it from the PRC to make the payment. So, let the PRC pay it directly and get the "credit" for being such a beneficent country. .....

You make it sound like the US so wanted to help out the Palestinians, damn that wretched Clinton law that screwed it up!

The US has been using the same blackmail against Pakistan and the Palestinians would come to the same realization, you have to throw American favors back on their faces!
US funding for UNESCO was peanuts to begin with......it wont have any destabilizing effect on UNESCO

the mere $60m which they are withdrawing can easily be filled in by another country --or group of countries, no problem.
Where did I ever say that the US gets its way 100% of the time?


On non-consensus issues, i.e., those on which a vote was taken, the average overall General Assembly voting coincidence of all UN members with the United States in 2010 was 41.6 percent, increased from 39 percent in 2009. In 2008, voting coincidence was 25.6 percent, and in 2007 it was 18.3 percent.

When consensus resolutions are factored in as votes identical to those of the United States, a much higher measure of agreement with U.S. positions is reached – 85.4 percent, up slightly from 84.3 percent in 2009.

In the UN General Assembly, most matters are decided by consensus, where behind-the-scene deals have already been made. It's only when an issue is particularly contentious and someone insists on an actual vote that voting happens. In other words, voting represents a failure of US behind-the-scenes wrangling, so the numbers will naturally be less favorable.

In other words, the US gets its way 85% of the time without the matter ever going to vote.
:lol: Let us highlight a much more significant sentence, shall we?

In the UN General Assembly...voting represents a failure of US behind-the-scenes wrangling, so the numbers will naturally be less favorable.
Issues that can be settled by 'behind-the-scenes deals' are generally issues that the members consider not worth their time since it does not have adverse effects on their countries or that any adverse effects that may occur can be alleviated by some other means. But when issues are put up for a vote, it mean that particular issue is significant enough that the US is relatively powerless in persuasion. So if we 'get away' with anything, you might want to ask those countries on why they got on the US bandwagon to get away as well. Like I said, spare US the hyperbole.
US funding for UNESCO was peanuts to begin with......it wont have any destabilizing effect on UNESCO

the mere $60m which they are withdrawing can easily be filled in by another country --or group of countries, no problem.
Good...Then this 'another country' or 'group of countries' can easily make up the US share of UN dues, no? Imagine this: The US annual UN contribution is rejected, compensated by a voluntary increase by other members' contributions, and the US voted out of the UN.

I would love for that to happen. The UN will collapse toot-sweet.
US funding for UNESCO was peanuts to begin with......it wont have any destabilizing effect on UNESCO

the mere $60m which they are withdrawing can easily be filled in by another country --or group of countries, no problem.

FYI, US aid is 20% of the UNESCO's budget.
which could be filled in collectively by the other member countries
FYI, US aid is 20% of the UNESCO's budget.
dude, if they request it, Iran and KSA alone are ready to dish out a billion bucks each just to get some points in the pali vs Israel game. 60 million is peanuts.
which could be filled in collectively by the other member countries

Any time .. it is not F**** big amount for which one need to sell county ..
it is not more than 100 million $$$$... any one our elite politician can pay that sum in fraction of minute from his swiss bank account .. but there is only one problem freaking those b***** will never do that ... that's why we are we and they are super power USA ...

Freaking FDA politicians
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