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US stops UNESCO funds over Palestine vote

I don't know it this video is already posted here but it's the first time I'm seeing it.
EVERYONE needs to watch it. The reporter takes massive dumps on top of the talking head
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China should fund the $60 Million it will improve our Imagine and gain influence.
Issues that can be settled by 'behind-the-scenes deals' are generally issues that the members consider not worth their time since it does not have adverse effects on their countries or that any adverse effects that may occur can be alleviated by some other means. But when issues are put up for a vote, it mean that particular issue is significant enough that the US is relatively powerless in persuasion. So if we 'get away' with anything, you might want to ask those countries on why they got on the US bandwagon to get away as well. Like I said, spare US the hyperbole.

Let's break it down slowly.

The UN stamp of approval is merely a "good boy scout" star to affix to US actions. The more stars the US administration collects, the better their image in front of the global and, more importantly, the American public. They will be seen as champions of freedom, leading the world, rather than a maverick bully always running loose around the world.

The US does behind-the-scene deals to collect these boy scout stars so that, if and when it does have to oppose the consensus, it doesn't seem as bad. The US public will understand occasional differences of opinion, especially when they are framed as America standing up for its interests against global animosity.

To put it briefly, it's all about managing perceptions by playing the numbers game. The US can say that the world agrees with it 85% of the time, so how can anyone call it a bully?
I don't know it this video is already posted here but it's the first time I'm seeing it.
EVERYONE needs to watch it. The reporter takes massive dumps on top of the talking head

Wow, that was a real grilling that he gave to her...
I don't know it this video is already posted here but it's the first time I'm seeing it.
EVERYONE needs to watch it. The reporter takes massive dumps on top of the talking head
She was frustrated.I think even she knew what she was saying about unjust and all that horrible crap etc just bullsh!t.
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Why the US is so sensitive over a few strips of land? What? The Palestinians have B-2 bombers and F-16s? Or are they wizards able to call down meteors from the heavens? :blink:

Why the US is so scared of it for so long?

Beats me...
Nothing against an average joe of USA,as in general public..

But this is the country who has fought wars round the world,claiming to be the flag bearers of justice,freedom,democracy and some other bull..
And now the same country is using its weight to stop the just cause of the Palestinian people...How very pathetic.

I agree. They come off as very hypocritical as well.
The United States, Israel's top ally, in the 1990s banned the financing of any UN organisation that accepts Palestine as a full member. The United States provides about 22 per cent of the UNESCO annual budget.

Really goes to show which side they are really on..

Israel = USA

Despite all the hollow talks of peace and resolution of Israel-Palestinian conflict. The conflict actually advances american hegemony in the Middle East..no reason why they would give it up so easy!
This is the real battlefield for Palestinians. Look how pissed west is because of this. Imagine how pissed off they will be when Palestine is acknowledged as a state.
I don't know it this video is already posted here but it's the first time I'm seeing it.
EVERYONE needs to watch it. The reporter takes massive dumps on top of the talking head

This reporter raped her and the entire US department. He is truly brilliant.
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Nothing against an average joe of USA,as in general public..

But this is the country who has fought wars round the world,claiming to be the flag bearers of justice,freedom,democracy and some other bull..
And now the same country is using its weight to stop the just cause of the Palestinian people...How very pathetic.

Living in the United States, I have to say that you should hold the American public at least partially responsible.
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