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How many of us can write a proper sentence ?


Sep 13, 2008
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I think the internet and texting has ruined are ability to write proper sentences in English. Examples of which can be seen all over this forum. I wont be surprised if someone points out 10 grammatical mistakes in these few lines I have typed.

So is grammar and proper punctuation no longer relevant in the current world ?

I think the internet and texting has ruined are ability to write proper sentences in English. Examples of which can be seen all over this forum. I wont be surprised if someone points out 10 grammatical mistakes in these few lines I have typed.

So is grammar and proper punctuation no longer relevant in the current world ?

It's nice of you to point out the same.

In earlier times, professors and professionals used specialist/assistant who do the final drafts of their letters; the reason being that professionalism and presentation of their correspondence had very high importance. Nowadays, even the chat words have become part of the mail correspondence from managing directors to whole of the company/business unit(s). Today, the stress is on just to convey the meaning without wasting time on the words and impeccability of the correspondence.

May be grammar and punctuation have lot their significance over time, albeit there will always be some who will make it survive over long period of time.
Well I guess learning grammar, spelling, tenses is all secondary as long as we can make are point with LOL, GTG, TC and smiley faces :):victory::taz::enjoy:
From my experience on PDF, youtube, facebook etc., I'm pretty sure that not many can write proper English.

In fact, many a times I feel like people don't have a sense of even the basic sentence composition.

I don't know if people lack in proper English education or is it that they just don't care.

Whatever it is, it sure doesn't sound good.

Either you should not speak a language or you should speak it well. I hate people who make half-hearted attempt at things.

Although I must add that internet and Hollywood cannot escape the indignation or ruining the beauty of the Queen's language.

English was a beautiful language until internet and Hollywood ruined it.
Malaysian English and Singapore English is taking over pretentious Queen's English here.

So, no, I can't write a proper sentence to save my life :lol:
But thanks to these sites we have learned quite a few colorful words

If you need PDF to learn colorful words, by which I take it you mean slang, I'd say you should venture out of your home sometimes.

It's not that bad out there.
Would like to see how many people can understand this? :lol:

Hahaha, the Singaporean one is easy to tell, they actually speak a bit like we do in Hong Kong.

I can't figure out the Malay words in the top paragraph though. :P

And I think it is brilliant how they can both understand each other so easily despite all the slang.
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