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How many of us can write a proper sentence ?

Malaysian English and Singapore English is taking over pretentious Queen's English here.

So, no, I can't write a proper sentence to save my life. :lol:

Your written English is excellent buddy. :azn:

In fact the written English on this website is much better than I expected, considering that none of us here have English as our mother tongue.
Hahaha, the Singaporean one is easy to tell, they actually speak a bit like we do in Hong Kong.

I can't figure out the Malay words in the top paragraph though. :P

And I think it is brilliant how they can both understand each other so easily despite all the slang.

Let me surprise you.

There is only one Malay word in that whole conversation :rofl:

Manglish and Singlish are almost identical barring the extra usage of Malay words in Manglish.

Will write down the translation of the convo in a while.
Well one thing is for sure

I have said it before and I will say it again

Many people here don't speak English, they speak the universal language "Broken English"
Your written English is excellent buddy. :azn:

In fact the written English on this website is much better than I expected, considering that none of us here have English as our mother tongue.

Just saying, not having had a language as the mother tongue is a lame excuse for those who do not want to try hard.
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