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  1. leuitenentcolonel

    Turks still love Pakistan

    Ill be traveling on 27 feb, it will be my first time and absolutely excited about my trip. A bit confused about renting a car what do u guys suggest who’ve been there before. I am planning to visit bursa and sogut by car(300kms drive a day is not an issue for me). PS: I drive in Middle East
  2. leuitenentcolonel

    Pakistan carries out airstrikes along AfPak border

    Thats why this NDS Dog was barking today , What IDPs? They were all resettled in their home. They want to label TTP terrorists as innocents. We cared about collateral damage during a full scale war in the past why would we do such a think now. Our boys lives and Pakistanis lives are not cheap...
  3. leuitenentcolonel

    How are indians treated in Saudi

    What a load of crap this guy has posted, i am currently living here and a manager of my department. Pakistanis are treated better than indians at large because they concentrate mainly on work on hand without complains and cries obviously after the agreement. That guy must be outsourced and on...
  4. leuitenentcolonel

    Afghan Cricketer Asghar Afghan says he retired suddenly as Pakistan loss 'Hurt too much'

    Grudge, hatred clearly visible in his words. All they dream is to defeat Pakistan only, what would they achieve by defeating Pakistan specially?. How about they stop building properties in Pakistan and or sold the ones they already own if they hate Pakistan this much. most of Afghan cricketers...
  5. leuitenentcolonel

    10 Middle East predictions by year 2030

    Wonder its not weekend anywhere around the globe. is it your overnight hangover dude?
  6. leuitenentcolonel

    Pakistan Airforce's Game Changing Moment - "JF-17" Thunder

    I wonder what will happen to block 1 jf17s and block 2 once block 3 will enter serial production and induction. I read somewhere or may be here that b2 can be upgraded to b3. Kinda lame question but would appreciate if someone answer it
  7. leuitenentcolonel

    Punjab Health Minister calls Pakistanis illiterate and ignorant, says Lahoris are 'weird creatures'

    you generalized only people from karachi? are the rest of pakistanis any different or have different opinion or even taking preventive measures? its not only people of karachi or lahore its in masses all over country get well soon
  8. leuitenentcolonel

    Indian foreign ministry raises issue of 35K Pashtun and 47K Baloch missing in Pakistan at UN

    there are good people but rare. my stance is simple pacifism is stupidity when you are targeted directly by your enemy either on border or diplomatically. we have the upper hand and we know it but still our gov is reluctant to give them befitting reply.
  9. leuitenentcolonel

    Punjab Health Minister calls Pakistanis illiterate and ignorant, says Lahoris are 'weird creatures'

    people are stupidly asking each other "have you seen a corona patient personally" like wtf. if only at early march people had taken it seriously and Pakistan would have not reached to this point we are standing today. mark my words PMLN and PPP will never let PTI gov come out of this crises...
  10. leuitenentcolonel

    Indian foreign ministry raises issue of 35K Pashtun and 47K Baloch missing in Pakistan at UN

    having seen and work with them i have concluded that they still have slave mentality and they are well fed by Pakistani boogeyman. they pretend to be hooligans and when you thrash them they steps back. screaming, cursing and abusing is common and its taken as a cultural thing. they will lick...
  11. leuitenentcolonel

    Punjab Health Minister calls Pakistanis illiterate and ignorant, says Lahoris are 'weird creatures'

    if only could have taken directives of provincial and federal govs. she may have said it publicly which is offensive to some people but thats the fact. people didnt sit at their homes, no one followed the precautionary measure and no one had/has been willing to do so, Ahsas program beneficiaries...
  12. leuitenentcolonel

    Indian foreign ministry raises issue of 35K Pashtun and 47K Baloch missing in Pakistan at UN

    he is in yoga with his tail between his legs wondering they shouldnt have had poked china on behest of US
  13. leuitenentcolonel

    Indian foreign ministry raises issue of 35K Pashtun and 47K Baloch missing in Pakistan at UN

    now dont start telling us baloch and pashtoons have indian/hindu roots as its the only remaining excuse you indians have . what on effing earth give endians such stupid confidence and pain to interfere on matters of other countries, get over it sanghi Balochistan and KPK are part of pakistan...
  14. leuitenentcolonel

    PAF C-130 Aircraft to airlift piper brave spray aircraft from Turkey for locust control.

    No civilized people does that. Its only in pakistan some wanna-be gora libtards pretend to look hard headed but in actual they don’t know jack.
  15. leuitenentcolonel

    Kuwait Joins Oman, Saudi Arabia And Qatar In Straight-Out Rejection Of Anti-India Propaganda

    Well. For indians could be another Fake newj https://www.arabnews.com/node/1666566/world
  16. leuitenentcolonel

    Coronavirus: Two UAE-based Indians in trouble over Islamophobic messages

    then why live in a muslim country when you hate its religion? would you tolerate a non hindu cursing your religion in india infact Nazi Bhakts without any reason making a life hell for minorities. have some shame and class before you guys speak
  17. leuitenentcolonel

    Coronavirus: Two UAE-based Indians in trouble over Islamophobic messages

    You know living among this "kind" i can easily vouch for these cunning and treacherous hindus living in gulf states, they raise their families here, enjoy their lavish life, earn lots of money but shamelessly (as it fits well with indians) hates the same religion of the country they are living...
  18. leuitenentcolonel

    Pakistanis !!! How do you find different Pakistani Ethnicities? Share your opinions

    Looks like a topic of immature School boys. It depends on how you view others. How one hAve been brought up. I am not racist so i view every Country men as sweet and brother. Being from khi i have interacted but infact have hindu friend and a christian friend (ex coworkers). Be it seraiki...
  19. leuitenentcolonel

    Shops, restaurants and small markets remained open on Monday in Karachi, Lahore and other big cities

    Racist idiots who divides people based on race and political ideologies wont understand your point. every tom dick and harry barks whatever they want and looks like admins/moderators love such crap as well; never saw any action from them One of the unfortunate reason. but our people need to...
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