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10 Middle East predictions by year 2030



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Aug 3, 2019
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United States
1. Iran deploys nuclear ICBMs and has approximately 50 nuclear warheads. The Iranian axis is strengthened in Syria and Yemen.

2. Turkey exits NATO and pursues pockets of influences in the ME working along Russia and sometimes the Iranians.

3. Sisi is forced to resign in the year 2027 by an Egyptian uprising. The Muslim Brotherhood becomes active again and strengthens their position across North Africa.

4. Israel goes to war with Lebanon and Syria causing massive destruction to major cities including complete ruin of Damascus and Beirut. Israel loses 50% of Golan heights and cost of war exceeds $150 billion.

5. MBS is toppled by an internal feud over failure of the Yemen war and the subsequent security threat.

6. Iraq shias enter into civil conflict pinning major parties against each other.

7. Khamenei steps down as supreme leader of Iran due to poor health and passes in the year 2028.

8. The United States closes their base in Qatar and strengthens their presence in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Provides nuclear umbrella to gulf states and Saudi Arabia.

9. The Taliban enter Kabul and the Afghanistan government falls. Fighting is not prolonged and a new government takes shape headed by the Taliban.

10. Economic diversification proves to be difficult and oil dependent countries initiate austerity measures as quality of life diminishes.
1. Iran deploys nuclear ICBMs and has approximately 50 nuclear warheads. The Iranian axis is strengthened in Syria and Yemen.

2. Turkey exits NATO and pursues pockets of influences in the ME working along Russia and sometimes the Iranians.

3. Sisi is forced to resign in the year 2027 by an Egyptian uprising. The Muslim Brotherhood becomes active again and strengthens their position across North Africa.

4. Israel goes to war with Lebanon and Syria causing massive destruction to major cities including complete ruin of Damascus and Beirut. Israel loses 50% of Golan heights and cost of war exceeds $150 billion.

5. MBS is toppled by an internal feud over failure of the Yemen war and the subsequent security threat.

6. Iraq shias enter into civil conflict pinning major parties against each other.

7. Khamenei steps down as supreme leader of Iran due to poor health and passes in the year 2028.

8. The United States closes their base in Qatar and strengthens their presence in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Provides nuclear umbrella to gulf states and Saudi Arabia.

9. The Taliban enter Kabul and the Afghanistan government falls. Fighting is not prolonged and a new government takes shape headed by the Taliban.

10. Economic diversification proves to be difficult and oil dependent countries initiate austerity measures as quality of life diminishes.

Who made the prediction, is it yours ????
1. Iran deploys nuclear ICBMs and has approximately 50 nuclear warheads. The Iranian axis is strengthened in Syria and Yemen.
I think Iran will not go for nukes

2. Turkey exits NATO and pursues pockets of influences in the ME working along Russia and sometimes the Iranians.
I do not agree with that too. They will and should stay.

3. Sisi is forced to resign in the year 2027 by an Egyptian uprising. The Muslim Brotherhood becomes active again and strengthens their position across North Africa.
At the moment Army is in full control.

4. Israel goes to war with Lebanon and Syria causing massive destruction to major cities including complete ruin of Damascus and Beirut. Israel loses 50% of Golan heights and cost of war exceeds $150 billion.
Lebanon and Syria are not in the position to wage a war. 50% of Golan, are you kidding me. Is it your prediction our your dream????

5. MBS is toppled by an internal feud over failure of the Yemen war and the subsequent security threat.
At the moment this does not hold any grounds

6. Iraq shias enter into civil conflict pinning major parties against each other.
What is the basis of this?

7. Khamenei steps down as supreme leader of Iran due to poor health and passes in the year 2028.
Only Allah knows when some one will die. However, Khamenei Sahib's health is bad. So he might leave the post.

8. The United States closes their base in Qatar and strengthens their presence in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Provides nuclear umbrella to gulf states and Saudi Arabia.
No they will always play the dual game, selling weapons to both Saudi and Qatar

9. The Taliban enter Kabul and the Afghanistan government falls. Fighting is not prolonged and a new government takes shape headed by the Taliban.
May be but I guess Taliban will make a coalition this time. They will try to get recognition from more and more country

10. Economic diversification proves to be difficult and oil dependent countries initiate austerity measures as quality of life diminishes.
Yes that is possible especially due to advent of alternative fuels
Wonder its not weekend anywhere around the globe. is it your overnight hangover dude?
10. Economic diversification proves to be difficult and oil dependent countries initiate austerity measures as quality of life diminishes.

Yup, they need to prepare but look like they still dont see it as serious threat which is silly. This is why UAE still want to buy F 35 and huge armament despite their Air Force is still strong enough while Saudi only slice about 1-2 percent of their ridiculous 60 billion USD defense budget per year. Saudi should cut half of their defense budget and use that for something more productive like industrialization. Both need to let go their regional ambition and let Yemen and Libya alone and the focus should be on economy, R&D, modern service industry and manufacturing.
Some thoughts: 2030 is 9 years away. By that time, NATO will likely have a much lesser role in the region as the current wars wrap up and the global economies move away from oil. It is more likely the EU will want to engage more in diplomacy by that time. Thus for Turkey being in NATO may just be a headache.

As far as Iran’s situation is concerned, they didn’t develop their nuclear program to power up some bazaars. They’re building a diverse infrastructure for latent capability and will make nukes when it’s politically convenient, likely by 2030.

I also think that half of the Golan heights will return to Syria as part of a truce to end the coming war. Israel’s still largely dependent on conventional form of warfare and this will be very problematic in the next conflict.

The caveat here being a decision by the US to go to war with Iran early. That will change things in the region and would technically be the most efficient way to delay them.
Some thoughts: 2030 is 9 years away. By that time, NATO will likely have a much lesser role in the region as the current wars wrap up and the global economies move away from oil. It is more likely the EU will want to engage more in diplomacy by that time. Thus for Turkey being in NATO may just be a headache.

As far as Iran’s situation is concerned, they didn’t develop their nuclear program to power up some bazaars. They’re building a diverse infrastructure for latent capability and will make nukes when it’s politically convenient, likely by 2030.

I also think that half of the Golan heights will return to Syria as part of a truce to end the coming war. Israel’s still largely dependent on conventional form of warfare and this will be very problematic in the next conflict.

The caveat here being a decision by the US to go to war with Iran early. That will change things in the region and would technically be the most efficient way to delay them.
And what is the bases of your predictions are astrologer who can predict the future baselessly??? Only god will knows what will happen in the future of the middle East and the whole world
1. Iran deploys nuclear ICBMs and has approximately 50 nuclear warheads. The Iranian axis is strengthened in Syria and Yemen.

Iran may try it but not sure if they will make it at all. It is 50/50 chance

2. Turkey exits NATO and pursues pockets of influences in the ME working along Russia and sometimes the Iranians.

Turkey may try but they may not leave this soon.

3. Sisi is forced to resign in the year 2027 by an Egyptian uprising. The Muslim Brotherhood becomes active again and strengthens their position across North Africa.

This is plausible.

4. Israel goes to war with Lebanon and Syria causing massive destruction to major cities including complete ruin of Damascus and Beirut. Israel loses 50% of Golan heights and cost of war exceeds $150 billion.


5. MBS is toppled by an internal feud over failure of the Yemen war and the subsequent security threat.


6. Iraq shias enter into civil conflict pinning major parties against each other.

7. Khamenei steps down as supreme leader of Iran due to poor health and passes in the year 2028.

Highly plausible but death is hard to predict only Allah can set the time .

8. The United States closes their base in Qatar and strengthens their presence in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Provides nuclear umbrella to gulf states and Saudi Arabia.

USA has little interest now in middle East given that USA is not energy dependent on other countries. USA will put more weight in Asia Pacific than in Middle East. Middle east is more or less dead as the region provides little interest to USA due to abject failure of their venture in spreading their model of democracy and self reliance on energy.

9. The Taliban enter Kabul and the Afghanistan government falls. Fighting is not prolonged and a new government takes shape headed by the Taliban.

This is highly plausible.

10. Economic diversification proves to be difficult and oil dependent countries initiate austerity measures as quality of life diminishes.

It is already happening.
All of this has to be viewed in the larger back drop of the new Cold War. If Iran has endure sanctions and feels it is missing out on development it will go deeper into the Chinese camp, who will try to influence the Iranians to decrease the instability in the region in order to focus on economic development and better relations with Europe.
1. Iran deploys nuclear ICBMs and has approximately 50 nuclear warheads. The Iranian axis is strengthened in Syria and Yemen.

2. Turkey exits NATO and pursues pockets of influences in the ME working along Russia and sometimes the Iranians.

3. Sisi is forced to resign in the year 2027 by an Egyptian uprising. The Muslim Brotherhood becomes active again and strengthens their position across North Africa.

4. Israel goes to war with Lebanon and Syria causing massive destruction to major cities including complete ruin of Damascus and Beirut. Israel loses 50% of Golan heights and cost of war exceeds $150 billion.

5. MBS is toppled by an internal feud over failure of the Yemen war and the subsequent security threat.

6. Iraq shias enter into civil conflict pinning major parties against each other.

7. Khamenei steps down as supreme leader of Iran due to poor health and passes in the year 2028.

8. The United States closes their base in Qatar and strengthens their presence in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Provides nuclear umbrella to gulf states and Saudi Arabia.

9. The Taliban enter Kabul and the Afghanistan government falls. Fighting is not prolonged and a new government takes shape headed by the Taliban.

10. Economic diversification proves to be difficult and oil dependent countries initiate austerity measures as quality of life diminishes.

I agree with the above statement except that 1. Will most likely turn out Israel will believe it will be worth it to finish Iran off before they can get nukes which is there thinking right now.
Why all the doom and gloom, man?! Sheeesh. How about some positive outlooks for a change.

And BTW, I wouldn't be so quick to discount the importance of oil. Electric batteries are doing a number on the environment in the sense that lithium & nickle batteries are a huge burden and mining for the precious metals that are in all these batteries is not something that will last forever, either. And the further along the technology gets and the longer they want these batteries to hold power and the stronger that power needs to be and the demand could very well eventually create long lasting damage and scarcity to these metals.

What about cost? As mining gets scarce, so will cost go up and then what? Revert back to fossil fuels and certainly back to good ol' gasoline & especially diesel fuel will most certainly be the option. So hold on to that oil because the need for fuel will make a full circle and they'll be coming back for it in due time. There's my bold prediction!
Why all the doom and gloom, man?! Sheeesh. How about some positive outlooks for a change.

And BTW, I wouldn't be so quick to discount the importance of oil. Electric batteries are doing a number on the environment in the sense that lithium & nickle batteries are a huge burden and mining for the precious metals that are in all these batteries is not something that will last forever, either. And the further along the technology gets and the longer they want these batteries to hold power and the stronger that power needs to be and the demand could very well eventually create long lasting damage and scarcity to these metals.

What about cost? As mining gets scarce, so will cost go up and then what? Revert back to fossil fuels and certainly back to good ol' gasoline & especially diesel fuel will most certainly be the option. So hold on to that oil because the need for fuel will make a full circle and they'll be coming back for it in due time. There's my bold prediction!

Electric Vehicle battery can be recycled and yes there will be issues if nickle and cobalt become very scarce but the technology will make battery become more efficient as well.

Oil will be staying but the industry will likely shrink quite large. Indonesia, for instant, if after 2030 has 50 % of their vehicle go electric, we likely dont need to import oil anymore and will be self sufficient. Oil will be used for airplane, helicopter, ships, heavy vehichle like trucks, and military vehicles and tanks. It will be still considered as strategic asset for any country who own enough oil.

Coal and gas usage will be shrinked as well but not as many as oil since renewable energy will be favored and increased over time. That is my prediction.
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