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Kuwait Joins Oman, Saudi Arabia And Qatar In Straight-Out Rejection Of Anti-India Propaganda

He is more official than all you Indians combined, pajeet.

Its ok, he is so official that his twitter account is blocked in India and soon his fake news will be ignored by people.
Its ok, he is so official that his twitter account is blocked in India and soon his fake news will be ignored by people.

LOL you stupid H, you do understand that VPNs exist, right?

Sure. From he is not official to we blocked his account LOL Make up your mind because you don't sound very stable.

Classic pajeetism right there. They're really just insulting themselves.
Fake in the sense, the note is not intended for today's purpose.
Sir you are calling an official note fake and then not giving any official Kuwati source. Why is that all sources you give are from India and not Kuwait? I am giving you kuwati sources. If you look beyond your bias you will understand what is fake and what is the truth here. I am all ears if you have some kuwati source of your claim plz bring it. I have checked 5 Kuwati ministries and they have issued no such statement what your news is saying. If you have anything official from GCC please post it I will condemn the spread of fake news.
Sure. From he is not official to we blocked his account LOL Make up your mind because you don't sound very stable.

Yes I do Nasha every day after 7 PM and then address my country.

Sir you are calling an official note fake and then not giving any official Kuwati source. Why is that all sources you give are from India and not Kuwait? I am giving you kuwati sources. If you look beyond your bias you will understand what is fake and what is the truth here. I am all ears if you have some kuwati source of your claim plz bring it. I have checked 5 Kuwati ministries and they have issued no such statement what your news is saying. If you have anything official from GCC please post it I will condemn the spread of fake news.

This was from Indian sources, I believe MEA will not lie and leak an irresponsible statement to media. Secondly the note is dated 2nd march.

check this middle eastern source
after clicking search "anurag"
Yes I do Nasha every day after 7 PM and then address my country.

This was from Indian sources, I believe MEA will not lie and leak an irresponsible statement to media. Secondly the note is dated 2nd march.

Explains your flip-flopping.
Yes I do Nasha every day after 7 PM and then address my country.

This was from Indian sources, I believe MEA will not lie and leak an irresponsible statement to media. Secondly the note is dated 2nd march.
I dont care what the date is what matters is that document is official and proves its authenticity. If India has said that Kuwait thinks other wise then India should give some evidence of that from a kuwati source. If the Kuwati minister came in dream of Indian minister then sorry that will not be considered evidence. Please be a bit factual my friend.
I dont care what the date is what matters is that document is official and proves its authenticity. If India has said that Kuwait thinks other wise then India should give some evidence of that from a kuwati source. If the Kuwati minister came in dream of Indian minister then sorry that will not be considered evidence. Please be a bit factual my friend.

read my previous post, I edited it and gave middle east source.
read my previous post, I edited it and gave middle east source.
Sir I have asked you 100 times middle eastern source not western ones with middle Easter names plz. I have given you official letter and official tweets which you are calling fake and giving me some unknown medforum.org what is this. Plz come with something authentic. Like I gave you.

read my previous post, I edited it and gave middle east source.
I have checked medforum.org it is a godaddy hosted Indian site so what should i do?
Pakistan has mounted this fake campaign . They are the ones spending the countries energies promoting this lunacy in the belief that they can get Indians thrown out of the Gulf.
Morons do not realise these relationships go back hundreds of years and are backed by billions of dollars of interdependent trade. Bharwana's of Pakistan actually believe that tweets and fake volcanic rage by him and his ilk is going to change this .
They think all Gulf residents share the fantasies of Pakistan's Bajwa or the COAS and his puppet IK


But I guarantee you one thing . Tens of thousands of Pakistani's ARE GOING TO HAVE TO LEAVE THE GULF IN THE COMING MONTHS.

I also guarantee that India and the Gulf will grow closer because India with China, will become the ONLY dependable LARGE SCALE buyer of Gulf energy, making these 2 countries totally essential in maintaining the Gulf living standards

It's time to wake up from the dream and smell the coffee, opening a million threads on ropy tweets is not going realise this Pakistani fantasy.

IK decided some time ago that Pakistan is a lost cause and cannot be reformed, so he has turned Pakistan into a mono manic fake factory against India and all Indians as belonging to the RSS and BJP killing muslims .
He has no stomach to deal with Pakistan's problems but spends his time endlessly denouncing Modi, BJP, India, Indians etc etc. This has ensured Pakistan's eye's are focused on hating India.
Mean-while Pakistan economically, and in other ways, pays the price of stupid unfulfilled, ludicrous, promises and incompetent governance
Pakistan has mounted this fake campaign . They are the ones spending the countries energies promoting this lunacy in the belief that they can get Indians thrown out of the Gulf.
Morons do not realise these relationships go back hundreds of years and are backed by billions of dollars of interdependent trade. Bharwana's of Pakistan actually believe that tweets and fake volcanic rage by him and his ilk is going to change this .
They think all Gulf residents share the fantasies of Pakistan's Bajwa or the COAS and his puppet IK


But I guarantee you one thing . Tens of thousands of Pakistani's ARE GOING TO HAVE TO LEAVE THE GULF IN THE COMING MONTHS.

I also guarantee that India and the Gulf will grow closer because India with China, will become the ONLY dependable LARGE SCALE buyer of Gulf energy, making these 2 countries totally essential in maintaining the Gulf living standards

It's time to wake up from the dream and smell the coffee, opening a million threads on ropy tweets is not going realise this Pakistani fantasy.

IK decided some time ago that Pakistan is a lost cause and cannot be reformed, so he has turned Pakistan into a mono manic fake factory against India and all Indians as belonging to the RSS and BJP killing muslims .
He has no stomach to deal with Pakistan's problems but spends his time endlessly denouncing Modi, BJP, India, Indians etc etc. This has ensured Pakistan's eye's are focused on hating India.
Mean-while Pakistan economically, and in other ways, pays the price of stupid unfulfilled, ludicrous, promises and incompetent governance

Everything from Kashmiri protestors, dekhi nca protests, fake currency, to arabs dishin out doses in Twitter, pigeon and camel spies is Pakistani conspiracy.

Im sorry, could it be that Pakistan is also behind the birth of low iq sanghis too?

Pakistani leaving GULF lol, wet dreams...
Pakistan has mounted this fake campaign . They are the ones spending the countries energies promoting this lunacy in the belief that they can get Indians thrown out of the Gulf.
Morons do not realise these relationships go back hundreds of years and are backed by billions of dollars of interdependent trade. Bharwana's of Pakistan actually believe that tweets and fake volcanic rage by him and his ilk is going to change this .
They think all Gulf residents share the fantasies of Pakistan's Bajwa or the COAS and his puppet IK


But I guarantee you one thing . Tens of thousands of Pakistani's ARE GOING TO HAVE TO LEAVE THE GULF IN THE COMING MONTHS.

I also guarantee that India and the Gulf will grow closer because India with China, will become the ONLY dependable LARGE SCALE buyer of Gulf energy, making these 2 countries totally essential in maintaining the Gulf living standards

It's time to wake up from the dream and smell the coffee, opening a million threads on ropy tweets is not going realise this Pakistani fantasy.

IK decided some time ago that Pakistan is a lost cause and cannot be reformed, so he has turned Pakistan into a mono manic fake factory against India and all Indians as belonging to the RSS and BJP killing muslims .
He has no stomach to deal with Pakistan's problems but spends his time endlessly denouncing Modi, BJP, India, Indians etc etc. This has ensured Pakistan's eye's are focused on hating India.
Mean-while Pakistan economically, and in other ways, pays the price of stupid unfulfilled, ludicrous, promises and incompetent governance
You are talking to people who believe they could defeat India in a conventional war. They can't grasp economics and are deep into emotions. They are idiots when it comes to foreign policy. Just look at SMQ statement today. That moron calling the world for possible genocide in India when all of India is busy fighting Covid19. How idiotic is that?
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