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Kuwait Joins Oman, Saudi Arabia And Qatar In Straight-Out Rejection Of Anti-India Propaganda

Pakistan has mounted this fake campaign . They are the ones spending the countries energies promoting this lunacy in the belief that they can get Indians thrown out of the Gulf.
Morons do not realise these relationships go back hundreds of years and are backed by billions of dollars of interdependent trade. Bharwana's of Pakistan actually believe that tweets and fake volcanic rage by him and his ilk is going to change this .
They think all Gulf residents share the fantasies of Pakistan's Bajwa or the COAS and his puppet IK


But I guarantee you one thing . Tens of thousands of Pakistani's ARE GOING TO HAVE TO LEAVE THE GULF IN THE COMING MONTHS.

I also guarantee that India and the Gulf will grow closer because India with China, will become the ONLY dependable LARGE SCALE buyer of Gulf energy, making these 2 countries totally essential in maintaining the Gulf living standards

It's time to wake up from the dream and smell the coffee, opening a million threads on ropy tweets is not going realise this Pakistani fantasy.

IK decided some time ago that Pakistan is a lost cause and cannot be reformed, so he has turned Pakistan into a mono manic fake factory against India and all Indians as belonging to the RSS and BJP killing muslims .
He has no stomach to deal with Pakistan's problems but spends his time endlessly denouncing Modi, BJP, India, Indians etc etc. This has ensured Pakistan's eye's are focused on hating India.
Mean-while Pakistan economically, and in other ways, pays the price of stupid unfulfilled, ludicrous, promises and incompetent governance

I sense your frustration. Even in English speaking world, Indian has increasingly a bad reputation, fake call centres. Youtube has many popular scam busting channels highlighting how indian government under modi allows Indians to con white people. Do rss justify ripping of British people for past rule?

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