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  1. P

    Pew Survey: Pakistanis Strongly Believe in Working Hard to Succeed

    Oh ! ya Any one can make guess by condition of pak , How hard they are working to beg "Fokat Money" from all over world.
  2. P

    Pakistan Hindus oppose revival of Indo-Pak cricket series

    We all know Pakistani are liars all the time they lie Notes of Shyodha: Pakistanis are pathological liars: Richard Clarke
  3. P

    Bollywood threatens to quit Mumbai!!!

    Oh ! yaaaaaaa Terrorist actors yours and Hero Actors Ours let them chase.
  4. P

    India May Be Heading To Mars

    Don't Mix the things , solving electricity problem mean stopping modernization ??? what a Logic ? then stop using mobile , TV , REF , Stop making cars , Industries taking too much electricity stop it , Stop the country. doesn't make any sense. Do you have even an IDEA ? money we are...
  5. P

    India May Be Heading To Mars

    WAH WAH !! KAY DIMAG PAYA HAI , Einstein ke bad apaka hi number hai. thank god you didn't said stop using mobiles and TV,wahing machine,RFTR etc. things to solve electricity problem. All things are workin on their place , electricity has nothing to do with Mars mission , and its near about...
  6. P

    Sunil Gavaskar criticises BCCI's decision to resume ties with Pakistan

    ok Sorry to all ......................................THE END
  7. P

    Sunil Gavaskar criticises BCCI's decision to resume ties with Pakistan

    You slaughtered ? We did give permission to make two parts one For "Animals = pakistan" and one for "Humans=india". We daily see how Animals kill each other. :yahoo:
  8. P

    Sunil Gavaskar criticises BCCI's decision to resume ties with Pakistan

    what does it matter ! we kicked (W)hole bangaldesh out of pakistan :taz:
  9. P

    Sunil Gavaskar criticises BCCI's decision to resume ties with Pakistan

    what does it matter ! we kicked (W)hole bangaldesh out of pakistan :taz:
  10. P

    Sunil Gavaskar criticises BCCI's decision to resume ties with Pakistan

    Lol it took Decade , When they saw the condition of pak army they got the frustration BBC News - Pakistan buries 24 troops killed in Nato airstrike...
  11. P

    Sunil Gavaskar criticises BCCI's decision to resume ties with Pakistan

    do you know when Two indian sol. were ice skating waht happend Siachen 124 Pakistan Soldiers Killed due to Glacier Falling News Updates hahahahaha your Foolish Burkha sol. can not fight with indian amy , all the time they get killed in earthqueck and glacier-falling do you know...
  12. P

    Differences in the professionalism of Indian soldier and a Pakistani soldie

    :girl_wacko: R U VEENA MALIK ? :woot:
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    Differences in the professionalism of Indian soldier and a Pakistani soldie

    is she often come with such weird and nonsense posts ? or this is some special occasion ?
  14. P

    Differences in the professionalism of Indian soldier and a Pakistani soldie

    Don't post anything To just get some more thanks from pakistani members :angel: Doctor was prisoner if he would have refused to give blood or treat him , Indian army would have :sniper: Blood outed him. So it was Fear not "social work" or RED CROSS Blood donation Camp AND General Ian...
  15. P

    India all set to give go ahead for Mars mission

    I have doubt that RCRMJ is chinese , He don't know about their own missions ?? its not possible
  16. P

    Electricity for Pakistan

    problem is pakistan is less focoused on their internal problems
  17. P

    Three Hindu traders kidnapped in Pakistan

    this is the reality of pak! , who pretend to be gentleman on forums but kidnapers are chachs , mamus,relatives of these forum gentlemen :angry:
  18. P

    If Indians Are So Smart, Then Where Are The Indian Googles, iPads and Viagr

    there is difference in literacy AND EDUCATION , its ability to Read and Write , A kuran reader Mullha is literate but it dosen't mean that he is Educated. :coffee:
  19. P

    Why Do Indians?

    Oh really ! What is RANK of PAK ? No rank mean NO IQ ???? hahahahaha These tests are just about prepration and How BIG MUGGER you are about ? its dosen't decide real world abilities of Students. practicaly Indian students have highest demand is corporate world than any other nation. They...
  20. P

    If Indians Are So Smart, Then Where Are The Indian Googles, iPads and Viagr

    Stop pretending As a german "Paku"
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