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India all set to give go ahead for Mars mission

That's a hoax. I mean, it isnt the golden egg like many people have made it out to be. First of all its very rare even on the moon...iirc like 100 million tons of dust need to be filtered for 1 ton of helium 3.
And for now, it's only use would be in fusion reactors, which noone has.
We are talking about distant future, after 3-4 decades...until then we have fission reactor..may be we may build fusion one by then.....And it is a golden egg, I will take our famous scientist's words and possible scenario over yours...

BTW there is Discovery Channel documentary over this.....
If India can send a probe to mars, it would be a monumental achievement. However, in the military field, India has a reputation of either take forever to complete something or quite because of technical difficulties (such as Kaveri) I understand that this is a space exploration and its something that will occur soon. But wouldn't it be more prudent for a country with a history of failed projects to accomplish something first and then brag about it. That way, if the project failed for some reason, its not noticeable.
If India can send a probe to mars, it would be a monumental achievement. However, in the military field, India has a reputation of either take forever to complete something or quite because of technical difficulties (such as Kaveri) I understand that this is a space exploration and its something that will occur soon. But wouldn't it be more prudent for a country with a history of failed projects to accomplish something first and then brag about it. That way, if the project failed for some reason, its not noticeable.
ISRO is way better than DRDO...and with even small budgets compared to other countries', it has given impressive results....

So I personally think ISRO won't fail....
^^ so what are A 1,A 2,A 3,A 4,A5, P1,P2,P3,Akash?

and what about Arihant?
If India can send a probe to mars, it would be a monumental achievement. However, in the military field, India has a reputation of either take forever to complete something or quite because of technical difficulties (such as Kaveri) I understand that this is a space exploration and its something that will occur soon. But wouldn't it be more prudent for a country with a history of failed projects to accomplish something first and then brag about it. That way, if the project failed for some reason, its not noticeable.

You sound like a broken record here. When did any ISRO representative brag about any unaccomplished project here?
Not on time...many delays....comparatively less efficient.

but A 4 and A 5 are much more sophisticated and have much greater range than A 2,A3 despite not much increase in weight

and my post was wrt to post of shri faithful guy's post which is just above yours
ISRO is way better than DRDO...and with even small budgets compared to other countries', it has given impressive results....

So I personally think ISRO won't fail....

Is ISRO going to be in charge of the Indian manned space program?
Is ISRO going to be in charge of the Indian manned space program?
Yup......like the moon mission...not sure of DRDO's input if any..

i sincere advise indians that celebrates anything after it was done.
In our country unless you present a dream or out of the ordinary project (which cannot be bought or serve other purposes), you won't get funds.....:hitwall:
i sincere advise indians that celebrates anything after it was done.

Dont feel bad ...Chinese

We are happy and celebrating the india's attempt for it...and we wish for the success.....

Nobody can stop us to feel good for it.....
Take everything Indians say with a big grain of salt.

They brag and have ambitious goals but always fail to deliver the results to back up their boasting.

Just a few examples:

1) commonwealth games disaster.
2) Kaveri engine failure.
3) Indian GDP growth going to overtake china. :lol:
4) Mumbai going to surpass shanghai.

Etc etc etc

Lots of promises and bragging, but fires blanks when it comes to results.
Take everything Indians say with a big grain of salt.

They brag and have ambitious goals but always fail to deliver the results to back up their boasting.

Just a few examples:

1) commonwealth games disaster.
2) Kaveri engine failure.
3) Indian GDP growth going to overtake china. :lol:
4) Mumbai going to surpass shanghai.

Etc etc etc

Lots of promises and bragging, but fires blanks when it comes to results.
-What makes you think CWG was a disaster??The players didn't think so...........
-After utilisation in Ships, trains, UCAV's , and even in AMCA in the future, you still think it's a failiure???
-Only once PM made an optimistic statement, and you all hung on it like it was your lifeline............Did the Ancient Chinese know that they shouldn't call themselves "Middle Kingdom" because they were going to be in the East???

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