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India all set to give go ahead for Mars mission

Take everything Indians say with a big grain of salt.

They brag and have ambitious goals but always fail to deliver the results to back up their boasting.

Just a few examples:

1) commonwealth games disaster.
2) Kaveri engine failure.
3) Indian GDP growth going to overtake china. :lol:
4) Mumbai going to surpass shanghai.

Etc etc etc

Lots of promises and bragging, but fires blanks when it comes to results.
Own nuclear submarine built
Own ACC to be completed soon
Own BMD shield developed.
Own Space program, sent orbiter to Moon, found water working alongside with NASA
Look at the bright side too....

BTW, remain on topic, your same old rant just spoil the discussion with other Chinese posters, they laugh at us but they don't go off topic like you...
If India can send a probe to mars, it would be a monumental achievement. However, in the military field, India has a reputation of either take forever to complete something or quite because of technical difficulties (such as Kaveri) I understand that this is a space exploration and its something that will occur soon. But wouldn't it be more prudent for a country with a history of failed projects to accomplish something first and then brag about it. That way, if the project failed for some reason, its not noticeable.
Kaveri is only one project, and it is not even a failed one......
Agni series, Arihant, K series(sagarika), Rustom, Tejas(except the engine ofcourse), Rajendra and Akash are all projects that achieved huge milestones..........
The list goes on and on.........

BTW which nation has success the first time it tries??Did the Chinese succeeded the first time they tried to launch a manned space mission??Or the second time for that matter??
Own nuclear submarine built
Own ACC to be completed soon
Own BMD shield developed.
Own Space program, sent orbiter to Moon, found water working alongside with NASA
Look at the bright side too....

BTW, remain on topic, your same old rant just spoil the discussion with other Chinese posters, they laugh at us but they don't go off topic like you...

Since when do you play all nice guy in here?

You used to be one of the biggest china bashers on this forum.
Since when do you play all nice guy in here?

You used to be one of the biggest china bashers on this forum.
Ask around, ask Pakistani and Chinese posters...I may have difference of opinion but I indulge in friendly leg pulling not all out Pakistani and China bashing unless tempted by few posters to the extreme.
1) commonwealth games disaster.

Despite initial problems, the commonwealth games went on.

2) Kaveri engine failure.
Declared by you? nobody from the Indian MOD has hinted at closing the project.

3) Indian GDP growth going to overtake china. :lol:

Indian GDP growth did overtake China's in 2010.

4) Mumbai going to surpass shanghai.

PM Singh merely said people are going to be talking about Mumbai rather than Shanghai, nowhere did he mention Mumbai going to surpass shanghai

Etc etc etc

Lucky for us , that you say etc or else we'd be subjected more of your ignorance.

Lots of promises and bragging, but fires blanks when it comes to results.

Lot of misinterpretation and ignorance, but natak Noor Jahan se bhi zyada.
look out, Americans are jealous.:azn:

they are starting their sabotage soon.
Ask around, ask Pakistani and Chinese posters...I may have difference of opinion but I indulge in friendly leg pulling not all out Pakistani and China bashing unless tempted by few posters to the extreme.

KRAIT is actually one of those rare Indians who is not a troll.
We are talking about distant future, after 3-4 decades...until then we have fission reactor..may be we may build fusion one by then.....And it is a golden egg, I will take our famous scientist's words and possible scenario over yours...

BTW there is Discovery Channel documentary over this.....

Can you link your scientists words or scenarios if possible?

25 tons of it to power US for a year, equalling about 3 billion $. Sounds good no?
There's just this small bad in this theory, that according to estimates (not mine, scientific:) you'd need to filter through 100 million tons of it for 1 tone.
Tell me how feasible this sounds to you in the timeframe you have given (30-40 years).

This on top of the fact that there's serious issues with the size of the fussion plant that uses He3 as it's fuel. The plant would have to be much larger then existing planned ones due to the fact that the energy needed to fuse 2 helium 3 atoms is much greater then the normal Deuterium-Tritium combo.
when will that happen? as far as China's reliability of rocket technology is concerned, its hard to say since failures are covered up

Use some common sense! No rocket launch can be hidden from the watchfull eyes of the US and Russia and no country would be stupid enough to launch a rocket without noticing the UN body to make sure that a rocket launch cannot be mistaken as an ICBM launch.
Indian satellite GSAT-10 to be launched in 2 months: ISRO
India's 3400-kg communication satellite GSAT-10 is now ready to be shipped to the spaceport at Kourou in French Guiana for launch by European space consortium Arianespace in two months, according to Indian Space Research Organisation Chairman, K Radhakrishnan.

"GSAT-10 with 30 transponders is ready to be shipped for launch. This launch is expected in middle of September," Radhakrishnan, also Secretary in the Department of Space and Chairman of Space Commission, said on the sidelines of the 39th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) being held here.

Officials of Bangalore-headquartered space agency said it is a three-axis body stabilised geostationary satellite based on ISRO's three-ton structure to provide communication services/augment existing services. It carries 12 normal C band, six extended C band, 12 Ku band transponders. The satellite will have a minimum operational life of 15 years.

Radhakrishnan said ISRO hopes to conduct flight testing of its Geosynchronous Launch Vehicle (GSLV) with indigenous cryogenic engine and stage by January next year.

GSLV flight with indigenous cryogenic engine and stage conducted by ISRO in April 2010 and the one with Russian engine and stage in December that year had failed.

"We have done a lot of studies to find out the reason for the failure and taken corrective actions. We have conducted almost 40 tests on subsystems as well as on the engine. A couple of weeks ago, flight engine was tested for 200 seconds. That's cleared for assembly as a flight stage," he said.

Cryogenic engine and flight stage should be ready by November. ISRO needs to conduct two more ground tests before committing the flight, which is expected by the year-end or January next year, Radhakrishnan said.
Indian satellite GSAT-10 to be launched in 2 months: ISRO - India - DNA
China tops the overall lauches in the world now and we put dozens of satelites on the orbit to make our own GPS system,and we send men and woman up to the space to build space station,and you can call all of them are fake ,even those launches live on tv.and all your India's are real.

Who brought China into the debate? China spends more on its space agency (owing to China's economy being many times larger than India's) so it would be worrying if it wasn't further ahead in India wrt space tech. But with ISRO's modest budget no one can deny it is doing remarkably well- multiple successful satilite launches (both foreign and domestic markets catered to) a year, missions to the moon and a pretty good safety record. The future is incredibly bright for the two giant Asian space players IMHO with NASA significanlty drawing-down space commitments for the foreseeable future. In a few decades India and China will fill this void left by NASA and will be, no doubt, the 2 biggest space powers on the Earth and I think there is huge scope to work together (India and China) to further understand the "final frontier" and push the boundaries of mankind in space further- this is my hope anyway.

IMO space exploration should be for ALL mankind and I am pleased China (and India) has ambitious plans for space missions in the future. I was incredibly sad when I heard NASA was cutting back and reducing many space projects such as Moon missions and the Shuttle. In the future we could see Chinese and Indian astronauts on the Moon and with their own space shuttles?
Götterdämmerung;3186453 said:
Use some common sense! No rocket launch can be hidden from the watchfull eyes of the US and Russia and no country would be stupid enough to launch a rocket without noticing the UN body to make sure that a rocket launch cannot be mistaken as an ICBM launch.

That doesnt mean the info about a failed launch would be leaked into the public by either.

Who brought China into the debate? China spends more on its space agency (owing to China's economy being many times larger than India's) so it would be worrying if it wasn't further ahead in India wrt space tech. But with ISRO's modest budget no one can deny it is doing remarkably well- multiple successful satilite launches (both foreign and domestic markets catered to) a year, missions to the moon and a pretty good safety record. The future is incredibly bright for the two giant Asian space players IMHO with NASA significanlty drawing-down space commitments for the foreseeable future. In a few decades India and China will fill this void left by NASA and will be, no doubt, the 2 biggest space powers on the Earth and I think there is huge scope to work together (India and China) to further understand the "final frontier" and push the boundaries of mankind in space further- this is my hope anyway.

IMO space exploration should be for ALL mankind and I am pleased China (and India) has ambitious plans for space missions in the future. I was incredibly sad when I heard NASA was cutting back and reducing many space projects such as Moon missions and the Shuttle. In the future we could see Chinese and Indian astronauts on the Moon and with their own space shuttles?

My jedi knight powers sense low morale! :D

Considering you are British, how 'bout you look up Skylon and see if that cheers you up, eh! xD
That doesnt mean the info about a failed launch would be leaked into the public by either.

What about the UN body where every country has to register their launches and publicised anually? Anyway, the rocket launching business is highly competitive and any failure of your competitor will be used against them. It's the money that speaks the loudest.


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