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India all set to give go ahead for Mars mission

how do you know (the russian didnt know, the U.S didnt know, but i guess a clueless hindi knows)?

besides does india have anything can send an orbit to Mars? no i dont think so too, so here we again to have another Indian style 'ragging before doing' comedy, lets wait and laugh until next year Nov``lol
Same thing was said by people like you...India can't build super computer, They can't send satellite, Thery can't develop ICBM or nuclear submarine by another decade, they can't send orbiter to moon...and the list goes on but what India did.......Action speaks louder than words.....we had failures, we had delays...but we did it.

So joke is on whom...one with half a wit can understand....:drag:
China tops the overall lauches in the world now and we put dozens of satelites on the orbit to make our own GPS system,and we send men and woman up to the space to build space station,and you can call all of them are fake ,even those launches live on tv.and all your India's are real.
China tops the overall lauches in the world now and we put dozens of satelites on the orbit to make our own GPS system,and we send men and woman up to the space to build space station,and you can call all of them are fake ,even those launches live on tv.and all your India's are real.
You savor your accomplishments we savor ours....so posters of both sides should stop being so rude. If India brags, then why do you all reply by bragging your accomplishments. Let us brag.....you are free to mock us if we completely fail and abandon the project, not because we plan or try....
You savor your accomplishments we savor ours....so posters of both sides should stop being so rude. If India brags, then why do you all reply by bragging your accomplishments. Let us brag.....you are free to mock us if we completely fail and abandon the project, not because we plan or try....

please go to the previous page,I just answered a question made by an Indian poster,nothing more.
China tops the overall lauches in the world now and we put dozens of satelites on the orbit to make our own GPS system,and we send men and woman up to the space to build space station,and you can call all of them are fake ,even those launches live on tv.and all your India's are real.

nobody disputes the number of launches of china. the issue u brought up was "reliability" which is the ratio of successful launches to total launches
Why is there an India china clash in all the forums... Are we insane? China no matter who opposes is well ahead of India in terms of Technology and about quality issues, I later discovered that it was all a western propaganda to increase their market value downsizing the Chinese. I too once believed that all the Chinese items are poor quality but not anymore.

If India were developed as like china , our products too would be branded cheap and poor quality by the west.

It is forbidden to decry other sects; the true believer gives honor to whatever in them is worthy of honor. - Emperor Ashoka
nobody disputes the number of launches of china. the issue u brought up was "reliability" which is the ratio of successful launches to total launches
Do you even know China's reliability ratio.....look up their launches and failure....its foolish to mis-judge others....they have good track record....atleast better than us....One has to admit China is emerging as a formidable space player. Its upto us that we take lead in other programs....they establishing space station, we should work more on Mars mission and Sun mission which was planned (don't know its status)
nobody disputes the number of launches of china. the issue u brought up was "reliability" which is the ratio of successful launches to total launches

Russian report

China becomes world leader in number of space launches
Jul 6, 2012 17:19 Moscow Time

Vasili Kashin Jul 6, 2012 17:19 Moscow Time

In the first half of 2012, China has for the first time become the global leader in the number of space launches. China carried out ten space launches, Russia – nine, and the United States in third with eight.

Last year China was ahead of the United States for the first time. The Asian state had launched 19 carrier rockets, while the US only 18. At the same time, China was far behind Russia. Last year 32 carrier rockets were launched from Russian space launch sites. Two more rockets were launched from the French tropical Kuru spaceport and one from the sea launch platform belonging to the Russian-American joint venture “Sea Launch”.

“Despite the results of the first half of the year, China will still be lagging behind Russia this year,” says Vasily Kashin from the Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies. “Russia is planning to launch 36 carrier rockets and that does not include the ‘Sea Launch’ program or launches from Kuru spaceport. And China is planning to launch 21 carrier rockets. So far, Russia has many more advantages over China in terms of its experience in managing orbital stations and its research of deep space. Russia has been manufacturing carrier rockets of the heavy class for a long time already, and China is only starting to develop them. And Russia’s manned space and carrier rocket program gives all reasons to hope that it will be able to keep the qualitative advantage. Certain Russian technologies, like compact nuclear reactors for spacecraft for example, are still unique and inaccessible to China.”

The difference between Russia’s and China’s space programs is that the Russian program is export-oriented. Half of Russia’s launches last year was fulfilling export orders or under joint space programs with other countries. In China, only three launches were carried out as part of the international cooperation program.

The advantage of China nowadays is the high reliability of its spacecraft and equipment.Thus, for instance, last year only one launch was a failure. The potential of the Chinese space industry might grow significantly, believes Vasily Kashin.

“China has started designing several new types of carrier rockets, including a giant CZ-9 which will have a 3000-ton take-off weight and Earth orbit carrying capacity of more than 100 tons. Not long ago, China became the second country after Russia to produce a 120-ton liquid rocket engine.”

The successful launch of the Shenzhou-9 spacecraft allowed the testing of many systems of the Tiangong-1 orbital module – a prototype of the future space station. Tiangong has only one dock, which means the crew can only work on the module for twenty days. However, this is quite sufficient to get the required experience in using the life support systems of the future orbital station.

Considering the successful efforts in developing the first Chinese orbital station, plans to conduct research of the Deep Space Chinese space program in the next decade might be comparable to the programs implemented in the Soviet Union in the 1980s. But this time the Chinese programs will be implemented on the modern technical level. The result could be a new competition in space between China and the United States with participation of Russia and the European Union. As the experience of the Cold War has shown, such competition might be an important factor in the progress of all humanity.

sorry guys,I dont mean to mess with India's achievements,all those achievements are good for the world,I just came in to answer an Indian poster's question about China,I m out of here.
Well as they say if you shoot a moon, you get stars. India is living example. We had written off for many things but we did it. Being ambitious has served well for us.:tup:
GOOD LUCK TEAM INDIA just like Formula 1 (A1) gram free yes they WON the tittle hah time waisterz :rofl:
Well as they say if you shoot a moon, you get stars. India is living example. We had written off for many things but we did it. Being ambitious has served well for us.:tup:
Actually saying is that If you shoot for the stars you will atleast reach the moon....but I got your point..............:D
GOOD LUCK TEAM INDIA just like Formula 1 (A1) gram free yes they WON the tittle hah time waisterz :rofl:
Do you know F1 race held in India......yes....we have F1 circuit and F1 team(its in nascent stage it will take years to be a formidable competitor but atleast we are trying)....before mocking anyone, atleast do some research otherwise you, yourself become laughing stock....:drag:
....can somehow find a way to mine Helium-3 (very rare resource) in next decade that will be a commercial success.

That's a hoax. I mean, it isnt the golden egg like many people have made it out to be. First of all its very rare even on the moon...iirc like 100 million tons of dust need to be filtered for 1 ton of helium 3.
And for now, it's only use would be in fusion reactors, which noone has.

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