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  1. Kastor

    Influential Cleric Tells Khamenei Iran's 'Current Situation Cannot Continue'

    Gutsy letter....but he's right. https://en.radiofarda.com/a/influential-cleric-tells-khamenei-iran-s-current-situation-cannot-continue-/30693992.html One of Iran's most high-ranking and politically prominent clerics has warned the Islamic Republic's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei that his...
  2. Kastor

    Iran Mission posted an opinion piece in WSJ---U.S. should return to JCPOA

    Nice letter, albeit a little too concise Concerning your editorial “Iran’s Pre-Deal Deceptions” (June 10): The JCPOA, or Iran nuclear deal, addressed every concern regarding any peaceful nuclear work conducted by Iran. After two years of intensive negotiations all parties were satisfied that...
  3. Kastor

    IAEA is bought and paid for by the Triad: US, UK and France...the game is a foot

    The game being Pomepo's last push to dismantle the JCPOA. Iran has been doing some work behind the scene but not enough in my opinion. We must directly lobby the other UNSC and IAEA members. This will come to a vote and a logical plea may thwart Pompeo/Hook's plans. The rhetoric is definitely...
  4. Kastor

    UN report places the blame for Saudi attack on Iranians

    https://www.independent.ie/world-news/middlehe-east/un-report-places-the-blame-for-saudi-attack-on-iranians-39282504.html Look out...they're slowly setting the stage for UNSC vote. An FDD/AIPAC/Netanyahu ruse to kill what ever remains of the JCPOA, to make sure the next U.S. president cannot...
  5. Kastor

    Former deputy mayor of Tehran being tried for billion dollar corruption

    All I have to say it's about time....it will take this type of action to stop or curtail rampant corruption. Either long jail sentences or executions are needed and can go a long way to make these guys think twice about stealing......it's ironic though that this guy's boss is now the Speaker of...
  6. Kastor

    Legal spat goes into hi gear between U.S. and the UK

    British Media: Wanted Notice Issued for Wife of US Diplomat over Fatal Crash https://www.voanews.com/usa/british-media-wanted-notice-issued-wife-us-diplomat-over-fatal-crash British media are reporting that the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) has issued a wanted notice...
  7. Kastor

    Is the U.S. setting up a coup in Iraq?

    Fellow member Raptor brought up some good points about a lot of activity in the Persian Gulf and surrounding area....what does it mean? This maybe about Iraq and not Iran! There have been rumors about the U.S. dislike of the Iraqi civilian government, could this be the first stage of a military...
  8. Kastor

    US forces leave ‘critical’ Iraqi base due to war of attrition

    This is the kind of victories Iran gets but goes unnoticed, because the world is busy talking about the bad asses who took out Iran's general......arguably below is a much bigger defat in the grand scheme of things....the U.S. will leave Iraq, sooner rather than later...
  9. Kastor

    Zionist media goes ballistic over Newsweek Iran cover :)

    The Zionist grip on the media couldn't stop this one....haha. what a nice Christmas gift for them.......take note of the institutes and people who are outraged. All of them are Israel paid shills or Israeli government intelligence fronts. Like FDD, UANI and Hudson institute....score one for the...
  10. Kastor

    Iran riots: Armed Protesters try to kill Khamenei's Rep in Yazd

    Bodyguards Foil Assassination Attempt on Iranian Supreme Leader's Rep Amid Gas Tax Protests - Report https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201911181077343337-bodyguards-foil-assassination-attempt-on-iranian-supreme-leaders-rep-amid-gas-tax-protests---report/ "Security forces have foiled the...
  11. Kastor

    Anti-Iran advocacy group FDD registers to lobby---(More like forced to register)

    Ladies and Gentlemen FDD is now a lobby group...no longer can they hide in the shadows of an educational or charitable organization. This means they will have to account for the money donations and follow the rules of lobbying, even when meeting or otherwise speaking with elected officials will...
  12. Kastor

    Pompeo: Iran did it, Saudi: Iran was behind attack- NYT: well, not so fast...

    Who Was Behind the Saudi Oil Attack? What the Evidence Shows More lies from the B team....... Where the strikes originated remains unclear Administration officials have not publicly said where they believe the attack originated from. They did say that the satellite imagery was consistent with...
  13. Kastor

    Iran, Lebanon, don't fall into Netanyahu's trap

    Iran must tell Hezbollah to back off, this is a well orchestrated escalation by an ever more desperate Netanyahu who's re-election campaign is looking more and more in doubt to secure another term. If Hezbollah attacks it is precisely what this megalomaniac is hoping for. Please do not help this...
  14. Kastor

    Zarif's world tour is in full swing

    I hope you folks won't take this post as "tooting my own horn" as they saying goes, but I feel like we're finally taking action against Israel and the Zionist's propaganda machine....the same machine that has been working overtime to ruin Iran, JCPOA and our standing in the world. I have laid...
  15. Kastor

    Next potential IAEA head is already taking anti Iran stance! What are we doing about it??

    https://www.ft.com/content/f41d02ea-b3cb-11e9-8cb2-799a3a8cf37b So it seems the IAEA's next leader contender has already been bought by the anti-Iran alliance... What is Iran doing to prevent this guy from getting elected? We need to have an emergency meeting with China, Russia and every other...
  16. Kastor

    Israel has officially opened the war on Iran rumors

    The Israeli paper contends that an unnamed UN diplomat (Lol) has confided that the U.S. is planning a tactical strike on limited targets. ....Okay, I have to hand it to them they're at least consistent with their lies. I love the fact that the source is anonymous. Bring it, Iran is ready....but...
  17. Kastor

    Can Iran's government evolve?

    Let me start by saying please don't get offended, this is only a question being posed not a demand or battle cry. I just want to step back and look at Iran in the past 40 years and see where we were and where we can end up. I just think Iran is in a quagmire, we're stuck in neutral, yes we've...
  18. Kastor

    Making the case for the Iranian BOMB!

    Folks, A short bit of history first, if you permit me, we elected a democratic government in 1953 but operation Ajax courtesy of the CIA, because of poor vision and planning of some idiot in washington the Iranian people's hopes were thwarted and this changed the trajectory of Iran's future for...
  19. Kastor

    2nd U.S. carrier strike group steaming towards Persian Gulf

    So now we've heard that Israel has supposedly given intelligence to the U.S. which the talking heads are calling Specific and Credible....(Sorry, give me a sec for my laughter to cease). I love the Irony, how Israel owns these guys....seriously, it's shameful how they play the Pentagon and the...
  20. Kastor

    Weakness of an empire

    Excellent article about U.S. foreign policy https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-03/behold-breathtaking-weakness-empire
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