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Zarif's world tour is in full swing


Mar 22, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
I hope you folks won't take this post as "tooting my own horn" as they saying goes, but I feel like we're finally taking action against Israel and the Zionist's propaganda machine....the same machine that has been working overtime to ruin Iran, JCPOA and our standing in the world. I have laid out many times on this forum that we need to do more PR to counter the lies they spread everyday, they have think tanks that are funded by Jewish billionaires whose sole mission is to destroy Iran economically and undermine our reputation and standing in the world. Some of these think tanks are funded directly by Israel itself through 3rd parties so it will not look like they're breaking U.S. laws. I only saw today that Iran has blacklisted FDD and Mark Dubowitz. Bravo! These are not legitimate think tanks or academic leaders, they are spies of Israel operating under the guise of academia in the U.S....if the Americans are too stupid to do anything about it then we must....we must protect Iran and Iranians from this threat. It serves Mr. Dubowitz right to have to look over his shoulder now, he has cost innocent Iranians with no connection to the regime sever pain and financial hardship, if not lives. We should do more to penalize these so called public groups who are nothing more than an intelligence org for Israel. Next step is to hold a trial for deaths of Iranians that have died due to lack of medicine or procedures due to sanctions....we should find him guilty and issue arrest record for him to stand trial for his actions against Iran. He is a terrorist in a suit.....we need have him in Iran so he can answer for his crimes, like any other terrorist.

Iran imposes sanctions on US think tank over economic terrorism

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Lol @ stopping at legal measures.

I'm not advocating for violence, but the likes of dubogoldbergsteinowitz regularly lobby for violence against Iran. You should incentivise states sympathetic to Iran to extradite FDD and their associates to Iran. The US does the same thing, so there's no reason why Iran shouldn't return the favour.
I hope you folks won't take this post as "tooting my own horn" as they saying goes, but I feel like we're finally taking action against Israel and the Zionist's propaganda machine....the same machine that has been working overtime to ruin Iran, JCPOA and our standing in the world. I have laid out many times on this forum that we need to do more PR to counter the lies they spread everyday, they have think tanks that are funded by Jewish billionaires whose sole mission is to destroy Iran economically and undermine our reputation and standing in the world. Some of these think tanks are funded directly by Israel itself through 3rd parties so it will not look like they're breaking U.S. laws. I only saw today that Iran has blacklisted FDD and Mark Dubowitz. Bravo! These are not legitimate think tanks or academic leaders, they are spies of Israel operating under the guise of academia in the U.S....if the Americans are too stupid to do anything about it then we must....we must protect Iran and Iranians from this threat. It serves Mr. Dubowitz right to have to look over his shoulder now, he has cost innocent Iranians with no connection to the regime sever pain and financial hardship, if not lives. We should do more to penalize these so called public groups who are nothing more than an intelligence org for Israel. Next step is to hold a trial for deaths of Iranians that have died due to lack of medicine or procedures due to sanctions....we should find him guilty and issue arrest record for him to stand trial for his actions against Iran. He is a terrorist in a suit.....we need have him in Iran so he can answer for his crimes, like any other terrorist.

Iran imposes sanctions on US think tank over economic terrorism

A good step in the right direction. All the zionist think tanks and their personnel and funders should be identified and be put on sanction list and be marked as security threats. This list should be shared with different countries who are also threatened by zionist terrorism.
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An International court of Justice should be established in Iran with judges from all the affected countries ruined or invaded by the US and Israel (the two most profelic international law breakers). This court should accumulate all the evidence and record all of the well documented cases against the officials of these two countries. Just like Nuremberg trials it should issue warrants for arrest of these people in case any member country gets their hands on these individuals...the current world court is incapable of doing its job againsts these fat cats due to US and zionist lobby..
Lol @ stopping at legal measures.

I'm not advocating for violence, but the likes of dubogoldbergsteinowitz regularly lobby for violence against Iran. You should incentivise states sympathetic to Iran to extradite FDD and their associates to Iran. The US does the same thing, so there's no reason why Iran shouldn't return the favour.
Well, we need to delineate ourselves from Israel....we need to be better than these bloodsuckers, call me an idealist but I don't think we should lose the moral high ground to people like Netanyahu. We've been around for thousands of years and we are storied people. We don't have a soiled record like Israel or the U.S. and I think we should keep it that way.
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Well, we need to delineate ourselves from Israel....we need to be better than these bloodsuckers, call me an idealist but I don't think we should lose the moral high ground to people like Netanyahu. We've been around for thousand of years and we are storied people. We don't have a soiled record like Israel or the U.S. and I think we should keep it that way.

Yes, that would work in an ideal world. But we don't live in an ideal world, and the moral high ground doesn't get anyone anywhere, particularly Iran. Especially when the narrative is controlled by Zionists who'll portray Iran as a metaphysically evil entity regardless.

I say, don't be afraid to get your nails dirty. It won't change the world's perception of Iran, but you might send a strong message to the berg's, stien's and their neocon ilk who seek to harm your country.
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An International court of Justice should be established in Iran with judges from all the affected countries ruined or invaded by the US and Israel (the two most profelic international law breakers). This court should accumulate all the evidence and record all of the well documented cases against the officials of these two countries. Just like Nuremberg trials it should issue warrants for arrest of these people in case any member country gets their hands on these individuals...the current world court is incapable of doing its job againsts these fat cats due to US and zionist lobby..
Iran is an upright proud country. Its not like UAE or Saudi Arabia. I really admire Iran for standing up to the threats and crippling sanctions. Iran is brave, unlike coward and decadent rich Arabs.

And who will establish this international court?? The international community is what is blaming iran, so who will do it? Iran itself is not innocent, poking nose in affairs of every country. Pakistan, yemen, Afghanistan, syria, lebanon, iraq... In all these countries iran interferes. Why doznt iran mind its own business?? Why does it have to export its shia revolution??? Who will give justice to the thousands of sunnis killed by iranian shia militias in yemen, syria, iraq and Lebanon??? Who will raise voice for miserable condition of sunnis in iran (if any left after their cleansing).

Most ppl on PDF are delusional and unaware of reality. Looking at iran as if an underdog fighter fighting big powers. Reality is after revolution, iran became this fanatic shia extremist regime that wants to export its sectarian ideology to every muslim country with shia population. The zionists instead uses iran to balance out sunni arabs. If it was not for iran, israel would have faced too much.
And who will establish this international court?? The international community is what is blaming iran, so who will do it? Iran itself is not innocent, poking nose in affairs of every country. Pakistan, yemen, Afghanistan, syria, lebanon, iraq... In all these countries iran interferes. Why doznt iran mind its own business?? Why does it have to export its shia revolution??? Who will give justice to the thousands of sunnis killed by iranian shia militias in yemen, syria, iraq and Lebanon??? Who will raise voice for miserable condition of sunnis in iran (if any left after their cleansing).

Most ppl on PDF are delusional and unaware of reality. Looking at iran as if an underdog fighter fighting big powers. Reality is after revolution, iran became this fanatic shia extremist regime that wants to export its sectarian ideology to every muslim country with shia population. The zionists instead uses iran to balance out sunni arabs. If it was not for iran, israel would have faced too much.
Everything you posted is upright digital pollution. When you have zero fact, then cut the crap!
Everything you posted is upright digital pollution. When you have zero fact, then cut the crap!
Absolutely.....they keep bringing up ridiculous talking points, they've made Iran into a Bogey man responsible for all the ills of the region.....they should clean up their own house before you accusing us of evil deeds. They have a toxic relationship with India, and Kashmir has been a powder keg for decades, nuclear proliferation in the region. poverty and child labor....etc. Now, look up these facts and educate yourself. Iran was the only country that supplied the Muslims in Bosnia when they were being slaughtered by the Serbs. The West put an arms embargo on them. Iran was the first country to fight ISIS on the ground, Iran helped Hezbollah beat Israel in Lebanon, when the Israelis called it "cutting the grass" .....Iran helped the Iraqis fight the U.S. occupation in Iraq, Iran foiled the Israeli and U.S. plot to overthrow Syria and make it a satellite of the U.S. Iran helped Qatar when their neighbors plotted to destroy it. Iran warned Turkish president about the imment coup that was about to take place on his country that was orchestrated by the CIA. Iran helped the Yemenis beat back a brutal assault on their country....etc....etc....etc.

What has the biggest Sunni powerhouse SA has done for the region, besides making the Muslim world the bitch of the U.S.?
Now, please go away because you are the uninformed one and I'm tired of educating you.
Put your own house in order before you tell us what to do.
Everything you posted is upright digital pollution. When you have zero fact, then cut the crap!

When u have no answer then just call it propaganda. Isnt iran involved in yemen? Why destroy a poor and divided country? Isnt iran involved in syria and iraq? Isnt iran sending thousands of militants to these places? Isnt iran attracting shia volunteers from Pakistan, Afghanistan n all around n sending them to syria n iraq?? Who are fatimiyon?? Isnt hezbolla a parallel govt and parallel army in lebanon? Who is funding n supporting them?? Who gave the right to iran to interfere in so many countries???? Isnt iran ally of india against Pakistan? Isnt iran involved in sectarian division in Pakistan n other countries??These are all established FACTS, im not even going to the hidden stuff iran does. What are ur facts? Only BS.
GCC countries are rich and usually they would enjoy their wealth rather than focus on iran but its iran's interfering policy that scares them n forces them to be pro active.
Iran is an upright proud country. Its not like UAE or Saudi Arabia. I really admire Iran for standing up to the threats and crippling sanctions. Iran is brave, unlike coward and decadent rich Arabs.

If Iran was brave, Pakistanis wouldn't be killing Arabs for them.
Upright they are not... they work with India against Pakistan.
Sanctions are a farce.
Cursing Arabs is your religion, nothing new there.
When u have no answer then just call it propaganda. Isnt iran involved in yemen? Why destroy a poor and divided country? Isnt iran involved in syria and iraq? Isnt iran sending thousands of militants to these places? Isnt iran attracting shia volunteers from Pakistan, Afghanistan n all around n sending them to syria n iraq?? Who are fatimiyon?? Isnt hezbolla a parallel govt and parallel army in lebanon? Who is funding n supporting them?? Who gave the right to iran to interfere in so many countries???? Isnt iran ally of india against Pakistan? Isnt iran involved in sectarian division in Pakistan n other countries??These are all established FACTS, im not even going to the hidden stuff iran does. What are ur facts? Only BS.
GCC countries are rich and usually they would enjoy their wealth rather than focus on iran but its iran's interfering policy that scares them n forces them to be pro active.
Iran is working against the goals of Israhell and USA. It means they're doing good. That includes those groups that you mentioned and the countries where they're involved. If USA and Israel are mad, it means Iran is doing something great. So why don't you support Iran? (against zionists)
When u have no answer then just call it propaganda. Isnt iran involved in yemen? Why destroy a poor and divided country? Isnt iran involved in syria and iraq? Isnt iran sending thousands of militants to these places? Isnt iran attracting shia volunteers from Pakistan, Afghanistan n all around n sending them to syria n iraq?? Who are fatimiyon?? Isnt hezbolla a parallel govt and parallel army in lebanon? Who is funding n supporting them?? Who gave the right to iran to interfere in so many countries???? Isnt iran ally of india against Pakistan? Isnt iran involved in sectarian division in Pakistan n other countries??These are all established FACTS, im not even going to the hidden stuff iran does. What are ur facts? Only BS.
GCC countries are rich and usually they would enjoy their wealth rather than focus on iran but its iran's interfering policy that scares them n forces them to be pro active.
I’m not wasting time on you. Every single thing you write is absolute rubbish.

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