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Legal spat goes into hi gear between U.S. and the UK


Mar 22, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
British Media: Wanted Notice Issued for Wife of US Diplomat over Fatal Crash


British media are reporting that the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) has issued a wanted notice for a U.S. woman who is accused of killing a British teenager during a car crash last year.

A so-called “Red Notice” was issued for Anne Sacoolas, the wife of a U.S. diplomat, meaning she could provisionally be arrested if she leaves the United States. Such notices are usually initiated by a member country but are not the same as an international arrest warrant.

Sacoolas claimed diplomatic immunity after a deadly car crash in Britain last August and swiftly returned to the United States, setting off a diplomatic dispute between London and Washington.

Britain has requested her extradition, but U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo rejected that request in January.

When asked Monday if Britain pushed for the Interpol notice, a spokesperson for Prime Minister Boris Johnson said only that the British government continues to believe that Sacoolas should return to Britain to face judgment.

He said the U.S. decision not to extradite Sacoolas was a “denial of justice.”

"She should return to the U.K. We have made this clear to the U.S., including the prime minister to President (Donald) Trump," the spokesperson said.
You need me to spell it out for you?
Ok here it goes, a legal spat between UK and Pompeo will make harder for Boris to cower to Pompous for the arms embargo vote at the UNSC.
I'm afraid that's not how foreign affairs work.
I know they're waiting for Estonia to take over the leadership of the UNSC in 3-4 months.....then they will apply their political muscle....France and Germany are not having any of it so that leaves the UK, if Pompeo is telling them we refuse to have the woman come back and stand trail....the British Foreign office may not be a willing audience to his argument. In any case this is my theory. Your mileage may vary.
I know they're waiting for Estonia to take over the leadership of the UNSC in 3-4 months.....then they will apply their political muscle....France and Germany are not having any of it so that leaves the UK, if Pompeo is telling them we refuse to have the woman come back and stand trail....the British Foreign office may not be a willing audience to his argument. In any case this is my theory. Your mileage may vary.
you made things so simple andno foreign relation don't work like that
Not likely ...esp right now under Brexit process and talks England needs Trump in office for second term more than any time otherwise the talks with EU wouldn't go well therefore and as it's been for a long time these 2 countries' interests overlap which means England might agree on arms embargo even at cost of N deal.
Not likely ...esp right now under Brexit process and talks England needs Trump in office for second term more than any time otherwise the talks with EU wouldn't go well therefore and as it's been for a long time these 2 countries' interests overlap which means England might agree on arms embargo even at cost of N deal.
Damn, correct, I forgot about Brexit.....it's a much bigger carrot to dangle in front of Boris. I guess with that alone they got him by the balls.
Damn, correct, I forgot about Brexit.....it's a much bigger carrot to dangle in front of Boris. I guess with that alone they got him by the balls.
The eurotrash have balls!?,when did they ever find the opportunity to regrow them?:sarcastic:
I think in boris`s case its more likely that they`ve got him firmly grasped by his thoroughly unkempt hair,rather than his miniscule scrotal sac.:sick:
Diplomatic immunity is the dumbest thing in the world. The premise makes sense but implementation is awful. If a government really wanted to arrest another countries diplomat they can easily do it under the new marketing logo of “terrorist” or “spy.

So all diplomatic immunity does is allow individuals to be reckless with the lives of a other nations citizen.

Why would the wife of a diplomat be given diplomatic immunity? Only reason is exactly for a case like this where the wife kills an innocent civilian and can run away Scott free because she is married to a “diplomat”.
Diplomatic immunity is the dumbest thing in the world. The premise makes sense but implementation is awful. If a government really wanted to arrest another countries diplomat they can easily do it under the new marketing logo of “terrorist” or “spy.

So all diplomatic immunity does is allow individuals to be reckless with the lives of a other nations citizen.

Why would the wife of a diplomat be given diplomatic immunity? Only reason is exactly for a case like this where the wife kills an innocent civilian and can run away Scott free because she is married to a “diplomat”.
Actually she married to an intelligence officer at that base....so there must be a reason why Pompeo wants that officer in his camp. I mean like any other military or gov mishaps you must answer for your crime or deed. For some reason Pompeo wants this guy (his wife) to get away scot free.
Actually she married to an intelligence officer at that base....so there must be a reason why Pompeo wants that officer in his camp. I mean like any other military or gov mishaps you must answer for your crime or deed. For some reason Pompeo wants this guy (his wife) to get away scot free.

Yes, that is why diplomats have diplomatic immunity because many of them are spies. It’s a spy vs spy game that all countries do and accept a certain set of rules.

But extending out to all members of the diplomat is troubling. This woman committed an offense and rather than stay and answer for it via due process decided to invoke diplomatic immunity for which she shouldn’t even be entitled to that privilege.

I doubt the US will ever send her to U.K. it has nothing to do with Pompeo or the intelligence officer. It has to do with precedent. Countries are very wary about setting a precedent regarding diplomatic immunity. The reason is if they agree once then other countries can start bringing claims up for other diplomats regardless of the severity of the crime.

Thus US will fight this tooth and nail regardless wether it’s a democratic or Republican administration.
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