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Iran Mission posted an opinion piece in WSJ---U.S. should return to JCPOA


Mar 22, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
Nice letter, albeit a little too concise

Concerning your editorial “Iran’s Pre-Deal Deceptions” (June 10): The JCPOA, or Iran nuclear deal, addressed every concern regarding any peaceful nuclear work conducted by Iran. After two years of intensive negotiations all parties were satisfied that all issues, including the possible military dimensions (PMD) file which was closed by IAEA in 2015, were addressed. Your implication that they were not is fallacious, and presumably not endorsed by those countries that not only signed on to the deal, but continue to remain participants.

To suggest that the U.S. should keep its so-called “new leverage built by maximum pressure” is inhumane and unjust because the maximum pressure policy is nothing more than keeping the illegal sanctions in place with the aim of putting pressure on the Iranian people.

This policy has certainly affected our economy and prevented—through its bullying tactics and illegal extraterritorial sanctions—other countries from conducting normal trade with Iran, but Iran is most assuredly not on its knees, is not begging for renewed negotiations and will not ever negotiate its entirely defensive missile program or its legitimate regional national interests.
Alireza Miryousefi
This policy has certainly affected our economy and prevented—through its bullying tactics and illegal extraterritorial sanctions—other countries from conducting normal trade with Iran, but Iran is most assuredly not on its knees, is not begging for renewed negotiations and will not ever negotiate its entirely defensive missile program or its legitimate regional national interests.

LOL. In a country where I had power, this idiot would be sent to the middle of nowhere in one of our deserts in summer to die on his own.
Iran should increase its nuclear and missile capabilities and ignore foreign pressures. When the west destroyed its missiles and nuclear warheads we shall do it too.
China and Russia won't agree to that.
Probably, but Iran can't care less about that.

We need someone like Ahmadinejad in power. China and Russia can vote yes to all UNSC resolutions in future. It's not like their current stance is benefiting us in any way.
both chinese and russians always voted in favour of the UN resolutions against iran or they abstained from voting. they never truly supported iran. what china and russia say is irrelevant.
Haha. maybe you guys should run for office.....I'd like to see that.
Qalibaf is in congressional power and presidential election is ahead. You guys will get your wishes soon.
He has stolen so much money he can afford to buy off any political office in Iran that he wants.

Every nation gets the government it deserves.
-Joseph de Maistre

He has stolen so much money he can afford to buy off any political office in Iran that he wants.

Every nation gets the government it deserves.
-Joseph de Maistre


I want the leaders of this country to live like the poorest of the nation along with their family.

I have higher standards. It is not enough not to steal.
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Of course yankee nation deserve 1% rich Jews rule 99% others.
This unbelievable amount of propaganda against One man is amazing. Qalibaf is cursed by BBC, VOA, Saudi Iran International and other American Zionist mouthpieces. Which makes you believe that Qalibaf is a good man. God willing we will have an other rise in all fields economically, militarily and scientifically.
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