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  1. M

    ICC Board approves changes to governance, competition and financial models

    I think no one other than the members from India will like this move. Its tough on Pakistan as they see themselves at par with India in everyfield but the hard reality is the world does not think so.Sri Lankans will be smart and realise their folly soon but my worry is for Pakistanis as they...
  2. M

    Intelligence agencies reject Pak's proposed roaming plan in India

    Its too early for such a move and its only a proposal with the full knowledge it will be rejected outright. As long as we have a restricted visa regime what the point as only a handfull Pakistanis are allowed into the country and it wont make any economic sense any ways. Except save some by...
  3. M

    IMF imposes 'stringent austerity measures' on Pakistan.

    Hats off to you for nailing this.....Its time you educated the young and old to see reason and live in reality rather than some halucination of divine intervention. The Almighty will also help only those who help themselves....also ask yourself have you brought grace or disgrace to that holy...
  4. M

    Tit-for-tat: Sri Lanka considers nuclear deal with Pakistan

    Yes... and they have started implementing it within their own boundry and if sucessfull will implement it in India. We are keenly watching and praying for the sucess of the project may the almighty give them sucess.
  5. M

    Indian women's team defeats China in Final, Wins Gold Medal in Archery WC

    I believe Chineese are the best in the world ...and to win against them is a great achievement....keep it up girls.
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    Pakistan says ready to repair ties w/ India

    I understand your dilemma….koi baat nahi. What are good neighbors for.
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    Imran condemns indian army's brutality on Kashmiris

    Boss you guys can jump up and down pull you hair if you have any left we don't care. Kashmir is a integral part of our country and any one who questions the writ of the nation will be shot down be it the maoist or the imported cannon fodder in Kashmir. All I can say is take a chill pill and...
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    Pakistan says ready to repair ties w/ India

    Man why are you shying away...tell me what corresponds to Dalit and what to Brahmin.
  9. M

    Pakistan says ready to repair ties w/ India

    That does not help as Islam does not have caste system...If I was converting to Hinduism this advice could have helped.
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    Pakistan says ready to repair ties w/ India

    Ok please hold on we will convert to Islam to have good relation with you......by the way can you tell me what should I select shia or sunni I am new to this.
  11. M

    we cant shoot down drones, its not a joke :PMLN

    I am sure he did not mean the capacity to shoot it down but the repercussions of such an action. Being in a position of responsibility one has to be circumspect.
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    Rage: The emotion an Indian experiences on a visit to China

    I have been to china and agree with what the navy chief has to say and also agree with what he has to say about India. We can't run away from the truth our rulers have let us down the quality of life we experience is no where near what it should have been. I can not think of a clean city other...
  13. M

    Shahbaz says deal signed with China for Metro for 5 Punjab cities

    You know friend the last couple of line sums up your post the problem with you guys is you were brought up with the feeling that you are superior beings and now you strain to find some ways to redeem yourself by looking for faults in others so that you can call yourself better. We have lot of...
  14. M

    Army gunship helicopters back up police search for bandits

    You are a wise guy to see thru the ummah love. Wish there were more like you
  15. M

    Shahbaz says deal signed with China for Metro for 5 Punjab cities

    Orange sir I dont blame you man it is your text book and the biased opinion you have chosen to surround yourself with.In a country of our size where the language and dilect change every 100 km some difference of opinion or ideological difference is only to be expected.If you really care not to...
  16. M

    World looks anew on Balochistan as China dreams big

    Man you gave right to foreign forces to use drones to kill your innocent people . Kill. expel or jail your ex heads of the state did you care for how lemon tasted then if not ....why should be any different now when a neighbor sweeter than honey wants to take over a terror stricken area of your...
  17. M

    Chinese Troops Intrude Into India Again

    Agreed...you gave the name...built monuments, but you did not answer my question.....was created out of the foreign named and built INDIA. Well you went on to create Bangladesh which in spite of our best efforts we could not so you take that one also. These bloody kufurs are good for nothing.
  18. M

    What action Pakistani goverment will take against Altaf Hussain ?

    Altaf bahi sets the tone and takes action the government only reacts.
  19. M

    Army gunship helicopters back up police search for bandits

    I must say all your investments in arms and ammunition is paying of. choodna mat chooro ko.
  20. M

    Chinese Troops Intrude Into India Again

    Pakistan was made out of india....do you disagree....does that make you any inferior.
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