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  1. Commander T

    Global Firepower - 2014 Ranks

    When you start ranking a country globally then we should take everything in account......i am really surprised that south korea is number 9 when US offcials admitts that SK cannot stand a month against NK without US......and where is italy comming from....i don't think that Italy can stand even...
  2. Commander T

    Global Firepower - 2014 Ranks

    egypt at no 13 and pak at 15.....i mean even bangladesh can defeat egypt now.....this is bull shit list......pakistan must have to be in top 10 considering it,s technological+nuclear+operational capabilities........ what a list Afghanistan at 76 and sirilanka at 86
  3. Commander T

    Global Firepower - 2014 Ranks

    CIA Factbook.......:rolleyes:
  4. Commander T

    2,000 Russian Troops Land in Crimea

    US+britan will prefer suicide on declaring war on russia......Russian Bear is back....and will reach it,s peak power soon IF it is not encountered by ISI again:P
  5. Commander T

    NASA confirms 'super-Earth' that could hold life

    many more than six....just don't make your decession untill and unless you know every meaning of Quran....
  6. Commander T

    Population of Known Alien Planets Nearly Doubles as NASA Discovers 715 New Worlds

    you are a senior member so you should talk to mods, what do you say... because if we open a thread without permission, it will be closed...and also we will make certain rules of that thread e.g if sombody uses abusive language he will be kicked out of that thread... right?
  7. Commander T

    US warns Russia 'this is not Rocky IV' as Putin puts fighter jets on combat alert

    then why is obama crying like ukrain is his Girlfriend
  8. Commander T

    Aishwarya Rai was paid 1 million dollars for a secret Mujra in Pakistan.

    weellllllll, nobody takes a top heroine and pay 1 million just for a "DANCE PERFORMANCE":undecided:
  9. Commander T

    Population of Known Alien Planets Nearly Doubles as NASA Discovers 715 New Worlds

    Religions are such a mysterious secrets that you can only understand it if you believe in it from soul......otherwise you can just say that all prophets were "Philosophers" I am dying to compare it but this thread will not allow me....talk to mods if they agree i will open a new thread.......we...
  10. Commander T

    If Pakistan Goes To War?.

    First thing is if pakistan gets attacked china will, one way or another, help pakistan either millitarily of just by providing weapons and diplomatic support because pakistan is the only way china can get shortest route to rest of the world and if pakistan is captured by india or west, china...
  11. Commander T

    Breaking News : 'Russians occupy' Crimea airports

    let the war began:chilli:
  12. Commander T

    Merkiavelli...or how Angela Merkel became the empress of Europe

    :-) Germany has production Quality...she is damn good.....slowly and steadily tearing UK apart...:devil:
  13. Commander T

    Russian Spy Ship in Cuba (2/27/2014)

    ahh, you cannot say russia crushed it alone, and specially not when allied war machine war atleast 5-6 times bigger than nazis........USA alone produced more millitary machine than nazis, then imagine what would have ben the ratio of war machine...
  14. Commander T

    Pakistan angry as Afghan Army unwilling to strike fleeing TTP.

    lolx... instead pakistan should give a free hand to ISI.....they knows how to handel them.....i mean seriously, afghanistan gets everything from pakistan and in return pakistan just ask them to be friendly and free of indian influence and they cannot do this......shame on afghanistan....
  15. Commander T

    US warns Russia 'this is not Rocky IV' as Putin puts fighter jets on combat alert

    look, religious secrets were, are and will remain the best gaurded secrets of all time because they are such secrets that a mother will never tell her son even if she see her child death......if you want to know such things, you will have to get very inside into religion......and yes i am...
  16. Commander T

    US warns Russia 'this is not Rocky IV' as Putin puts fighter jets on combat alert

    well, just as there is no criteria for number 1, there is no measurement for the position of number 2.....but one thing is for sure the on the race of dominance nobody is alone......as number 1, jews are a religious group (it,s not jews alone, they are powerfull and rich people from different...
  17. Commander T

    US warns Russia 'this is not Rocky IV' as Putin puts fighter jets on combat alert

    ya ya...whatever.....grey red blue green aliens....:disagree:.....i meant that jews are not alone and i seriously feel that they are prime targets of number 2s.....who are not on the screen right now but have been working and making jews a prime target for whole world.......i mean you seriously...
  18. Commander T

    US warns Russia 'this is not Rocky IV' as Putin puts fighter jets on combat alert

    It,s not just Jews, there are many HIDDEN POWERS working behind the scene to dominate the world...:devil:
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