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US warns Russia 'this is not Rocky IV' as Putin puts fighter jets on combat alert

I never thought the jews control everything.Anyway,interesting theory.

I am serious,who do you think are the number 2's ?
well, just as there is no criteria for number 1, there is no measurement for the position of number 2.....but one thing is for sure the on the race of dominance nobody is alone......as number 1, jews are a religious group (it,s not jews alone, they are powerfull and rich people from different races and religions but dominated and ruled by jews)....the second one should most probably also be religious group, i say religious because regious groups are the ones who understand and SYSTEM and WORLD ORDER...they knows the very secret of governence and hidden weakness of humans through ages of experience...... have you ever heard of religious intelligence agencies?.....
well, just as there is no criteria for number 1, there is no measurement for the position of number 2.....but one thing is for sure the on the race of dominance nobody is alone......as number 1, jews are a religious group (it,s not jews alone, they are powerfull and rich people from different races and religions but dominated and ruled by jews)....the second one should most probably also be religious group, i say religious because regious groups are the ones who understand and SYSTEM and WORLD ORDER...they knows the very secret of governence and hidden weakness of humans through ages of experience...... have you ever heard of religious intelligence agencies?.....


Are you refering to some kind of Illuminati Christians ? Or the muslims ? Anyone else ?
US and Kerry can go F@ck themselves.. It's their Hollywood that made Rocky not Russia.. Talk about irony

Is Times of India a US mouth piece ?? .. What garbage journalism

Perhaps you would be better off by understanding what an analogy means before you condemn the United States with something that you misunderstood they had done.



It's nice to know that some Internet people like to judge military capabilities on the grounds of aesthetics and superficial merits.

As if the entire United States Navy would carry out missions using only two vessels in the Black Sea.

If they get involeved and only some part of the Ukrainian miltary +the nationalists will put up a fight the Russian economy will take a massive hit.It will still be a win of the US as they will just watch the Russians spend billions in a meat grinder.Ukraine is not Georgia.

The main deterrent against Russia is the enormous political and economical backlash Putin would have to face from Western nations, upon which the Federation depends for energy sales as well as technological trade, as well as the potential for Ukrainian nationals to take up arms against Moscow; now nobody including Russia wants to have an active insurgency right at their doorstep, especially when it is Moscow's economy that is being spent on occupation.
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Are you refering to some kind of Illuminati Christians ? Or the muslims ? Anyone else ?
look, religious secrets were, are and will remain the best gaurded secrets of all time because they are such secrets that a mother will never tell her son even if she see her child death......if you want to know such things, you will have to get very inside into religion......and yes i am refering to these kind of things, illuminati and kind of, but illuminatti is not a secret organizationit,s .. it has some secrets but basically it,s not that secret.....but it,s useless to talk about it because neither i nor you knows the very inside of these religious organisations....and if we try to discuss, it will be a crap because there are lots of misinformations about this topic......and about religious intelligence agencies....do you know that pope was the head of intelligence agency whose member number were upto 1000k till 1920-30s......do you have any idea how PROTOCOL OF ELDER OF ZOIN leaked out..? and one more thing illuminati is not a religious organisation but taht does not mean that it has nothing to do with religion
Russia got full support from China, the overall pic does not favor US at all

And what is China going to do in such a circumstance? Send in their own troops and forfeit their right to endow a "peaceful rise" policy? Verbal support that the half-a$$ed government has been doing with all of its neighbors for the latter part of the century? Russia knows that it is going to face severe political and economic consequences should such a rash move materialize and China is unlikely to follow suit, given the extent of their relationships with the said countries.

I've heard that China recognised the new Ukrainian goverment and "hopes for good ties"China is smart,it's about bussiness for her.

Link to article or it didn't happen.
I realize this thread is just basically one giant anti-American circle jerk fest for the most part. Have to admit though, I LOL'd at Kerry's referring to Rock IV

so why did they send them in the first place? To die? Just shows their suicidal acts to use americans deaths to justify war or other hostile activities against russia

I don't think that USA gonna take thousand nukes for Ukraine.

So no, they won't fight Russia, but they will definitely support the anti-Russia coalition to tank Russia's economy.

It is about 100% for sure that USA is going to play dirty, so Putin should be careful to deal with it.
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Russia will quickly annex the eastern Ukraine without getting entangled in a long term conflict.

And China will fully support Russia on this, so you can keep dreaming that it gonna collapse Russia's economy.

Yeah sure.
The western Ukraine will become an absolutely useless inland country, without the industry and the coast line, who needs them?

Let EU to feed those 25 million hungry individuals, and let's see how far EU has the patience to keep them.

Let the western Ukrainians to suffer a bit, otherwise they won't realize who is their true parent.
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Bosporus is guaranteed safe passage for ships. It's some agreement from the cold war, strictly detailing iirc types of ships allowed, their tonnage etc etc....
This is only for peace time, Turkey can shut down bosphorus if its in a War.
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