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US warns Russia 'this is not Rocky IV' as Putin puts fighter jets on combat alert

Sorry mate.. They poked the sleeping bear unnecessarily.. And now will have to face the consequences..

Let's see it developing.I don't think russian advance will go unchecked.
These guys occupying the air port are Russian special ops that were sent to the Crimea a couple of days ago. The fact that they took control of the airport shows that this is part of a grand strategy. Why would they secure this important logistical infrastructure if they didn't need it? Maybe its to bring in tourists. They will fly in troops in the coming days you will see. These troops are meant to deal with an insurgency that will oppose Crimea becoming either an independent country, or to deal with an insurgency that will resist Russian expansion in the region.

All the recent exercises are for a reason. Who knows what is being discussed behind the scenes between NATO and Russia.
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Some of the pics and videos show the Russian troops with no mags in their weapons. Guess they don't want to start something they regret.
I posted news 2 days ago that Russian troops were going to Crimea and the Russians on this forum said it was a lie or fake news. Where's the fake news now?
Now all we see is them being proud. I wouldn't be surprised if half the people on this forum were paid by their governments.

What Russian troops? Those are clearly "militias" composed of hard working miners and peasants, ready to defend against the evil Nazis...
Move along comrade, nothing to see here :closed:
I could really use some money right now...

lol, plenty of employers right now!
China where you'd be suppressing dissent,
Vietnam, largely similar plus bashing China,
EU, how would you like to convince eurosceptics online that EU is the best?
Israel, plenty of beardos to be told Jews arent the great satan
Venezuela, suppresing dissent, stirring chavismo in the hearts of the people
Turkey, who doesn't like Erdogan?!

That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more :D
What kind of a move do you think NATO would come up with in this matter?

Also, what is your personal opinion on the subject?


What do you make of all that mess? Is that some sort of a new Cold War approach?
Russian troops..










then why is obama crying like ukrain is his Girlfriend
There is no any crying. Just usual words that he has to say. Everyone understands that these words means nothing. No one cares about Ukraine, no one wants to feed it.
The US should stick to funding liver eating cannibal savages to do Israeli dirty work. Even a dumb monkey should realize that messing with Russia isn't the smartest thing.
US warning just for media blitz. Desperate Obama just day after issuing threat, called Putin convince him. Putin very much told him Russia will protect its interest.
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