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NASA confirms 'super-Earth' that could hold life

Whatever is the thing human think... that's exists in the universe....
ohh please keep religion out of this.

So SRK can show Bhagwan in Ra-One in the scene in which he stops the train but it's objectionable to bring religion into this? :)

P.S No disrespect meant to you or your believes.

On lighter mode wouldn't it be ironic and hilarious that USA spends like trillions of dollars and dozens of years to reach there only to find the first thing with "Made In China" written on it? :p
so we will be like this in 2030 ?


Our choices reflect the state of our mind... Your choice, even in 2030, of a cute lanky chick (from Pandora's standards) gives out what's going through your mind and what you wish for, Imran... lol :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: {PUN INTENDED}
I read this news yesterday and I was excited as hell for the entire day. Man we could just escape this planet that we F**ed up ourselves and start a new life there. ALAS however nations will have wars for it that is for sure.

All in all we will never get there unless we settle all our differences or the entire bulk of the research money used will go to creating weapons of death instead of an aircraft that can take us which will be a weapon of life.

So what if we do build a giant space ship, but it takes us ages to get to the planet, and on our way their the people on board start getting some weird mutation due to spending long time in space?:azn:
Or what if we reach the planet but there are Alien beings that are hostile to us, much more advanced than us?
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Muslims know that already. Infact other than earth, there would be 6 more.

[Quran 65.12] Allah is the one who created seven Heavens and from Earth like them (of corresponding type); [Allah’s] command descends among them so that you may know that Allah is capable of anything and that Allah knows everything.

Reference URL: Surat At-Talaq [65:12] - The Holy Qur'an - ?????? ??????
many more than six....just don't make your decession untill and unless you know every meaning of Quran....
Guys , better stop fighting over a planet that have no use for us , even if today we manage to build warp drive that planet is useless to us , so please let Navi's have it.
the planet has a diameter of 2.5 time of earth so if the material that made it is as dense as earth well it have a gravity of roughly 2.5 of earth gravity . so a normal 70km guy would weight something like 175 kg there .
its the formula to calculate the mass of a planet and gravity have direct relation with mass

Mass = volume*density
Mass = (4/3)*pi*r^3 * density
g = (GM) / (r^2)


G = Universal Gravitational Constant
M = Mass of the Planet (or whatever it is)
honestly i prefer to stay on earth till they find some planet more suitable to my delicate taste for the vacation .
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The destiny of humanity is finding a way to colonize other planets and find immortality

Not losing time in JEW NATO's wars
Muslims know that already. Infact other than earth, there would be 6 more.

[Quran 65.12] Allah is the one who created seven Heavens and from Earth like them (of corresponding type); [Allah’s] command descends among them so that you may know that Allah is capable of anything and that Allah knows everything.

Reference URL: Surat At-Talaq [65:12] - The Holy Qur'an - ?????? ??????

He's not speaking of planets, he's speaking of 7 dimensions. :)
So what if we do build a giant space ship, but it takes us ages to get to the planet, and on our way their the people on board start getting some weird mutation due to spending long time in space?:azn:
Or what if we reach the planet but there are Alien beings that are hostile to us, much more advanced than us?

I don't understand the meaning of your Avatar :what:
NASA tell us something we're not supposed to know. I want a crazy breakthrough right now I demand.
too bad that as soon as we colonize that planet we will pollute the **** out of it as well, provided there are no local being ready to **** us up....
He's not speaking of planets, he's speaking of 7 dimensions. :)

At another point in quran, Allah mentioned that those earths have "chopahay" (animals walking on 2 hands and 2 legs) and if Allah wished, He would have brought them together and Allah is capable of doing what He wishes.

I do think Allah is talking about separate planets and not dimensions.
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