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Astronomers discover potential habitable exoplanet only 31 light-years from Earth

Yes, of course. I was just referring to the massive scale of the universe.

On that note, a fun fact. We know more about this huge limitless space, about things billions of light years away, than we know about the deeper parts our Earth oceans, merely 11km deep at best.

Man is so puny and insignificant, yet so prone to arrogance and corruption.

You might find this a good watch.

These videos don't show the whole story..it's far crazier.

Let me add this video that continues where your observable Universe stops

Breakthrough starshot
interstellar travel is not possible in next 1000years so nothing outside of this solar system is really explorable.

We can however have technology to terraform Mars within the next few hundred years or less which is completely doable
  1. Tidally locked.
  2. About 1.26 the mass of Earth and 1.08 the size (higher average density than earth), meaning the core & the planet has cooled down more than earth and shrunk more. Meaning magnetic field either non-existent or too weak.
  3. The star is a red dwarf meaning towards end of its energy cycle.
Nah! I'll probably not travel there.

PS: Did someone say 31 lightyears?
tidally locked means one side extremely cold and one side extremely hot . that means if there is atmosphere then there is storm and let just say their speed will be in mere hundreds of km .
it will be fun who want to spend the weekends there
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