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NASA confirms 'super-Earth' that could hold life

At another point in quran, Allah mentioned that those earths have "chopahay" (animals walking on 2 hands and 2 legs) and if Allah wished, He would have brought them together and Allah is capable of doing what he wishes.

I do think Allah is talking about separate planets and not dimensions.

When he's speaking of 'heavens' he means dimensions. Because there are a lot more than 7 planets. This is why he told us he raised Jesus to the 2nd heaven(dimension). Jesus is not in paradise, Allah(SWT) told us he's in the second heaven. He does talk about planets in hadith I remember something familiar but can't remember where I saw it though. :)
This week astronomers announced planet Kepler 22-b lying 600 light years or 3,527,175,223,910,165 or three and a half quadrillion miles away and 2.4 times the size of the earth. Using a space shuttle, it would take 23.4 million years to reach it.

Kepler 22B Is Habitable But Would Take 23 Million Years To Reach - Industry Tap

No chance to see a planet of the apes :(
Come on I expected more of you , Planet of the apes is our dear earth , the movies are just recast of 4 movie from 60 and 70 if I'm not wrong the planet is earth but they go back and forth in time .
The destiny of humanity is finding a way to colonize other planets and find immortality

Not losing time in JEW NATO's wars

Hello my good ole buddy Ellis!! Still a very busy beaver I see :-)
This week astronomers announced planet Kepler 22-b lying 600 light years or 3,527,175,223,910,165 or three and a half quadrillion miles away and 2.4 times the size of the earth. Using a space shuttle, it would take 23.4 million years to reach it.

Kepler 22B Is Habitable But Would Take 23 Million Years To Reach - Industry Tap

No chance to see a planet of the apes :(
Come on I expected more of you , Planet of the apes is our dear earth , the movies are just recast of 4 movie from 60 and 70 if I'm not wrong the planet is earth but they go back and forth in time .

This week astronomers announced planet Kepler 22-b lying 600 light years or 3,527,175,223,910,165 or three and a half quadrillion miles away and 2.4 times the size of the earth. Using a space shuttle, it would take 23.4 million years to reach it.

Kepler 22B Is Habitable But Would Take 23 Million Years To Reach - Industry Tap

No chance to see a planet of the apes :(
Come on I expected more of you , Planet of the apes is our dear earth , the movies are just recast of 4 movie from 60 and 70 if I'm not wrong the planet is earth but they go back and forth in time .

This week astronomers announced planet Kepler 22-b lying 600 light years or 3,527,175,223,910,165 or three and a half quadrillion miles away and 2.4 times the size of the earth. Using a space shuttle, it would take 23.4 million years to reach it.

Kepler 22B Is Habitable But Would Take 23 Million Years To Reach - Industry Tap

No chance to see a planet of the apes :(
Come on I expected more of you , Planet of the apes is our dear earth , the movies are just recast of 4 movie from 60 and 70 if I'm not wrong the planet is earth but they go back and forth in time .
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But if they are 36 or 600 light years away then they are useless for us, we cannot reach there any soon.

Alpha centuari is still the most viable choice for any extra-solar system colonization by humanity.
Like who gives a ****. It's 600 million light years away.
Greetings true believer it seems we are one step closer to achieving our greatest destiny, to master the Stars.

NASA Rethinks Warp Drives, Faster-Than-Light Travel May Be Possible

By Zach Walton · September 17, 2012

Think back on every major sci-fi work from your life. What’s the single event that propelled mankind, and space travel, into the future? Anybody who grew up with Star Trek knows that it’s the warp drive, or faster-than-light travel. Modern sci-fi fans only have to look to Mass Effect for a contemporary take on the importance of warp drives.

Unfortunately, warp drives aren’t real and they probably will never be real in our lifetimes. It’s a realistic, if somewhat pessimistic, take on the current state of space travel. NASA has never been one to let realism get in the way of their dreams and the agency now says that warp drives may be a possibility in the future.

The exciting part is that a warp drive concept is already out there. Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre proposed the first warp drive in 1994, but found that the energy costs associated with such a device would be problematic. In fact, scientists peg the energy required to be about equal to the mass-energy of Jupiter.

So how do scientists propose we overcome this gas giant sized energy problem? Just change the shape of the spaceship. The original warp drive was envisioned as a small ship that’s encircled by a flat ring that would warp space-time around the ship. The new model, proposed by Harold White of NASA’s Johnson Space Center, would see the flat ring molded into the shape of a rounded donut. The energy required by the transformation would be significantly less. White calculates that they would only need the energy-mass of the relatively tiny Voyager 1 space probe.

I don’t think I need to tell you how massive of a discovery this is. If proven true, White’s research could pave the way for faster-than-light space travel. We could make trips to Mars in mere minutes. Human-led research teams could break out of our solar system and explore potentially habitable planets in other galaxies. The ramifications are huge and I couldn’t be more excited.

For now, the researchers at Johnson Space Center are trying to create tiny warps in space-time. It would at least prove White’s theory that shape can make all the difference. Now we can start thinking about all the problems that traveling faster-than-light can cause.

NASA Rethinks Warp Drives, Faster-Than-Light Travel May Be Possible | WebProNews
Good news is NASA proves that "Warp Travel or Hyperspace Jump" is indeed possible
Bad News is we will be too old or to DEAD to actually enjoy it

What do you guys think about it?

Something recent:
Will it be secular there? Then we can pack up and send Dogvijay Singh, Italian Mafia and entire Kangress.
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