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  1. Type59

    Pakistan NEEDS Navigable Rivers

    Seems like a disaster for the environment. Straightening rivers is very resource intensive, money can be spent on other areas. Thankfully no one is going to do it😊
  2. Type59

    PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

    No way all the opposition parties will be able to wield a united front for long. Biggest criticism of Khan is inflation, but it's bad everywhere. Khan should keep on fighting, the opposition only care about properties in West. They seen how easy it is for their authorities to seize assets of...
  3. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    I thought you were a military man? When it comes to infantry you prefer people from a background of hardship. But seeing that you think calling up reserves is a bad idea, then I should not be surprised by your statements.
  4. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Ukrainian military resisting in urban areas is seen as "heroic". Palestinians done same in Gaza were held responsible for civilian casualties.
  5. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    No one who "studied warfare" will make them claims at start of war for a quick victory at Maripul. Especially thousands of mechanised infantry, Marines and Azov spent years planning to defend it.
  6. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Don't expect people to be sympathetic to Opfor. Just pointing out the bloodlust your experiencing.
  7. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    This personifies the human trait of justifying barbarism. People celebrating death and convincing themselves it's okay because the other side are "evil, inhuman etc". You seem to love these grizzly pictures and good for you. 👏
  8. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    French women who had relationship with German troops had their head shaved. Not a nazi habit, just a way to humiliate women.
  9. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Glad all the migrants were allowed to cross. You guys destabilised region because French President owned 50 million euros, the civil war gave him excuse to kill his banker. Did you find all the terrorist attacks from Libya post 2011 to be funny. Tunis, Manchester etc?
  10. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    It was a joke.
  11. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Previously this was said to be Ukrainian. Both sides are engaging in propaganda.
  12. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Posts like this make me think. If you out bid other nations for Australian coal then other nations will buy from Russia because Germany is paying a premium for Aussie coal. If every nation sanctioned Russia then won't be enough coal, gas and oil for everyone. Companies in China and India will...
  13. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    I don't want to get too deep into discussion because situation is Fluid. When it comes to war, accurate information is hard to find. Were relying on open source information, which most likely is wrong. I suspect in next few months both sides will want a ceasefire. When guns fall silent, both...
  14. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    They do have air superiority over Donbass region. I have seen Russian self propelled guns dug in the same position for days. This shows no fear of counter battery fire from UA artillery or air attack around Pospana. Time is on Russian side in this theatre, remote chance of resupply. On...
  15. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    What about east, UA forces are effectively isolated, soo both sides have received heavy blows. With Russian air dominance in Donbass, its gonna be costly for UA too reinforce them positions. It's better to admit failure and redeploy. It would suit Russians, if UA went on the offensive because...
  16. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    First point sounds like a defensive alliance. They want Poland, Turkey etc to be part of it, which are NATO countries. You can see the problem with that for Russia.
  17. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Why does splash shield look soo clean? Makes you think.
  18. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Maripul has effectively been captured according to CNN. Various pro Moscow sources say mopping up of remnants is ongoing. How many highly trained Ukrainian forces were defending city. I heard 14,000?
  19. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Vietnam, korea.... Yom Kippur war Israel lost many.
  20. Type59

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Technicals are best. Gaddafi forces abandoned armour against NATO and fought the most advanced armies and their proxies for 7 months.
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