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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Wrong move. The Taliban were co-created by USA and were tolerated by NATO and were enabled to power last year by NATO. The Taliban will be heavy chains in the neck of Russia. Look at the attitude of the Taliban towards the Central Asian countries which are friendly with Russia. Just some months ago the Taliban threatened Tajikistan where Russia has station at least one military unit.

He cant blame me. Maybe if he gets older he also gets more wise.

I agree and that's what I told him about ten days ago :
You are 20 years old and have the hate of a mindless young fanatic. We have many such people in India. I think time will cure you. :)
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Not true they allowed less than retirement age as well in 80s;

Thats wrong. Only retired were allowed to leave. Youngers could apply too. The moment they filled out that form they went through years of hell organized from STASI.

Wrong move. The Taliban were co-created by USA and were tolerated by NATO and were enabled to power last year by NATO. The Taliban will be heavy chains in the neck of Russia. Look at the attitude of the Taliban towards the Central Asian countries which are friendly with Russia. Just some months ago the Taliban threatened Tajikistan where Russia has station at least one military unit.

I agree and that's what I told him about ten days ago :

Well my grandfather thinks they should just wipe away any russian presence. So nope. We just love to be free people and dont bow to primitive dictators

Thats putins mainproblem. He can only offer misery. What benefits does it have ti ally with a hypercorrupted shithole where people have low living standards and no freedom? There are no benefits. Thats also the reason why putin fails in Ukraine. Ukrainians dont want to live in putins dystopic empire of misery and dirt.

Intelligent russians escape Russia as long it is possible

They are simply logical. When you are intelligent, educated and skilled... Russia can offer you no future. Now that it becomes like North Korea its even worse for them.
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Man i feel pity for you. I really do.

Btw we are not allied. We are NATO. We are EU and im damn proud for that. And yes i see your mindset as that of a traitor.

Maybe move to russia and experience that shithole for yourself.
Maybe move to Romania or Bulgaria yourself since they are in NATO and EU.

You've obviously haven't paid attention to my posts since you came here. When Russians were best friends with Erdy,I was not congratulating them. When the French were supporting us,I was donning to others here that our interests aligned.
When Americans were supporting us against Turkey,I was telling people that they have reasons to support us more.

But like all geopolitical analysts in Greece will tell you,we can't count on them. We can't count on the Russians and we can't count on the Europeans. The Kurds counted on the Americans,the Georgians counted on the Americans and now Zelensky counted on the Americans and the EU.

And they were all f*cked up.

You say we are the EU and NATO?

What are we in the EU? Apart from one of the original member-States,what are we?
Are we France? Are we Germany? Are we Belgium? Italy? Spain? We don't have a fraction of their economies.

NATO? There's a lot of stronger countries in NATO than us.

We are not them. We are a small part of them. We are allies and not first-rate allies. We are the kind of allies that Britain always asked for help before every major war and forgot afterwards.

We are the ones they will praise for our democracy,civilization and culture and end up being friendlier with Turkey and taking the side of FYROM and Albania.

And we are still here talking about "democracy and human rights",being all proud we are a member of the "civilised" world,that is EU and NATO.

Look what they did. Where's their adamant support for our gas and oil exploration? Where are the sanctions about Cyprus? Why didn't they take our side on the Macedonian issue? Why did they butcher us with heavy loans during the economic crisis?
Maybe move to Romania or Bulgaria yourself since they are in NATO and EU.

You've obviously haven't paid attention to my posts since you came here. When Russians were best friends with Erdy,I was not congratulating them. When the French were supporting us,I was donning to others here that our interests aligned.
When Americans were supporting us against Turkey,I was telling people that they have reasons to support us more.

But like all geopolitical analysts in Greece will tell you,we can't count on them. We can't count on the Russians and we can't count on the Europeans. The Kurds counted on the Americans,the Georgians counted on the Americans and now Zelensky counted on the Americans and the EU.

And they were all f*cked up.

You say we are the EU and NATO?

What are we in the EU? Apart from one of the original member-States,what are we?
Are we France? Are we Germany? Are we Belgium? Italy? Spain? We don't have a fraction of their economies.

NATO? There's a lot of stronger countries in NATO than us.

We are not them. We are a small part of them. We are allies and not first-rate allies. We are the kind of allies that Britain always asked for help before every major war and forgot afterwards.

We are the ones they will praise for our democracy,civilization and culture and end up being friendlier with Turkey and taking the side of FYROM and Albania.

And we are still here talking about "democracy and human rights",being all proud we are a member of the "civilised" world,that is EU and NATO.

Look what they did. Where's their adamant support for our gas and oil exploration? Where are the sanctions about Cyprus? Why didn't they take our side on the Macedonian issue? Why did they butcher us with heavy loans during the economic crisis?

Romania and Bulgaria are all far superior in living standards than Russia.

I would not want a single day to live under russian opression. Its one of the most repulsive and disgusting regimes on this planet. You can praise them all you want. You claim to be greek orthodox and at same time jump in joy as putler destroys Mariupol. Even sends chechens there to destroy churches. As a greek you should know what Mariupol means.

As i said, i feel sorry for you.

Good thing is, you and your friends are completly powerless in politics. Our government walks over you, like it has always done. Its for the better.
According to reports, apart from gas, Russia is also considering the payment method in Ruble for wheat, oil, minerals and other metals.

Does it mean, more countries will be forced to buy Rubles?

No country of the free world will buy rubles.

Ukraine's defence ministry presents video game footage as proof of dominance over Russian air force

This isn't the the first time Ukraine has presented video game footage as evidence of its superiority against the Russian military.
Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence has once again published fake video game footage to claim that its forces had “skillfully eliminated” Russian attack helicopters in Kherson.

Open following tweet to see the deleted one above it.

Here's a screenshot:

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Looks like Putin has come to his senses. Demands Roubles for gas on April 1st.

I hope he sticks to his guns this time.
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According to reports, apart from gas, Russia is also considering the payment method in Ruble for wheat, oil, minerals and other metals.

Does it mean, more countries will be forced to buy Rubles?
Putin won’t stop there. He will demand we pay in rubles for submarines, fighter jets and tanks.

I think it’s win win.
We Vietnam have high demand for Russia military gears. I have to check the exchange rate VND/Rubles though.
What is "free world"?

Nations where people are free, not autocratic and primitive dictatorships. EU, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Chile, UK just to name a few of the most important. But also smaller ones like switzerland, seychelles,
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