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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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@Vergennes @jamahir

The villas of rich russians in Germany got confiscated and now ukrainian refugees get housed there

Nations where people are free, not autocratic and primitive dictatorships. EU, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Chile, UK just to name a few of the most important. But also smaller ones like switzerland, seychelles,

So Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, the whole democratic Latin America (apart from Chile, which you mentioned), South Africa, the African continent, India, the Asian continet ...

Are they free world too?
Romania and Bulgaria are all far superior in living standards than Russia.
Where do you get that idea? Russia is massive. Place to place varies. You describe Russia as if it's some Indian village.

How do you draw the conclusion that Bulgaria and Romania are far superior? It's ridiculous. It's the same way you bashed China as a backwards place.

I would not want a single day to live under russian opression.
Oh the oppression! Oh! Oh the oppression! Tell me,what are you being oppressed off? Are you a Jehova's Witness? Are you LGBT rights supporter? Are you pro-liberal arts feminazi supporter?

Where's the big oppression? It's not Saddam's rule ffs.

You claim to be greek orthodox and at same time jump in joy as putler destroys Mariupol. Even sends chechens there to destroy churches. As a greek you should know what Mariupol means.
When did I jump about Mariupol? How many times have I said on this forum about how bad it is that two brothers are fighting and that Orthodox are dying? The only ones who profit out of this are the scum in the West who started this whole mess with their shit.

If you paid attention a bit,you'd have seen my posts about it.

As i said, i feel sorry for you.

Good thing is, you and your friends are completly powerless in politics. Our government walks over you, like it has always done. Its for the better.
Oh and you are powerful in politics? Our government does what? Walks over us? Then you're talking about a huge part of the greek people. Centre-right,far-right,leftists. Nationalists and communists agree on the fact that Russia was pushed to invade because of those bstards who shove a country against them and then cry crocodile tears and start selling all the stock weapons they have. Wake up. You think the world is the glamorous early 2000s European Union ruled by Brussels?
There ain't no bright future. American democrats and Brits are pushing the EU to buy their own energy and weaken the Russians on their behalf.

Wake up. I'm not telling you to be on Russia's side,I'm telling you to not count them as your loyal friends and brothers.
You think the Brit will care about us? The American who smile to the Turks again? The French who shook hands with Erdogan and talked about alliances?

Ask the Pakistanis,ask them about American embargoes on their weapons and spare parts during times of war. Go ahead,ask them and they'll tell you.

@PakFactor @Sainthood 101 @Bleek @SecularNationalist @TNT

You think the Germans who brutally demanded cuts on our salaries,pensions and increased taxes will actually care for us? The Scandinavians? Who? The Italians who supported Turkey during 2020's provocations? The Spaniards who want to sell aircraft carriers and ships to the Turks? The Netherlands who didn't even care to talk against Erdogan in 2020?

Go ask the Kurds,what happened after Desert Storm. When they encouraged the Kurds to rise against Saddam and then left them just like that to be slaughtered. Ask the Georgians who thought they could march in South Ossetia like Israelis did in Lebanon and fell for American promises. And then were running towards Tbilisi.

Ask the Kurds again who counted on American support and protection and saw the U.S. Army leaving them alone to fight the Turks that were coming.
So Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, the whole democratic Latin America (apart from Chile, which you mentioned), South Africa, the African continent, India, the Asian continet ...

Are they free world too?

I said, just to name a few. South Aftica is not democratic, Namibia is. India is not democratic, its a tyranny with its bizarre caste system. In Asia only Japan, South Korea and Taiwan are fully free nations, Singapore comes close. The rest is autocratic regimes.
I said, just to name a few. South Aftica is not democratic, Namibia is. India is not democratic, its a tyranny with its bizarre caste system. In Asia only Japan, South Korea and Taiwan are fully free nations, Singapore comes close. The rest is autocratic regimes.

So basically all the countries which toe US line are "free world"?

People in Brazil are not free, Mexico - not free, India and South Africa - not free, Pakistan - not free, Indonesia - not free. Vatican (because they are buying Rubles) - not free . Interesting.

BTW: Is it the same kind of freedom where banning media from other countries is called "protection of freedom" whereas counter ban is considered "attack on freedom"?
Where do you get that idea? Russia is massive. Place to place varies. You describe Russia as if it's some Indian village.

How do you draw the conclusion that Bulgaria and Romania are far superior? It's ridiculous. It's the same way you bashed China as a backwards place.

Oh the oppression! Oh! Oh the oppression! Tell me,what are you being oppressed off? Are you a Jehova's Witness? Are you LGBT rights supporter? Are you pro-liberal arts feminazi supporter?

Where's the big oppression? It's not Saddam's rule ffs.

When did I jump about Mariupol? How many times have I said on this forum about how bad it is that two brothers are fighting and that Orthodox are dying? The only ones who profit out of this are the scum in the West who started this whole mess with their shit.

If you paid attention a bit,you'd have seen my posts about it.

Oh and you are powerful in politics? Our government does what? Walks over us? Then you're talking about a huge part of the greek people. Centre-right,far-right,leftists. Nationalists and communists agree on the fact that Russia was pushed to invade because of those bstards who shove a country against them and then cry crocodile tears and start selling all the stock weapons they have. Wake up. You think the world is the glamorous early 2000s European Union ruled by Brussels?
There ain't no bright future. American democrats and Brits are pushing the EU to buy their own energy and weaken the Russians on their behalf.

Wake up. I'm not telling you to be on Russia's side,I'm telling you to not count them as your loyal friends and brothers.
You think the Brit will care about us? The American who smile to the Turks again? The French who shook hands with Erdogan and talked about alliances?

Ask the Pakistanis,ask them about American embargoes on their weapons and spare parts during times of war. Go ahead,ask them and they'll tell you.

@PakFactor @Sainthood 101 @Bleek @SecularNationalist @TNT

You think the Germans who brutally demanded cuts on our salaries,pensions and increased taxes will actually care for us? The Scandinavians? Who? The Italians who supported Turkey during 2020's provocations? The Spaniards who want to sell aircraft carriers and ships to the Turks? The Netherlands who didn't even care to talk against Erdogan in 2020?

Go ask the Kurds,what happened after Desert Storm. When they encouraged the Kurds to rise against Saddam and then left them just like that to be slaughtered. Ask the Georgians who thought they could march in South Ossetia like Israelis did in Lebanon and fell for American promises. And then were running towards Tbilisi.

Ask the Kurds again who counted on American support and protection and saw the U.S. Army leaving them alone to fight the Turks that were coming.

1. Russian are not our brothers. I hold myself to a certain standard, if you have no standard thats up to you.

2. Russia is dirt poor. Outside Moscow and St Petersburg it is completly rotten and falling apart. Bulgaria and Romania have 75% higher income and living standards. Maybe you should visit Russia and see how they "exist".

3. Oh the evil west forced Putin to go full hitler. Dude get real. You support a vile and disgusting regime. What freedom i mean? Look at Putin, a 70 year old mdiget with a botox pancake face. He has low IQ and is ridicolous laughable. In a free nation i can say that openly. In Russia they catch you away. You are a very simple person with maybe simpler ideas so that doesnt bother you. But for intelligent people, highly educated people, such a regime is plain and simple a prison.

But as i said, that doesnt matter now. We are at war and it looks good for us. Germany just announced to ship weapons worth 300 milion € to Ukraine. Those will make much more babushka shed tears.

The costs for Putin must reach astronomical levels.

I applaud the brave Ukrainians to fight that tyrant and who barevly stand for their freedom. Its inspirational for me.

So basically all the countries which toe US line are "free world"?

People in Brazil are not free, Mexico - not free, India and South Africa - not free, Pakistan - not free, Indonesia - not free. Vatican (because they are buying Rubles) - not free . Interesting.

BTW: Is it the same kind of freedom where banning media from other countries is called "protection of freedom" whereas counter ban is considered "attack on freedom"?

Well the free world also happens to be the rich world.

I could not imagine to live in a autocratic regime.
Meanwhile Putin signs a decree that European countries must have an account in "Gazprombank" to pay in Rubles in order to buy gas.

So it is official now.

Here's the situation, Europe has frozen the Euro assets of the Russian Central Bank and is severely restricting the use of the Euro by Russian businesses/traders. So, if Russia was to accept the Euro for payment, they wouldn't be able to exchange it for Rubles or use it for trade................in other words, it's worthless to Russia. Hence the reason why they want Rubles
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Terrorists !

So you blame @Ich just for being sane and refusing to be part of the lynch mob ?

I don't get your position on this? Are you a communist or just a russophile?

An oligarchy, the epitome of a capitalist society with wealth concentrated in the hands of an absolute micro-minority - has invaded another sovereign country. And you're acting like the oligarchy is the victim?

And the propaganda is so lame is almost laughable - Nazis!?

India has more Nazis currently than the world combined.
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