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A better question is, can Ukraine operate such system? No.

These are advance military article, it's not a car or tractor where everyone know how to use it and can use it right away, they don't have time (3 to 4 months at least, longer in F-16 case) to train to use those item.
So, does Ukraine have the training, documentation and logistics to maintain the S-400? No not.

The US media, numerous media outlets, including CNN and FOX, and even some senior generals from the European command are voicing this idea. Or is the purpose of the USA different in this request? Here's US' chance to show sincerity.

Or, as a counterexample, are the tactical armed drones used by Ukraine and the tactical data link integrated with this system was Soviet origin? How did Russian artillery units use the combat tactical data link established via Starlink?

This argument you mentioned is the main defense strategy that the US defense circles have been hiding behind and fending off questions for the last years. Instead of avoiding war, the United States supported a difficult and bloody war that resulted in the destruction of their cities, and almost all of infrastructures incl all of defense industry facilities. If so, it should support Ukraine as it should. For this reason, the USA has been criticized at least 3-4 times at the presidential and ministerial level in Ukraine in the last month.

So are we under normal conditions now? Extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary decisions. If Ukraine urgently needs these systems, and if you cannot procure the systems that the Ukrainian army is currently operating, the most realistic approach is to procure from an alternative 'manufacturer'. The US is Ukraine's largest supporter and the world's largest manufacturer of interceptor jet as well as air defense systems.

Indeed, the Ukrainian air force answers exactly your question: The conditions we are in are not ideal and it is not possible to act by the rule book. Even though the Ukrainian air force is shouting this fact out loud, you continue dig your head into sand.
For your Q

The most competent authority in Ukraine that can answer on this issue. If you consider yourself to be at a higher level, you should immediately forward your answer to the Ukrainian air force authorities and let them benefit from this great experience and wisdom.
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So, does Ukraine have the training, documentation and logistics to maintain the S-400? No not.

The US media, numerous media outlets, including CNN and FOX, and even some senior generals from the European command are voicing this idea. Or is the purpose of the USA different in this request? Here's US' chance to show sincerity.

Or, as a counterexample, are the tactical armed drones used by Ukraine and the tactical data link integrated with this system was Soviet origin? How did Russian artillery units use the combat tactical data link established via Starlink?

This argument you mentioned is the main defense strategy that the US defense circles have been hiding behind and fending off questions for the last years. Instead of avoiding war, the United States supported a difficult and bloody war that resulted in the destruction of their city. If so, it should support Ukraine as it should. For this reason, the USA has been criticized at least 3-4 times at the presidential and ministerial level in Ukraine in the last month.

So are we under normal conditions now? Extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary decisions. If Ukraine urgently needs these systems, and if you cannot procure the systems that the Ukrainian army is currently operating, the most realistic approach is to procure from an alternative 'manufacturer'. The US is Ukraine's largest supporter and the world's largest manufacturer of interceptor jet as well as air defense systems.

Indeed, the Ukrainian air force answers exactly your question: The conditions we are in are not ideal and it is not possible to act by the rule book. Even though the Ukrainian air force is shouting this fact out loud, you continue dig your head into sand.
For your Q

The most competent authority in Ukraine that can answer on this issue. If you consider yourself to be at a higher level, you should immediately forward your answer to the Ukrainian air force authorities and let them benefit from this great experience and wisdom.
And the don't forget the Nimitz Carrier Battle Group, delivered to the Mariupol port.
Oh NATO just appeared out of nowhere next to Russia? Look at all the countries that joined NATO after 1997.

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That is the ENTIRE point. NATO was there from day 1. The thing is, who have the right to decide their country can or cannot join NATO? It's one thing it's coming from Ukrainian mouth that Ukrainian don't want to join NATO, and it's another when it is coming from Russia.

Point is, what Russia is doing is not trying to create a buffer zone, as I said, if they were, they would have try to at least interfere with Ukrainian Politics, instead of starting a general invasion.
And would Zelensky have agreed making Ukraine neutral and restoring friendly relations with Russia after 8 years of war? And especially when the Russians took Crimea back and now wanted Donbass as well? He wouldn't have been re-elected.
Besides,I think he believed the West's promises of money and protection so much that he wanted to join NATO and EU no matter what.

Ukraine is NEUTRAL until Russia invaded back in 2014. Have you even read the poll? 28% of Ukrainian wanted NATO Membership before Crimea Annexation and after Maidan. 61% after Russia Annexing Crimea.

If you really do follow Ukrainian Politics like I did, you will know the problem IS AND ALWAYS IS EU. Ukraine themselves, like the Finns, and the Swedes, they don't want to part of NATO, they want closer ECONOMIC relationship with EU. This (ending the war and minding the relationship with Russia) is the same platform that got Zelenskyy elected.

I don't think now even with a Neutral Ukraine, they are not going to be "Friendly" to the Russian.

Again, if NATO WAS the problem Russia made out to be, then attacking the only country in the Area that is NOT NATO member does not push NATO border away, as I said, you only push your border closer to them.
Yes,but like Putin said,if NATO had installed ballistic missiles in the Ukraine,they could have reached Siberia in 7-8 minutes.
Not to mention that European Russia can be easily invaded from Ukraine. The Baltic States are small and enemy concentrations can be easily destroyed,theoretically. Plus there is Kalliningrad acting as a huge base there to deter any landings or act as a diversion.

Belarus and Ukraine give Russia strategic depth to defend and organize a counter-attack. Just like Kazakhstan for example.
How about NATO install ballistic missile in Estonia and Latvia? They are as close, if not closer to Russia from Ukraine. It could also reach Siberia in 7-8 minutes, Russia and NATO had an agreement not to post Permanent NATO troop there in the Baltics, and accord to Jens Stoltenberg, it's gone now. Hell, a ballistic missile Fired from Alaska (US state) can reach Siberia is less than 3 minutes. They are 150 km away from Siberia....How about Guam, and Diego Garcia? Those place are 100% under US Control like Alaska, and how about US deploy missile there? Or how about sovereignty nation that are friendly to the US or NATO? How about US deployed Ballistic Missile in their bases in Japan and South Korea?? Are you saying Russia should invade Japan and Korea like they do with Ukraine because of the perceived threat of Ballistic missile?

There are places US can put missile to threaten Russia beside Ukraine, NATO member, non-NATO allied and even within US Soil that were less complicated than deploying missile in Ukraine that just as threaten if not more threatening , the problem is, this is outside Russia Calculus. I mean, what could Russia do if say Latvia now wanted US Ballistic missile deployment in the region? How about Japan?

As for Baltic state can "easily" destroyed. You cannot attack the Baltic States without triggering Article 5, which bring the entire NATO to war, on the other hand, if your argument is NATO will not come to Baltic state for help, then that would negate the Ukrainian threat because one would think if NATO will not come to other NATO member state for help, then NATO would most definitely not going to come to a non-NATO country to help. Which negate the entire NATO threat of Ukraine to Russia.

Belarus and Ukraine give Russia strategic depth to defend and organize a counter-attack. Just like Kazakhstan for example.

Lol, do you know what is "Strategic Depth"?

First of all, Russia is the BIGGEST NATION on earth by far, 2 millions (2.8 to be exact) square mile bigger than the second biggest country on earth - Canada, the "Discussion" of whether or not Russian would needed "More" strategic depth is probably not a valid discussion, I mean, what "more" can they get? Strategic depth is "Inward", not "outward" it give you time to absorb the attack and organise counter attack, as I said, 6.6 million square mile probably already have all the Strategic Depth you would ever needed

Second of all, even if they do needed "Strategic Depth", you will not get it from a Neutral country, you need to either be a vassal state (Like Belarus to Russia or Transnistria to Russia or Wa State to China) or as a colony. Which mean if Russia wanted to use Ukraine as Strategic Depth, Ukraine being "Neutral" is not enough. That mean Ukraine cannot be a buffer, because a buffer would have been neutral.
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So, does Ukraine have the training, documentation and logistics to maintain the S-400? No not.

The US media, numerous media outlets, including CNN and FOX, and even some senior generals from the European command are voicing this idea. Or is the purpose of the USA different in this request? Here's US' chance to show sincerity.

Or, as a counterexample, are the tactical armed drones used by Ukraine and the tactical data link integrated with this system was Soviet origin? How did Russian artillery units use the combat tactical data link established via Starlink?

This argument you mentioned is the main defense strategy that the US defense circles have been hiding behind and fending off questions for the last years. Instead of avoiding war, the United States supported a difficult and bloody war that resulted in the destruction of their city. If so, it should support Ukraine as it should. For this reason, the USA has been criticized at least 3-4 times at the presidential and ministerial level in Ukraine in the last month.

So are we under normal conditions now? Extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary decisions. If Ukraine urgently needs these systems, and if you cannot procure the systems that the Ukrainian army is currently operating, the most realistic approach is to procure from an alternative 'manufacturer'. The US is Ukraine's largest supporter and the world's largest manufacturer of interceptor jet as well as air defense systems.

Indeed, the Ukrainian air force answers exactly your question: The conditions we are in are not ideal and it is not possible to act by the rule book. Even though the Ukrainian air force is shouting this fact out loud, you continue dig your head into sand.
For your Q

The most competent authority in Ukraine that can answer on this issue. If you consider yourself to be at a higher level, you should immediately forward your answer to the Ukrainian air force authorities and let them benefit from this great experience and wisdom.

First of all, S-400 is different than straight up using Patriot, I can't even possibly use it if you give it to me now and I was trained with Anti-Air defence (as I told you earlier) On the other hand, I would imagine there will be some kind of system familiarity toward S-400 because the Ukrainian is using S-300U.

All in all, I don't think the S-400 offer is a serious one, first of all, it wasn't US properties, you need to have the Turk part way with it, which itself is a complicated issue, unless US have a few S-400 system stashed somewhere I don't know about. Second, how do you conduct such transfer even if the Turk said it's alright, come take it. This is not a box of NLAW or Javelin Missile that you can just drive across the border with a truck. And I oppose the transfer of S-400 as much as Patriot missile or F-16.

Just because some General on CNN said "Hey we should have Turkey transfer S-400 to Ukraine" does not make it an official position for the US government. I mean, since when did our government listened to Media?

On the other hand, can they really fly F-16 or uses Patriot effectively is an issue here, you seems to forget there is a person behind those system, sure, go fly a F-16 when you don't know how, and go on and deploy a Patriot missile system when you don't know how to integrate it into the Ukrainian own defence system and was not protected. Losing those system is only money, there are some 700 surplus F-16 sitting in a desert right now that can replace any F-16 lost, Patriot Battery is probably a bit trickier, but it can do. How about the Pilot Lost? Do you have a spare one with 300 or so flight hours that can replace them? How about the operator that was trained with Anti-Air defence system, do you have people that can do as good of a job to replace them if they were killed or captured?

It's not really a "Hey I will give you anything" in a case of emergency, you really need to know how stuff were used before you can use it. you can say this is an excuse, sure, but that does not taken over the point of familiarity. You are not talking about picking up an AK or PKM in war when your AR is out of ammo, I mean, even system like GP-25 Grenade Launcher, I have no idea how to use it effectively if you are giving it to me at an instant to silent a bunker when I am out of 203 ammo, my entire platoon would have been killed just waiting on me try to figure out how to aim that thing downrange.... and that would translate to loss of combat efficiency in war. And that is a bad thing when you are fighting a war, especially when you are facing a stronger enemy.

As for "Professional" Ukrainian request. Well, they asked for a lot of things but the issue is, was that an acceptable demand is another issue altogether. Let's take No Fly Zone as an example, UKAF and Zelenskyy asked for No Fly Zone, does that mean we should give it to them, or even if that will benefit the Ukrainian? Set aside this will pitch NATO pilot possibly against Russian pilot, a No Fly Zone would mean Ukrainian aircraft would also be grounded as well, and think of the consequence if Ukraine cannot launch ISTAR drone and pitch attack sortie, do you still think No Fly Zone is a good idea??
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What are the chances that Russia will do it all over again? Western news reporters are saying that Russia just wants to fall back, regroup and strike again. Seems to me like they've fallen back too much if it is just to regroup. Russians are going back all the way to Belarus now :undecided:

LMAO,I'm pretty sure that quote is fake.

BTW,Putin's lapdog (Medvedev) was in power,Russia would have done jack sh/t.

The NATO-led operation in Libya in 2011 was launched under the authority of two UN Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR), 1970 and 1973, neither of which was opposed by Russia. UNSCR 1973 authorized the international community "to take all necessary measures" to "protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack". This is what NATO did, with the political and military support of regional states and members of the Arab League.

Glad all the migrants were allowed to cross. You guys destabilised region because French President owned 50 million euros, the civil war gave him excuse to kill his banker.

good the asshole died like a pussy begging for life lol :lol:
Did you find all the terrorist attacks from Libya post 2011 to be funny. Tunis, Manchester etc?
He is a RUSSIAN, so he is a commie by definition!

This seems to be a huge blow to france. I copy it from 4chan:
France was desperate to lead evacuation from Mariupol:

But Putin declined on phone call:

Allegedly, there were 2 French intelligence officers stuck in Mariupol.
Probably either they died in crash, or arrested among 2-3 who survived.
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F-35s in Eastern Europe have been performing some “elegant” intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance missions as part of the NATO response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the head of U.S. European Command told lawmakers March 30—and he expects the fighter’s presence on the continent to expand dramatically by the end of the decade, exceeding earlier predictions.

Air Force Gen. Tod D. Wolters, who also serves as NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, added to members of the House Armed Services Committee that getting more F-35s delivered to Europe, either as part of the U.S. Air Force or for other nations, is “critical.”

“They’ll deliver a tremendous improvement in our strategic ability, in indications and warnings, command and control, and mission command, as already demonstrated by U.S. F-35s that are contributing in the assure and deter mission at this time,” Wolters said.

In mid-February, just before the start of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the U.S. deployed F-35s from Hill Air Force Base, Utah, to Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, to enhance NATO’s defense posture. Those jets were later sent to Romania and Poland to bolster the eastern flank, arriving on Feb. 24.

At the time, U.S. Air Forces in Europe said six of the fifth-generation fighters were being deployed. More than a month later, Wolters told Congress that four are still being used in the region, to great effect.

“The U.S. F-35As, the four that we have right now, are in use, and they’ve been very effective doing some elegant ISR activities. And it just reveals to us how much greater capability we’re going to have once we get our full fleet on board,” Wolters said.

Did Russia stop Poland or the Baltics from joining NATO? Did they stop the Czechs or the Slovaks?

Why can't you understand that UKRAINE is a special case? Why can't you understand it after all these discussions and hundreds of pages and probably books that you've read? Why can't you understand that giving up Ukraine is not the same as giving up let's say Lithuania or Moldova or Uzbekistan? You lived in the Cold War and cannot fathom this.

I disagree with some of Putin's policies. Yes. Why? Shouldn't I? Why would I pretend? What do I have to gain?

I thought you guys would have understood the difference,but it seems that you haven't.

I'm not anti-US in the sense of the Cold War nor the people. I'm against the hypocrisy of the U.S. when it comes to this and the warmongering and biased stance against certain countries,which they pulverized to peaces,pretending they suddenly cared about certain people. This is the hypocrisy that I'm against.

The communist threat disappeared in 1992. The U.S. was the sole major superpower for some 20 years and what did they do with it? They acted like the policeman of the world,talking with arrogance about where they will go,what they will do,who they will bomb,what government they will replace. And now suddenly,we have this narration of "evil Putin,Russia wants to invade Europe,take over the world,communism back again,they eat babies,we have to stop the madman".

Who? The U.S. who went from being the leader of the free world in the 40's and 50s to a "Whoever is not with us is against us" country.

I'm sorry,I'm not anti-American but I ain't gonna love how your governments treated Serbia while proudly supporting and excusing the Israelis' actions in the Middle-East (I'm talking about the last 40 years,not prior to that).

And what they're doing now is wrecklessly pushing sanctions anti-Russian sentiment to the point that we might have WWIII. Instead of setting limits from the beginning to avoid any conflict with Russia or China.

So it's not about me "hating America",but instead what happened to America.

Who stopped the U.S. from changing supporting a tyrant in Nicaragua? Who stopped the U.S. from trying to topple Castro? Not that they shouldn't have tried to topple him,but then again,who tried to stop the U.S. from invading Panama and Grenada? Supporting dictators and rich oligarchs in El Salvador and Guatemala?

Do you understand what I'm saying? You've supported brutal dictators and strict regimes,just because they were on your side. So you can't go around talking about evil Russkies who wanna topple superhero Zelensky.
Brilliant ! Too bad no one even gave you a Like.
YOU consider ME a traitor? The half-German who studies in Germany and supports NATO wholeheartedly?

It's people like you who think that Americans will rush to our help and that Germans will support us and not Turkey,because we're in the EU.

Instead of keeping a balanced stance between Russia and the West,you think we should be trying hard to impress our "allies" in NATO and EU about how loyal we are to their "democratic" values and warmongering.

You call me a traitor? You? Kid,get a grip. You'd rather have us align with the Fourth Reich,just because you dislike anything eastern.

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thats not the flag of the third reich.
only few weeks ago, $1 was trading at 150 or so Rubles and now:

View attachment 828974

What is going on here? I was kinda expecting it to reach 200 against dollar but it is getting stronger instead. :what:
yes russia has so far won the currency battle, no doubt about it. The problem is the measures required to keep it at that level are extraordinary and will cost it the moment they are lifted. These include 20% interest rates and forcing all exporters to convert 80% of their foreign currency holdings into worthless ruble. Banning export of currency over 10k. etc etc. A bit like South Africa in apartheid. if you as a foreigner hold Russian shares, you are not allowed to sell them. Each measure has a massive cost.

Yes,but like Putin said,if NATO had installed ballistic missiles in the Ukraine,they could have reached Siberia in 7-8 minutes.
Not to mention that European Russia can be easily invaded from Ukraine. The Baltic States are small and enemy concentrations can be easily destroyed,theoretically. Plus there is Kalliningrad acting as a huge base there to deter any landings or act as a diversion.

Belarus and Ukraine give Russia strategic depth to defend and organize a counter-attack. Just like Kazakhstan for example.

You are the first person I know who has explained why Ukraine is so important for Russia.
People in America--remember, there is no 'West' here-- keep saying that Russia didnt violently resist against the Baltic former USSR states joining NATO. I thought partly because Russia was too weak then, and partly because of the Kallingrad factor.
Ukraine was important to Russia on some emotional/historic level. That much I guessed. But I see now from a strategic level as well.

PS. Honestly, after the 'press' coverage of the Afghan events in 2021 and after such a one-sided coverage of the recent events in Ukraine, I have lost ALL FAITH in the American-led 'Western' mainstream media and would even question and re-examine taboo topics about the causes of the two World Wars, about the Holocaust, and even about Hitler! I refuse to believe the narrative of the victors and now it is becoming more and more obvious to me there is a Goddamn cabal of war-mongers profiteering from wars for centuries and their narrative must be questioned, however one would look like some conspiracy theorist.
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