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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I doubt that. The Russian people have enough problems of their own at the social and cultural levels. But what you are saying is that weak countries that lives next to powerful neighbors MUST essentially submit to the wills of more powerful countries. Now, it is 'just' buffer zones. What next? Economic tributes?
Did Russia stop Poland or the Baltics from joining NATO? Did they stop the Czechs or the Slovaks?

Why can't you understand that UKRAINE is a special case? Why can't you understand it after all these discussions and hundreds of pages and probably books that you've read? Why can't you understand that giving up Ukraine is not the same as giving up let's say Lithuania or Moldova or Uzbekistan? You lived in the Cold War and cannot fathom this.

Do not give us the pretense that you 'disagree' with Poutine's policies. I doubt you know what they are anyway.
I disagree with some of Putin's policies. Yes. Why? Shouldn't I? Why would I pretend? What do I have to gain?

But what you are doing is supporting Poutine out of being anti-US. Nothing more.
I thought you guys would have understood the difference,but it seems that you haven't.

I'm not anti-US in the sense of the Cold War nor the people. I'm against the hypocrisy of the U.S. when it comes to this and the warmongering and biased stance against certain countries,which they pulverized to peaces,pretending they suddenly cared about certain people. This is the hypocrisy that I'm against.

The communist threat disappeared in 1992. The U.S. was the sole major superpower for some 20 years and what did they do with it? They acted like the policeman of the world,talking with arrogance about where they will go,what they will do,who they will bomb,what government they will replace. And now suddenly,we have this narration of "evil Putin,Russia wants to invade Europe,take over the world,communism back again,they eat babies,we have to stop the madman".

Who? The U.S. who went from being the leader of the free world in the 40's and 50s to a "Whoever is not with us is against us" country.

I'm sorry,I'm not anti-American but I ain't gonna love how your governments treated Serbia while proudly supporting and excusing the Israelis' actions in the Middle-East (I'm talking about the last 40 years,not prior to that).

And what they're doing now is wrecklessly pushing sanctions anti-Russian sentiment to the point that we might have WWIII. Instead of setting limits from the beginning to avoid any conflict with Russia or China.

So it's not about me "hating America",but instead what happened to America.

ho can stop US from demanding tributes from Mexico and Canada?
Who stopped the U.S. from changing supporting a tyrant in Nicaragua? Who stopped the U.S. from trying to topple Castro? Not that they shouldn't have tried to topple him,but then again,who tried to stop the U.S. from invading Panama and Grenada? Supporting dictators and rich oligarchs in El Salvador and Guatemala?

Do you understand what I'm saying? You've supported brutal dictators and strict regimes,just because they were on your side. So you can't go around talking about evil Russkies who wanna topple superhero Zelensky.
@sammuel you shared BBC claiming:


Following is also from BBC:

Some excerpts from this BBC video:



BBC further says that political party C-14 is associated with has 4 ministries including defense ministry.

2 of those Ukrainians ministers brandish symbol of "Heil Hitler" . . . happy now @sammuel

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Former KGB agent. That means he knows how things work in the world.

I disagree with some of his policies,but he doesn't want the USSR back. All the Russians want is buffer zones and for the Pentagon warhawks to stop undermining Russia's security and economic prosperity all the time. Is that much to ask?
You do know what Putin is doing is effectively pushing Russia border toward NATO.

That is not how "Buffer" works. If they want neutral Ukraine, they would have stopped at Donbas region, not invading the entire Ukraine, North to South and the East.

Also as I said many post ago, having Ukraine as a buffer by force DOES NOT alleviate the Pressure from NATO, as Russia is already surrounded by 3 sides by NATO. That wrap around is not going to go just because Ukraine is neutral. In fact it will only make it worse, because taking Ukraine, an already neutral state, by Force, is going to make other country that border Russia to consider NATO membership.

Ukraine just need MIM-104 Patriot and F-16s, with some munitions and missiles.

Does the USA have the courage to give these systems them? No.
A better question is, can Ukraine operate such system? No.

These are advance military article, it's not a car or tractor where everyone know how to use it and can use it right away, they don't have time (3 to 4 months at least, longer in F-16 case) to train to use those item.
You dare talk to me about DSE and 5th columns? Because I'm just saying you should see the Western hypocrisy and realize that the conflict isn't black and white? That you fall for American propaganda?

That Russian 5th column that you are talking about was Stalinist. I'm not a communist. And today's Russia is not the Soviet Union.

But the biggest chance is that you will bring the Germans in and rub your hands like a Jewish merchant saying "The Germans came as friends!"
You are talking to a 20 year old spoiled kid with no education, no life experience and no understanding of history and geopolitics at all. Here in germany we have a saying: Dumm wie drei Meter Feldweg. He haven't even finished his school, but giving here lectures about geopolitics.:lol:

He can't even understand the simple mathematics about energy costs, because he has rich parent and "don't give a fu ck, if he has to pay 10 €/l for gas". And so on .... Pure retardation.

If you wanna know, what the mental state of the Hitler Jugend was, then read more "Apollon".

And the problem is, the west and germany is polluted with figures like him. Having rich parents and the political correct opinion is enough. Look at our so called elite, like Baerbock, Habeck and so on: They are all more or less retards, but they have the politcall correct opinion and the connections to Soros and Co. You wanna see an another example? Here it is: Hunter Biden. A complete degenerated Crack Head, fucked his own underaged niece Natalia Biden and so on. Got put on the Board of different companies etc. because his father is Joe Biden.
Aaahhh...So Ukraine is 'special'. Am sure every powerful country can find its own 'special' cases.
Bay of Pigs? How many times did the U.S. try to take out Castro?

Why was NATO expanding after the Warsaw Pact dissolved? What was the reason? The threat of communism disappeared. Apart from China and North Korea,there was no reason for NATO to exist. I know it's impractical and unrealistic to dissolve it that fast,but at least not expand it to the point that others feel threatened?

You do know what Putin is doing is effectively pushing Russia border toward NATO.
Oh NATO just appeared out of nowhere next to Russia? Look at all the countries that joined NATO after 1997.

NATO Expansion.JPG

That is not how "Buffer" works. If they want neutral Ukraine, they would have stopped at Donbas region, not invading the entire Ukraine, North to South and the East.
And would Zelensky have agreed making Ukraine neutral and restoring friendly relations with Russia after 8 years of war? And especially when the Russians took Crimea back and now wanted Donbass as well? He wouldn't have been re-elected.
Besides,I think he believed the West's promises of money and protection so much that he wanted to join NATO and EU no matter what.

Also as I said many post ago, having Ukraine as a buffer by force DOES NOT alleviate the Pressure from NATO, as Russia is already surrounded by 3 sides by NATO.
Yes,but like Putin said,if NATO had installed ballistic missiles in the Ukraine,they could have reached Siberia in 7-8 minutes.
Not to mention that European Russia can be easily invaded from Ukraine. The Baltic States are small and enemy concentrations can be easily destroyed,theoretically. Plus there is Kalliningrad acting as a huge base there to deter any landings or act as a diversion.

Belarus and Ukraine give Russia strategic depth to defend and organize a counter-attack. Just like Kazakhstan for example.

You are talking to a 20 year old spoiled kid with no education, no life experience and no understanding of history and geopolitics at all. Here in germany we have a saying: Dumm wie drei Meter Feldweg. He haven't even finished his school, but giving here lectures about geopolitics.:lol:

He can't even understand the simple mathematics about energy costs, because he has rich parent and "don't give a fu ck, if he has to pay 10 €/l for gas". And so on .... Pure retardation.

If you wanna know, what the mental state of the Hitler Jugend was, then read more "Apollon".

And the problem is, the west and germany is polluted with figures like him. Having rich parents and the political correct opinion is enough. Look at our so called elite, like Baerbock, Habeck and so on: They are all more or less retards, but they have the politcall correct opinion and the connections to Soros and Co. You wanna see an another example? Here it is: Hunter Biden. A complete degenerated Crack Head, fucked his own underaged niece Natalia Biden and so on. Got put on the Board of different companies etc. because his father is Joe Biden.
Exactly man! That was a great post!
Lol brilliant, always love it when actual dictatorships play victim. Russia has invaded 12 of its 14 neighbors, it's had essentially a dictator for most of my life and yet despite all of their aggression they are always the victim. The same mentality is shared by the likes of China...blame the west!

As for Ukrainians being Nazis...there's some truth to it but coming from Russia it means nothing, there's still Nazis, skinheads in large numbers active in Russia, not to mention the actual country is becoming eerily similar to Nazi Germany day by day.

At the end of the day when your main allies are China, Eritrea, north Korea....you might be an asshole.

And Pakistanis/Indians/China supporting Russia but then having conflicts with each other yet somehow siding with Russia over the west but at the same time essentially hating each other...sort it out.
Special case! Lets fucking bomb them now. Dear great leader is right!! Why dont u understand??

Its dumbest argument ever. What is China's special case then? Vietnam

India's special case is bangladesh?

Let's start bomb them too. Why not!
He is using the US 'hypocrisy' argument to gloss over the fact that no one wants to be with Russia. No one forced anyone to join NATO, but for Russia, the only way to 'alliance' is by force. So for him, that more countries prefers NATO justifies a new Russia bloc even if Russia have to violently wrest territories to create that bloc.
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I love it how the fiction of 'Putin is a communist' gains traction.

His biggest opposition in Russia is the communist party.
He is a RUSSIAN, so he is a commie by definition!
One of the Ukrainian helicopters shot down near Mariupol. 15 died at the crash site, two survived, tried to escape, but were detained.
This seems to be a huge blow to france. I copy it from 4chan:

>The recent failed attempt by 3 Ukrainian helicopters to evacuate troops from Mariupol was a desperate mission with very low chances of success. This raises the question why would Ukraine risk what little is left of its airforce for something so suicidal?
>Macron started spamming Putin with calls, demanding permission to carry out a "humanitarian evacuation" in Mariupol with the help of French, Greek forces.
>The head of the French military intelligence is getting fired for "failures" to "proper assess" the situation in Ukraine.

So we have:
>.ua suicide mission to evacuate someone
>Macron shitting bricks and begging Putin
>Head of French military intelligence getting sacked
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