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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Dude - about 3-4 million migrated from east to west (there were hundreds of thousands from other side too). How many victims in border crossing ? 327 as per BBC : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-40200305 . and this includes 24 border guards themselves shot.
Most of the shootings were within berlin area- because right in the heart of east Germany was literally a nato enclave. And east germany was paranoid about migrations there - not because of economic reasons but due to military/spy etc. As part of establishment of berlin enclave it got guarantees that it will not be used as conduit for human trafficking.

If you take out the shootings in highly militarized berlin and baltic sea (where it was mines)area then total deaths are just 16.

Also it is complete fabrication that east germany did not permit people to travel. In 1987 itself 2.8 million visits were made by east germans to west germans and majority came back home.
the reason why most were shot in the Berlin area was because that was the only place you could really cross. If you lived in any other city you could not go anywhere close to the West German border. You needed your papers with you at all times and if you were new to an area you would get ID'd at every corner asking you what business you had there. You would be interrogated and shot in a dark room way before you got to the border area.

People that got visas to visit West Germany were closely vetted and usually powerful people in the communist apparatus or old grandmas who would return knowing they had family and grandkids in the East.
You dare talk to me about DSE and 5th columns? Because I'm just saying you should see the Western hypocrisy and realize that the conflict isn't black and white? That you fall for American propaganda?

That Russian 5th column that you are talking about was Stalinist. I'm not a communist. And today's Russia is not the Soviet Union.

But the biggest chance is that you will bring the Germans in and rub your hands like a Jewish merchant saying "The Germans came as friends!"

You dare talk to me about DSE and 5th columns? Because I'm just saying you should see the Western hypocrisy and realize that the conflict isn't black and white? That you fall for American propaganda?

That Russian 5th column that you are talking about was Stalinist. I'm not a communist. And today's Russia is not the Soviet Union.

But the biggest chance is that you will bring the Germans in and rub your hands like a Jewish merchant saying "The Germans came as friends!"

You chose your bed, so live with the consequences
Maybe move to Romania or Bulgaria yourself since they are in NATO and EU.

You've obviously haven't paid attention to my posts since you came here. When Russians were best friends with Erdy,I was not congratulating them. When the French were supporting us,I was donning to others here that our interests aligned.
When Americans were supporting us against Turkey,I was telling people that they have reasons to support us more.

But like all geopolitical analysts in Greece will tell you,we can't count on them. We can't count on the Russians and we can't count on the Europeans. The Kurds counted on the Americans,the Georgians counted on the Americans and now Zelensky counted on the Americans and the EU.

And they were all f*cked up.

You say we are the EU and NATO?

What are we in the EU? Apart from one of the original member-States,what are we?
Are we France? Are we Germany? Are we Belgium? Italy? Spain? We don't have a fraction of their economies.

NATO? There's a lot of stronger countries in NATO than us.

We are not them. We are a small part of them. We are allies and not first-rate allies. We are the kind of allies that Britain always asked for help before every major war and forgot afterwards.

We are the ones they will praise for our democracy,civilization and culture and end up being friendlier with Turkey and taking the side of FYROM and Albania.

And we are still here talking about "democracy and human rights",being all proud we are a member of the "civilised" world,that is EU and NATO.

Look what they did. Where's their adamant support for our gas and oil exploration? Where are the sanctions about Cyprus? Why didn't they take our side on the Macedonian issue? Why did they butcher us with heavy loans during the economic crisis?
You are an orthodox supremacist and think that russia will "liberate" Constantinople for you? is that the reason you support russia?
How can you make people who are blind see?

Some of these people here are ridiculous.

A for effort for trying though.

Putin is neither crazy nor evil.

Objective examination of the facts will illustrate that.

And his personal demonization as well as that of Russia and Russians is really troubling.

Anyways, all we can do it watch.


Or to wake people pretending to sleep.
They snore and pretend even harder.

There is no threat to Germany. If Nato had disbanded after the cold war, like the Warsaw pact, this crisis wouldn't have ocurred.

The Europeans sychophancy towards the US, and accepting a junior role has resulted in US interests overiding European interests.

Actually you could argue that NATO has defeated Putin ,they haven't invaded Estonia or Latvia which border Russia or even Lithuania (via Belarus ) those 3 country's are NATO members unlike Ukraine
Glad all the migrants were allowed to cross. You guys destabilised region because French President owned 50 million euros, the civil war gave him excuse to kill his banker.

Did you find all the terrorist attacks from Libya post 2011 to be funny. Tunis, Manchester etc?
Of course not. But zero sympathy for Gaddafi. His own ppl hunt him down.

French military intel chief's resignation seen as fallout for misjudging Putin's intentions in Ukraine​

The head of France's military intelligence has quit his post in what's being seen as fallout from France misjudging Russia's intentions in Ukraine. As the U.S. predicted Russia was ready to invade Ukraine, France preferred to believe it wouldn't go that far.
I cant see any "guter Zweck" and i do not want that my money is used to make some rich by stretching the killing.
Ah come, you want Ukraine to surrender because that would save lives?
Prove your claims,show where and when it was posted,otherwise your claims are just BS.


It is the Russian Ministry Defense through their English Telegram channel that refuted the claim.

The video has a date in January 2022? 👇 Looks like #FakeNews is the motto for the propagandists who support Ukraine.

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Former KGB agent. That means he knows how things work in the world.

I disagree with some of his policies,but he doesn't want the USSR back. All the Russians want is buffer zones and for the Pentagon warhawks to stop undermining Russia's security and economic prosperity all the time. Is that much to ask?

KGB knows nothing. Their own shithole collapsed and in Ukraine they fail too

You are an orthodox supremacist and think that russia will "liberate" Constantinople for you? is that the reason you support russia?

Yes, completly deluded. He would betray entire Greece and Europe to the barbarians for that
yes russia has so far won the currency battle, no doubt about it. The problem is the measures required to keep it at that level are extraordinary and will cost it the moment they are lifted. These include 20% interest rates and forcing all exporters to convert 80% of their foreign currency holdings into worthless ruble. Banning export of currency over 10k. etc etc. A bit like South Africa in apartheid. if you as a foreigner hold Russian shares, you are not allowed to sell them. Each measure has a massive cost.

There is a cost to freedom.

It's also piracy to confiscate assets of rich Russians overseas. No judge no jury just guilty because the west said so. I am glad western businesses are being nationalised by the Russians
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