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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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You are an orthodox supremacist and think that russia will "liberate" Constantinople for you? is that the reason you support russia?
Supremacist? When someone supports his religion he is a supremacist? So does that make you a Sunni supremacist?
Supremacist? When someone supports his religion he is a supremacist? So does that make you a Sunni supremacist?

Ukraine now strikes back buddy. How you like Belgorod in flames?

Two days ago ammo depot blew up. Now their oil depot, still burning.

Ukraine not only wins back areas, they now attack inside russia.
You chose your bed, so live with the consequences
Are you completely retarded? All these months you saw me talking with the Turks and mentioning our defense deals and friendly relations with countries like France and USA. And now that I'm simply talking about this situation and this war,
explaining how we should have been neutral to this and that the Russians were
pushed to attack by the West,you rush to call me "traitor" and "5th column".

Get out of here.

Ukraine now strikes back buddy. How you like Belgorod in flames?

Two days ago ammo depot blew up. Now their oil depot, still burning.

Ukraine not only wins back areas, they now attack inside russia.
Yeah they will reach Siberia and go all the way to Irkutsk re malaka.
Are you completely retarded? All these months you saw me talking with the Turks and mentioning our defense deals and friendly relations with countries like France and USA. And now that I'm simply talking about this situation and this war,
explaining how we should have been neutral to this and that the Russians were
pushed to attack by the West,you rush to call me "traitor" and "5th column".

Get out of here.

Yeah that will reach Siberia and go so the way to Irkutsk re malaka.

You cant be neutral against Putins facist war. Its that simple. Too be honest im against negotiations at this point. Russia must be destroyed. Negotiations can be with the interim government
They dont lose territory. Obviously evryone expected Ukraine to lose in 3 days. But here we are one month in war. They do massive damage to Russia and stalled them. Even pushing them back. I admire their fighting spirit.

You call villagers who suffered from outside terror army fanatics? You are a lost cause.

A human life never meant something in Russia.

Good, bring the war to them. In russian Propaganda they say Helicopter crash caused this. 😅
On a serious note.
I think time for when countries can invade and occupy are over.
Drones and anti tank weapons have shown that small nations with smart fluid forces can decimate large armies. Demoralising them and then hitting as and when to make them suffer. Afghanistan was a nightmare for the west as was Iraq. Ukraine is Russian nightmare
I dont want the war at all.
Ukraine doesn’t want war it’s Putin‘s Russia that seeks war.

If Ukraine surrenders the Russians will put all to gulags and concentration camps.

They will eliminate Ukrainian language, cultures, customs and everything.

Ukraine history will end.

There will be nothing left except ruins in museums.
LMAO either it's a false flag attack either Russia is clearly the most incompetent army in the world. :lol: what an humiliation

I dont think its false flag. Its too devastating. Its only big fuel depot in the region and this has big effect on them now.

As for competence...russia orders it soldiers to dig trenches in the red forest next chernobyl. They were never a competent army
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