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  1. STEVEN囧

    Chinese Dairy Giant exploring opportunities in Pakistan

    Yili is a very famous and reliable dairy enterprise in China and hope Yili could bring the best dairy products and technology to Pakistan and achieve the win-win business.:china::pakistan:
  2. STEVEN囧

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    VIDEO: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc0MzA1NDIyNA==.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2&spm=a2h0k.8191407.0.0
  3. STEVEN囧

    85% of world’s illegal kidney trade happens in Pakistan

    Yes..we are poor and disenfranchised and our bodies are not complete.Where is my organ?Damn it.China is too dangerous.Please save us.Please...
  4. STEVEN囧

    Real Face of Two Nuclear Powers: Ready To Blast Each Other

    we have a Chinese verse like this: Soybean is boiled and beanstalk is burned Soybean is crying in the caldron. we soybean and beanstalk should be from the same root, why you beanstalk couldn't wait to be burned to boil soybean. This is translated literally without beautiful words.The verse is...
  5. STEVEN囧

    Rio Paralympics 2016: Pakistan Gets its First Medal

    Congratulations.They are real heroes and show more sports spirit than normal people.
  6. STEVEN囧

    Beijing concerned over increasing cost of security of CPEC: Chinese state media

    Wish the flagship project could be completed in the near future and improve the efficiency to bring the pragmatic benefit to the civilians soon.Also wish Pakistan Industry could be enhanced and China could import more high value-added goods and make our trade volume balance as well as reduce the...
  7. STEVEN囧

    Pakistan has failed when it comes to trade with China

    r Firstly you talked too much about Chinese and don't pretend to be blind here.I don't rant and rave. I just reply to you according to the comment you talked of about China. Secondly pay attention to your words...Like dick...don't show your personal quality like this here.
  8. STEVEN囧

    Pakistan has failed when it comes to trade with China

    Indian labor is much cheaper than Chinese labor.But so far Iphone is produced in China not in India.Don't fabricate stories here and G20 is imminent and welcome Modi come here.If what you said is true,Chinese trade volume will plummet.In this world ,Indian businessmen is more famous than Indian...
  9. STEVEN囧

    Pakistan has failed when it comes to trade with China

    Any nation needs foreign investment no matter it is Pakistan,India,China and EU.Keep open minded to foreign investment and it is a good way to learn because they bring morden management and technology into Pakistan.China is mainly helping Pakistan to build dam,power plant,bridge and road.If...
  10. STEVEN囧

    Pakistan has failed when it comes to trade with China

    Chinese is using Pakistan?It is the most ridiculous statement and I think some person is undermining the relationship between China and Pakistan. What we need mostly is from market?It is not Cash but Confidence.It is like stock market.Once the investor has faith in this market,they will set up...
  11. STEVEN囧

    Pakistan has failed when it comes to trade with China

    If you could produce by yourself,you could have the option of not buying.Chinese enterprises don't force you to buy.You should know that.
  12. STEVEN囧

    U.S. men's Olympic basketball team routs China by 57 points (119-62)

    One person's comment couldn't represent all and you should understand this point. NBA is very popular in China and I am not sure if you ever watched the match between USA and China in 2008 Beijing Olympics and you could see the atomsphere and applause from Chiese audiences to both American...
  13. STEVEN囧

    At least 75 killed in bomb blast at Quetta Hospital

    RIP to my honorable Pakistani friends.Pakistan is becoming better and better and those damn bastards don't want to see a prosperous and stable Pakistan, so they orchestrated the appalling incidents.Those terrorists and manipulators behind this will get the curse sooner or later.The history will...
  14. STEVEN囧

    Pakistan sees huge jump in Chinese visitors

    If my pakistani friend could understand Chinese,you could walk around the Chinese forum and you will see the enthusiasm of visiting Pakistan,including another country Cambodia. More and more Chinese tourists will choose Pakistan because of hospitable people,beautiful scene,exotic...
  15. STEVEN囧

    Video: Comparison of Gawadar port with regional ports

    Frankly I don't want to reply to your ignorant comment but I failed. I am so sorry about your logic,if the whole world laugh at MADE-IN-CHINA,they still buy again and again,are there idiots????We could make the expensive one but you should check your wallet.All the Indian businessmen I knew is...
  16. STEVEN囧

    China may seek base in Pakistan, other countries, says Pentagon

    Given the Chinese investment in our friendly Pakistan,I totally support this kind of base.But If this base could bring troubles to our friends,I strongly oppose it.As you know,China has some territorial disputes on the land and sea.And China also has a big challenge from USA and their allies.If...
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