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Real Face of Two Nuclear Powers: Ready To Blast Each Other

The day when Pakistan decide to arrest Hafiz shed , dawwod Ibrahim , masood Azhar and other culprits and handover them to India, the peace will prevail in the reason. India can live without Pakistan held Kashmir but not with terrorism.
Kashmir is not Indian property, Kashmir is the property of Kashmiri people, Why you elected your kafir Hafeez saeed ( Modi ) as PM.
we have a Chinese verse like this:
Soybean is boiled and beanstalk is burned
Soybean is crying in the caldron.
we soybean and beanstalk should be from the same root,
why you beanstalk couldn't wait to be burned to boil soybean.
This is translated literally without beautiful words.The verse is depicting the actual fact that the elder brother is abusing and oppressing little brother in the Chinese ancient ruling class.
Actually we also use the verse to describe the relationship between China mainland and Taiwan.

I really and firmly suggest that Pakistan and Indian government could find a way out and resolve the territory dispute and push the development and positive communication from the civilians to the media.We need development and we already lag behind too much in comparison to other continents.War has been happening and hovering in Asia and we could see the dispute here and there in Asia no matter China,Pakistan and India,but Japan,South Korea,North korea,let alone the Middle East.Now it is right time to sit down NOW!
You forgot to put Romania up there...

Seriously though, countries are sovereign. Stop absolving them of their responsibilities by saying they are being manipulated by other countries.

Romania is irelevant on the world stage.

Indeed,the prime actors in this drama are Ind-Pak but the current situation benefits others to.As I've said in another post,to truly be a superpower you must project power across the globe but this is hard when you're entangled in a conflict right next door.

More wars you see it took Europe a billion dead to realize what peace means.
And today Europe has no Poor kids at least not in the Conditions we have.

Pray to God that you won't go through what Europe went just to realise the futility of conflict.Europe didn't suddenly become more wise after WW2 ,just that the shock and utter brutality of that event ,the immense carnage was to big to ignore and pull that stunt ever again.And for what ? Nobody won in Europe (besides the USSR),all the big countries lost their Empires,a great portion of their population (especially males) .
Quite convenient to say that disputes should be settled to the satisfaction of both parties since they happen to be nuclear-capable. Being a nuclear-capable nation does not affect the merits of anyone's case. Pakistan's position on all issues is hypocritical and lacks merit.

And since war is out of the question, so let these disputes fester. That is the price we pay for having a cancerous tumour for a neighbour.
The matter is clear as crystal. India needs to stop behaving like a cancerous pariah state and acknowledge that Kashmir needs to resolved. Until the Kashmir issue isn't resolved anything is possible. That includes a nuclear war.
Pakistan needs to stop spreading terrorism and change its mentality for there to be any kind of peace.

Pakistan must remember, they live in South Asia.

South Asia is already against Pakistan and is moving ahead without SAARC by forming other associations in which Pakistan is not included.
we have a Chinese verse like this:
Soybean is boiled and beanstalk is burned
Soybean is crying in the caldron.
we soybean and beanstalk should be from the same root,
why you beanstalk couldn't wait to be burned to boil soybean.
This is translated literally without beautiful words.The verse is depicting the actual fact that the elder brother is abusing and oppressing little brother in the Chinese ancient ruling class.
Actually we also use the verse to describe the relationship between China mainland and Taiwan.

I really and firmly suggest that Pakistan and Indian government could find a way out and resolve the territory dispute and push the development and positive communication from the civilians to the media.We need development and we already lag behind too much in comparison to other continents.War has been happening and hovering in Asia and we could see the dispute here and there in Asia no matter China,Pakistan and India,but Japan,South Korea,North korea,let alone the Middle East.Now it is right time to sit down NOW!
Well your statement should also hold true for Indo-China border. The sooner Indian and Chinese governments start bilateral discussions on the border (LAC) and settle it with proper markings so that further infiltrations don' take place and establish well defined trade routes & checkpoints, that is when a sense of mutual understanding and trust prevails between the two nations and can help prosper the relatively under developed regions of both India (North Eastern states) and China (South Western provinces) thereby eliminating the insecurity that is infused in the minds of Indians and Chinese regarding each other.
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