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Real Face of Two Nuclear Powers: Ready To Blast Each Other

@Syed.Ali.Haider Very few people understand irony. That too is ironical!

@saiyan0321 PDF is just an expression! What you have said is displayed here in ample

Ironically, that is indeed so! :D

(Besides, my soliloliloliloquies are just for me to say to satisfy my conscience that at least I spoke up, even though to no avail.)
Ironically, that is indeed so! :D

(Besides, my soliloliloliloquies are just for me to say to satisfy my conscience that at least I spoke up, even though to no avail.)

And invariably you will find a few of us who have that sense of irony acknowledging that effort of yours!;)
Who said about war here ?
There is a reason for silence from GoI after the recent moves .They dont interested in hyphenation with Pakistan.

There is no hyphenation. Pakistan is FAR TOO different to india in every possible way for that to happen. Hyphenating Pakistan with India is like Hyphenating Iran or Lebanon with India. Not possible. Don't know why you suggested it in the 1st place.
I would like to post once again that Kashmir issue is the dead dog in the well, it's water is un usable until to expel dead dog from the well.
There is no hyphenation. Pakistan is FAR TOO different to india in every possible way for that to happen. Hyphenating Pakistan with India is like Hyphenating Iran or Lebanon with India. Not possible. Don't know why you suggested it in the 1st place.

Hyphenate if someone from GoI reacts and that is why they are silent .
Pakistan is just another small neighbour ,should have a little place in our grand strategy
Hyphenate if someone from GoI reacts and that is why they are silent .
Pakistan is just another small neighbour ,should have a little place in our grand strategy

In fact at least 7× smaller. But you still can't do anything to us no matter what we do to you

Powerful image, but then this world has no place for idealists, top of the line weapon systems ensure the poor don't get bombed by the other side. :P
False bravado...

Gan (Gun) mein dum nahi... hum kisi se kum nahi.
No country likes war and it is the politicians and media of both countries who want their people to live in fear for their own political and economic benifits. The west indirectly supports the instability of the region to fulfill their geostrategic purposes and arms sales.

Do have a look at this:

This is what has been posted by Forbes regarding the Rafale deal stating that lot of Indians live in poverty questioning the need for such an expensive deal. If the US wants India to uplift people out of poverty instead of buying fighter jets, US shouldn't allow Boeing and LM to compete in the first place if they are so interested in eradication of poverty in India.


This was published in 2007
Here are some things the 2007 article mentions (direct quotes):
  • The Indian Air Force badly needs new aircraft to replenish its aging fighter fleet.
  • Boeing and Lockheed Martin, with their respective FA-18 Super Hornet and F-16 Falcon jets, are believed to be frontrunners given India’s interest in deepening ties with the United States.

Here is something it doesn't mention:
  • Children are dying and sleeping hungry in India.

I mean, come on Forbes! How did you miss that when companies you bat for were still in competition? Well of course it needed to be mentioned. Nice of you to mention it now when they are out. For all those who believe that Western or International media is a credible source and believe it blindly, this is a clear example of how the western media twists information to benefit their own purposes and increases the hostility between the two nations.
Due to the pressure of some Nationalist groups in both countries, the governments are forced to take action or use hard lined dialogues to satisfy those particular nationalist groups.
If the US wants India to uplift people out of poverty instead of buying fighter jets, US shouldn't allow Boeing and LM to compete in the first place if they are so interested in eradication of poverty in India.

US policies will always serve US interests, first and foremost. Just like every other country.
Exactly, who will give sense to ISI and Mullahs??
i was expecting the same kind of response from someone across the border. pakistan has no designs against anyone. pak military is deployed along the western border and it has fought a long war . the fatigue factor is there. no sane military commander in pak would like to open a new front in the present situation. the bitter reality for you people is that india and USA simply cannot digest CPEC. so they are trying hard to stop it. there is no doubt about the indian hand in unrest in baluchistan, karachi, FATA. your govt is repeating what she did in bangladesh and today they are openly accepting it. the PA has efficiently eliminated all these indian agents inside pak at whom india has secretly spent millions. india cant digest it as well. as far as kashmir is concerned it is your army that has imposed curfew for 3 months now. you are making them to hold arms against you. everyone likes to live in peace . kashmiris will live with india if your govt gives them rights, protection and respect just like the other indian citizens. right now it is very clear to both military forces that neither pak can liberate kashmir by force nor india can change pak map by force.
Pakistan is just another small neighbour ,should have a little place in our grand strategy

Looking at your presence and participation at PDF, I don't think Pakistan has as small a place in your brain as you made it sound. Well Pakistan is small as compared to India but it is giving you guys a run for your money. If you don't believe, watch TOI. It seems you have only 1 challenge; Pakistan. Lol.
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