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Real Face of Two Nuclear Powers: Ready To Blast Each Other


More wars you see it took Europe a billion dead to realize what peace means.
And today Europe has no Poor kids at least not in the Conditions we have.
A picture is worth a thousand words. This picture melts my heart.This is the real face of both countries. Deep down people of both countries are living in same style, oppressed under status quo. Instead of killing each other we should resolve our disputes "Peacefully" and we should resolve them immediately.

War is not a solution. It will only produce more widows, more mothers who lost their sons and children's without fathers.

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@Windjammer @Kaptaan @notorious_eagle @Arsalan @Joe Shearer @MilSpec @hellfire @Oscar @MastanKhan
Pakistan wants to live peacefully with its neighbor, however from what it seems like, there is no let up in saber rattling from the other side to frighten its neighbor.
Till that Chsariya Modi is there you can't find peace in region. We already in war we fighting with Indian paid terrorists all in Pakistan.
I hope peace prevail and war mongers who never ever in their life shot a bullet and talking about war should understand the bitter truth that we are hungry and poor people we dont need nuclear weapons we need food and education.
Truth be told,it;s probably the powers that be from Russia to US and China ,play them against each other.By looking at them two tough,it doesn't require much effort.

You forgot to put Romania up there...

Seriously though, countries are sovereign. Stop absolving them of their responsibilities by saying they are being manipulated by other countries.
India has been all alone beating the tune of pease for all these years.
But india is fed up now and time is up. India has given up the defensive and taken up offensive now. Too late now...

@ pic that is indeed sad but irrelevant to the topic.
I hope you remember you weren't always 7x smaller :what: certain someone helped you get there!!

In effect we always were. Getting a group of people who were as alien to us as sub-Saharan Africans are, to form a single nation didn't change that. Calling a bangladeshi a Pakistani is as absurd as calling a Pakistani a German.
In effect we always were. Getting a group of people who were as alien to us as sub-Saharan Africans are, to form a single nation didn't change that. Calling a bangladeshi a Pakistani is as absurd as calling a Pakistani a German.
Well tell that to your founding fathers
The day when Pakistan decide to arrest Hafiz shed , dawwod Ibrahim , masood Azhar and other culprits and handover them to India, the peace will prevail in the reason. India can live without Pakistan held Kashmir but not with terrorism.
Moonis Elahi flayed the Punjab government’s policies aimed at undermining the value and importance of teachers

Lahore :The trials and tribulations of Punjab’s teaching community have increased manifold since 2008. Instead of giving them their rightful respect and due dignity teachers in Punjab are being persistently harassed, humiliated and hounded by the provincial government. On World Teachers’ Day the fact that Punjab’s teaching community protested in unison against the provincial government’s highhandedness proves the deplorable handling of education sector in the country’s largest province. These views were expressed by Moonis Elahi, the senior central leader of Pakistan Muslim League in his message released at the occasion of World Teachers’ Day celebrated through out the world on October 5 to acknowledge the role of teachers in the society.

In his message, Moonis Elahi flayed the Punjab government’s policies aimed at undermining the value and importance of teachers. He said that it was on account of the hostile and anti-teacher policies of the N League government that Punjab’s literacy rate had plummeted to 50% in 2010 from a healthy 62% in 2007.

He warned that the gross mishandling of the education sector and the ill treatment being meted out to educators in the province would have highly adverse effects on the society. How are the students expected to respect and honor their teachers if the government itself is hell bent on mauling the teachers’ dignity? He asked. In his communiqué, Moonis Elahi assured his party’s complete support to the protesting teachers and demanded the provincial government to withdraw its regressive and anti-education policies and decisions including handing over government owned educational institutions to boards of governors appointed on political basis and in complete violation of rules.
Ghazwa-e-Hind the final between Muslims and Hindus has been predicted by both Islamic and Hindu scriptures. It's inveitable.

Winter is coming!
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