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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

There is something called 明升暗降 in Chinese, which means on the surface it seems like a promotion, but in reality results in loss of power. They use it quite a bit to officials that they deemed to be out of line. For example, if you are the chief engineer of the project, they might "promote" you to chief advisor of the company. In essence, you have lost control over your research team and the project, while being relegated to a desk job.

I'm not saying that it's the case here, but I'm just informing the non-Chinese members here a phenomenon that's quite common in Chinese political history.
I believe this is more likely a job transfer to a less stressful position after completion of the J20 project. There is a precedent for the project chief engineer after completion on Y20 transport jet project.

It is incomprehensible why he was sacked after successfully completed the J20 project.

Personally, I think it is good to let the chief engineer to have a recuperation period after working endless days and nights. They need to re-charge battery.

That was an internal adjustment of AVIC. All vice-chief engineers in AVIC were dismissed from their titular posts.

In the case of Tang, he resigned from AVIC Aircraft, simply because he has to deal with onerous tasks as a chief disigner in 603 Institute.
We have a dedicated J-20-thread !

Please do not start a new one for each new post ... and also take a look if certain images were already posted !

There is quite some of internal struggle within AVIC.

In Yang Wei's case, he break the un-written rules in AVIC: In J-20 project, he use open-bidding approach to determine the suppliers of J-20's subsystems, instead of simply give contracts to suppliers within AVIC. This has pissed alot of AVIC's people off.

And due to his open-bidding approach, J-20's flyaway cost is believed to be just 75 million USD per unit, comparing to SAC's latest J-16's ~55million USD.

So the PLA is very happy with J-20, and is likely order a large amount of it whilst reduce the order size of J-11 series, so there is little gain in AVIC's revene.

Thats why alot of AVIC's people complain Yang Wei lacks 'vision', e.g. he dont care about the whole of AVIC group, just care about how good J-20 project is.

So Yang Wei has many enemies within AVIC but many frens within PLA and state commission of defence tech, so whilst some people in AVIC may want have him sacked, they cannot (AVIC is in theory, under the supervisior of state commission of defence teh), instead they give him a promotation to a position where he has to supervise almost all AVIC's projects at the expense of less involved in J-20's project.
There is quite some of internal struggle within AVIC.

In Yang Wei's case, he break the un-written rules in AVIC: In J-20 project, he use open-bidding approach to determine the suppliers of J-20's subsystems, instead of simply give contracts to suppliers within AVIC. This has pissed alot of AVIC's people off.

And due to his open-bidding approach, J-20's flyaway cost is believed to be just 75 million USD per unit, comparing to SAC's latest J-16's ~55million USD.

So the PLA is very happy with J-20, and is likely order a large amount of it whilst reduce the order size of J-11 series, so there is little gain in AVIC's revene.

Thats why alot of AVIC's people complain Yang Wei lacks 'vision', e.g. he dont care about the whole of AVIC group, just care about how good J-20 project is.

So Yang Wei has many enemies within AVIC but many frens within PLA and state commission of defence tech, so whilst some people in AVIC may want have him sacked, they cannot (AVIC is in theory, under the supervisior of state commission of defence teh), instead they give him a promotation to a position where he has to supervise almost all AVIC's projects at the expense of less involved in J-20's project.
别胡扯了 人家去搞新机型了 ,,还在说这事 你是圈内人吗 无聊
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