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  1. S

    Lies of IAF in 1965 Indo-Pak War

    Seriously? you are claiming that IAF can not scramble enough jets to achieve parity during war scenario? This is admitting defeat before the war started.
  2. S

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    http://armiya.az/ru/news/154872?fbclid=IwAR0FD68jcNbdWK7iJ0oXmgmWMhUkiu4WtMOWQfTzXgxB0lPlifYJGDbJqhk#.Xiclq6yP5mA.messenger This year, we all expect the start of deliveries to Azerbaijan of the most advanced version of the JF-17 fighter - Block III, which has an excellent AESA radar system with...
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    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    No, it is a political issue, once one parades a weapon or even admit having it, it increases the pressure on others to counter it, keyboard warriors keep writing about it, public with limited knowledge start getting anxious (think of time when Pakistan did not had BVR), politicians are more...
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    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    If chief have said yes, next question of Mr. Warnes will be range, no escape zone, flight envelope etc etc, PL-15 is the Ace of spades in Chief's sleeve, if he reveals (confirms) it Bharat will run to counter it, others will be more inclined to sell latest technology to Bharat. If he stays mum...
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    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    There is no full scale war happening, at least with Iran, speaker of house is moving fast to curtail Trump's capacity to wage war, he will be defanged fairly quick. https://www.npr.org/2020/01/06/793927403/house-to-vote-on-measure-limiting-trumps-military-actions-in-iran Lets see what...
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    "Had Abhinandan Varthaman Been Flying Rafale...": Ex-Air Chief

    I agree with you also, Abhi has acted professionally, I am sure he must have been pressurized to appear in some sort of interview where he has to detail a fictional account of shooting F-16 with his laser eyes, but he has refrained from all of the temptations. His effort to fight for his country...
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    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    I am speculating that aerodynamic and structural updates were done to get max performance out of the air frame, we might never know about these improvements with an exception to the tidbits people get from pilots.
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    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    So here is the question I can not get an answer, if this is all about having an AESA, HUD, HMD, bunch of new sensors, integration of latest weapons, why did PAC/CAC needed to do a full blown prototype, flight tests, etc. There is more to it than what we are observing, I guess people would have...
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    SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

    These days most predictions regarding main stream products are made by supply chain or filings to financial regulatory bodies, here is one for Chinese Jet Engines. https://news.yahoo.com/chinas-stealth-fighters-stealth-bombers-070000618.html The mismatch between airframes and engines could be...
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    J-10C for PAF - Hypothetical Scenario

    If only it is an option. Can not be procured. If procured (Kazakhstan etc.), can not be maintained. Does not offer anything substantial to country like Pakistan There is just no functional scenario where Mig-31 with medium range air to air missile can take out AWACS, unless it is a Kamikaze...
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    indian lies of destroying PAF F-16 & Terror Camps exposed by US scholar infront of Indian Air Force

    She is associated with Georgetown, but can we refrain from referring he as a scholar, she really lacks caliber and try to overcompensate with her limited South Asian common tongue skills. A quick search shows her career full of controversies and in desperation of screen time.
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    Pakistan's Special mission aircrafts Information Pool

    While mastering semiconductor will put any nation on solid feet, silicon technology changes at much faster pace and keeping up with it will be cost prohibitive for Pakistan. In my opinion if Pakistan can start producing lower end mass market devices with imported chips, it will produce skill and...
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    State Department Reprimanded Pakistan for Misusing F-16s, Document Shows

    US administration is not a single unified entity in terms of opinion, perception and actions taken, or at least their communications and responses are strategically designed to not show a unified opinion. I don't think this point need any further elaboration specially in this administration. If...
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    Air Marshal (Rtd) Masood Akhtar Discusses Block 3 and Project AZM - 5 Dec 2019

    While your analysis is spot on, there is another facet, history tells us that if China is not providing certain tech overtly to Pakistan it will do it covertly (quietly is probably the right word but does not rhyme). Most of Pakistani developments have some sort of Chinese input. If you Read...
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    Air Marshal (Rtd) Masood Akhtar Discusses Block 3 and Project AZM - 5 Dec 2019

    Bharat is fully invested on S400, it is highly unlikely that US will offer F-35 to Bharat.
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