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  1. kinsr

    27th February,2002 . . . truth vs Hype

    stay away if you don't know s*** about in Indian Muslims.. I'm from eastern UP and all the 'Mafia Dons' are Muslims and they are hailed as heroes by the same Muslim community .. whom you say are being vilified by the Indian press.
  2. kinsr

    ‘India half superpower, can be full superpower’

    surely must be into 'Women on top postion' aka 'The Cowgirl'... :partay:
  3. kinsr

    CRPF Seizes 3,400 kg ofAmmonium Nitrate in Bihar

    Did you read about the siezed material... It contains 13 rolls of iron mesh as well. If you know anything about mining then you must know as well the walls which are to be detonated are covered with iron mesh so that the debris won't flay around all over the mine. Other than that CRPF are no...
  4. kinsr

    CRPF Seizes 3,400 kg ofAmmonium Nitrate in Bihar

    Seems more like a case of illegal mining than catching naxals..
  5. kinsr

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    ^^Interacting with sanitized crowds... Its what Rahul Gandhi been doing... Where the crowd is already parroted. If he was so much dedicated to the nation then whole of BSP,SP,DMK, RJD would have been behind bars. Forget India, even if he can organise his own party I would be grateful to him...
  6. kinsr

    New naval exercise focuses on firing missiles undetected.

    Thanks bro... I thought on P8 and harriers were able to fire harpoons.. But do these Jags have enough range to support the navy in Blue water roles far away from the mainland. Also are these upgraded Jags or the older ones?
  7. kinsr

    New naval exercise focuses on firing missiles undetected.

    Can anybody please enlighten me, what's the use of a Jaguar in naval operations. Is it able to fire Klub missiles?does it have enough range so as to provide support beyond India's maritime boundaries.. I thought IAF used the Jags for ground attack roles. And strangely we don't hear the mention...
  8. kinsr

    China invites India to join maritime silk route

    Interesting !!! Something fishy again like 1961... Another Panchsheel and hindi chini bhai bhai..
  9. kinsr

    Wind Farms Don't Impact Europe's Climate

    Whats so funny about the above post??? After all, aren't we also taking out the electricity from the waters of Indus.. ( thats what some Pakistani news papers and politicians said :D)... bina bijli ka paani kis kaam ka?
  10. kinsr

    TATA Motors presents its new LAMV & WAAP at Defexpo 2014.

    man. ..its 12 pages already .. :)) and had to read all through to find anything worthwhile .. you guy should give this thread a rest
  11. kinsr

    TATA Motors presents its new LAMV & WAAP at Defexpo 2014.

    Everything here on this thread except TATA LAMV & WAAP ...:D
  12. kinsr

    Intellectual property rights: US set to punish India

    You are over-estimating China and under-estimating India. When it comes to geo-politics financial might is not everything. Even in our worst of times like '71, '91, '98 we did sustain ourselves. You are quoting Iranian example all the time, but you didn't observe that we played both sides of the...
  13. kinsr

    Intellectual property rights: US set to punish India

    I don't understand whats all this brouhaha all about. US is trying to protect its interests and so is India. Telling you, these western firms are one of the most corrupt when they are out of their home state, be it Enron or be it Dow Chemicals or Bayers or a Microsoft. They indulge in all kind...
  14. kinsr

    What Israel can do, India can’t

    no idea buddy... I'm not here to get rates.. or increase my post counts... just to gain knowledge.. but i see a lot of my posts have been rated..
  15. kinsr

    What Israel can do, India can’t

    the rating are meant for the quality of content you post...
  16. kinsr

    India's Scientific Prowess Could Shift World Balance: Former UN Secretary-General

    India's scientific prowess is just a myth.. till we get ourselves focused to solving 'our' problems instead of solving NASA's or Microsoft or Google's problems. A culture of R&D needs to be cultivated, instead of producing engineering 'coolies' in loads every year.. who don't even have an...
  17. kinsr

    What Israel can do, India can’t

    kya chutiyapa hai... activating dead and dormant threads..
  18. kinsr

    Would India’s northeast be better off with China?

    Lolz all the Chinese... does anybody have an idea whats Jug Suraiya known for? I wonder if they know the term 'Sarcasm' or "Satire"... I wonder how did china gain so much with ambassdors like them..
  19. kinsr

    Any good Indian military movies?

    The only movie where defense forces were portrayed without the usual rhetorics and the antics of the "Indian Hero".... lots of Surya kirans and MiG-21 flights and shot at real forward bases of Rajasthan.. Naa Bhai.. he had the Aashirwad of Rajani Sir ... Mind It..
  20. kinsr

    Any good Indian military movies?

    I guess I'm too old for this forum :D.. but if you really want to see some real Indian movie based on armed forces you should watch Vijeta, directed by Govind Nihalani and produced by Shashi Kapoor. This movie was all the way supported by the IAF and IN . Really superb movie, well researched and...
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