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India's Scientific Prowess Could Shift World Balance: Former UN Secretary-General


Jul 22, 2013
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India's Scientific Prowess Could Shift World Balance: Kofi


Bangalore: The Former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan said that India’s ‘formidable scientific firepower’ should focus on dealing with ‘real-world concerns.’ This can be successfully achieved by challenging the traditional dominance in science from mature financial systems, reports Shilpa Phadnis of TNN.

He further stated on how scientific innovation transitioning society to a knowledge-driven economy. "India is an economic and political powerhouse which has yet to realize its full potential. You can be a huge force for good, and we need you to play a bigger role in addressing our most complex and pressing challenges," reports TNN

The Nobel laureate was delivering the keynote address at the Infosys Prize 2013 award ceremony, where seven scientists and social scientists were honored for their work.

It is the responsibility of the government in placing the right framework and incentives to refrain the bright minds from leaving the country, exclaimed Annan. "In the past, India has lost many of its most talented young people to research posts and jobs abroad. This 'brain drain' has added greatly to the economies of their new homes in North America and Europe but damaged growth and prosperity in those they have left behind."

Annan also cited climate change as one of the most ‘pressing and complex’ problems in the world today.​
India's scientific prowess is just a myth.. till we get ourselves focused to solving 'our' problems instead of solving NASA's or Microsoft or Google's problems. A culture of R&D needs to be cultivated, instead of producing engineering 'coolies' in loads every year.. who don't even have an inkling of terms like 'innovation' and out of the box thinking. We need to encourage a lot of R&D in the field of medicine and agriculture where we really need it.

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