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Now @&& phuk Robert , tel laga ke. :lol:
I have already asked @Puchtoon for not posting such propogenda pics as this thread is about BJP and Modi not for the casual local news but he have posted them.

As a responsible citizen of India its my duty to expose false propogenda and the reality of 14 years of Modi's rule in Gujarat.

Just before the elections he is doing some cheap gimmiks but in reality Gujarat is below average in development be it in health, education social indicators etc.

1.) Thanks for accepting that they are real pic and not fake propogenda. :enjoy:

2.) Your admission of fact also indicate that despite Modi's 14 years of rule (Modi have said this in his Odisha rally) its the situation in the biggest city of Gujarat.

3.) Tell me a person like feku want 60 months (5 years) to change and develop India but in his rule of 150 months he can't change and develop a small state like Gujarat. :woot::woot:

4.) As for the 2 years old even 2 years ago it was Modi govt and these pics stand even today as the reality have not changed. :wave:
1. You cannot post the pics from a two year blog and say that is the truth.. It's a blog after all.. Do you have the latest pics ?

2.read 1.

3. I have yet to see Modi saying that in 5 years he will change everything, even him saying does not make me a fool to believe him. Congress with 60 years in powers has nothing much to show, past two terms have been down right horrible..

4. Read point 1.
^^Interacting with sanitized crowds... Its what Rahul Gandhi been doing... Where the crowd is already parroted. If he was so much dedicated to the nation then whole of BSP,SP,DMK, RJD would have been behind bars. Forget India, even if he can organise his own party I would be grateful to him. Just look at what kind of leadership is he going to provide,with people like Rajiv Shukla, Raj Babbar, Renuka Chowdhary, Sanjay Jha, Randeep Surjewala, Salman Soz, Tehseen Punawallah.. They are all either the son/daughters of politicians or got it by licking madams feet. None of the aforesaid didn't get there by merit and all of them are pretty far from a realiity called INDIA.
For the last 10 years mr Gandhi has just been watching his party loot and pillage India and not single word was uttered and now just see the height of hypocrissy that suddenly he starts to 'feel' for India.
Mr. Gandhi get away from that Z++ Grade security, those parroted crowds of so called common Indian that you keep having 'samvad' with, those sycophants, and the Congress party , to learn about REAL INDIA first hand and not from what your partymen tell you..
Then once after you learnt, India may trust you as a leader but till then stop fooling India

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