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Would India’s northeast be better off with China?

I think it would be not because it is China but I believe China's governing system is way better than ours. Our government is a mess because of the corrupt and retarded politicians.

China has its share of corrupt and retarded politicians too, but the people who call the shots are visionaries.
Off-topic/ Another desperate attempt by Anti- Indian to troll.
Actually it is related, some parts of India being more poor than Africa is an indicator that maybe it would be better of with china.

I'm not anti-Indian, I just post the truth and the truth hurts sometimes.
Yet the Tibetans live happily in India while the ones in China self immolate themselves. Like literally burn themselves to death. Imagine how horrible one's life has to be to burn yourself to death.

Obviously Tibetans in India are living much better and probably the news travels to NE India and that's why NE Indians want to live with India.

Wait until these tibetans got the same treatement at the North-East people:lol:
"Jugular Vein is a satirical column that skewers everything, from the mundane to the serious. Its everyday focus and travel writing are also well known. There is frequent referencing to his wife as 'Bunny' in the articles. Khushwant Singh has referred to Suraiya as "our own Art Buchwald"."

"About the Authors". Outlook Traveller. Archived from the original on 11 November 2006. Retrieved 2007-01-02.

This IS A SATIRE!!! :ashamed:
Lolz all the Chinese... does anybody have an idea whats Jug Suraiya known for? I wonder if they know the term 'Sarcasm' or "Satire"...

I wonder how did china gain so much with ambassdors like them..
"Jugular Vein is a satirical column that skewers everything, from the mundane to the serious. Its everyday focus and travel writing are also well known. There is frequent referencing to his wife as 'Bunny' in the articles. Khushwant Singh has referred to Suraiya as "our own Art Buchwald"."

"About the Authors". Outlook Traveller. Archived from the original on 11 November 2006. Retrieved 2007-01-02.

This IS A SATIRE!!! :ashamed:
I have never ever ever (in Arnab 's style:partay:) read a serious piece from Jug. But this particular one is not a Jugular Vein piece! It's Juggle Bandhi.. Apparently serious stuff :azn:
Actually it is related, some parts of India being more poor than Africa is an indicator that maybe it would be better of with china.

I'm not anti-Indian, I just post the truth and the truth hurts sometimes.

1.No it's not true that parts of India are poorer than Africa. No Indian state in percentage terms has the same poverty levels as Sub-Saharan Africa. In absolute numbers sure India has more poor than Sub-Saharan Africa but that's only because India has a much bigger population.

2. North-East India certainly is doing much better than African countries. Arunachal ,infact , the state that China lays claim to is doing really well. It's Eastern India ( Bihar , UP, Chattisgarh etc.) that has majority of India's poor.

3. I hope your trolling attempt will end with this piece of knowledge, but I doubt knowing your kind.
Actually it is related, some parts of India being more poor than Africa is an indicator that maybe it would be better of with china.

I'm not anti-Indian, I just post the truth and the truth hurts sometimes.

Since many parts of China are poorer than Japan, they are better off with Japan than China, isn't it? The truth hurts, but stupidity even more so!
Wait until these tibetans got the same treatement at the North-East people:lol:

Tibetans have been in India for more than 60 years and they are happy. Nothing will change now. As for North Easterners , it's good that their issues are coming to light. At least in India when a NE Indian gets murdered or discriminated against, it will reach the media and civil society unlike China.
"Jugular Vein is a satirical column that skewers everything, from the mundane to the serious. Its everyday focus and travel writing are also well known. There is frequent referencing to his wife as 'Bunny' in the articles. Khushwant Singh has referred to Suraiya as "our own Art Buchwald"."

"About the Authors". Outlook Traveller. Archived from the original on 11 November 2006. Retrieved 2007-01-02.

This IS A SATIRE!!! :ashamed:

Disagree. This was not written in satirical vein. This is one of occasional serious pieces he writes.

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