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Would India’s northeast be better off with China?

Yes they would be. Look at the difference in living standards between Tibetans in China and in India. And keep in mind that the ones who fled to India tended to be slavemasters/feudal lords/other privileged classes of the old regime. Now they live worse than their former serfs.

Yet the Tibetans live happily in India while the ones in China self immolate themselves. Like literally burn themselves to death. Imagine how horrible one's life has to be to burn yourself to death.

Obviously Tibetans in India are living much better and probably the news travels to NE India and that's why NE Indians want to live with India.
So, would our northeastern states be better off with China, or at least better off independent of India?
Nido Tania might have had an answer to that question. And he might have been alive today to answer it if he hadn’t been compelled to be part of a country whose self-appointed ‘mainstream’ hates all people like him.

Would India’s northeast be better off with China? by Juggle-Bandhi : Jug Suraiya's blog-The Times Of India

For our North Eastern brothers, we don't look you difference from us, and you will never be. just gave these Indians the middle fingers and join us instead. And you're no longer to worry about Brahmaputra water.
"country whose self-appointed ‘mainstream’ hates all people like him." - Wow! - "all people like him".
Yeah give me my Panun Kashmir too :yay:
There some more of the stuff liberal Indians have been putting on the plate for the rest of us. They are more eager than Pakistanis or China to give away Indian land and Indian people to others. @Indischer @ranjeet

It's a nice article actually. It's writer, Jug Suraiya, is well known for his satirical pieces. Only problem in this article was, I didn't know where exactly I was supposed to laugh.:lol:
Honestly, this thread makes little sense, as there no formal or informal political movement in NE, which seeks unification with China
Yet the Tibetans live happily in India while the ones in China self immolate themselves. Like literally burn themselves to death. Imagine how horrible one's life has to be to burn yourself to death.

They immolated themselves because their religion told them to. It's basically Buddhist suicide bombing. If it doesn't happen on the Indian side, it's because the DL never commanded it there, because he needs the numbers to sustain his renegade commune. It's simply impossible to argue that Tibetans in China are less materially well off than those in India.
They immolated themselves because their religion told them to. It's basically Buddhist suicide bombing. If it doesn't happen on the Indian side, it's because the DL never commanded it there, because he needs the numbers to sustain his community. It's simply impossible to argue that Tibetans in China are less materially well off than those in India.
What did I just read? :what:
They immolated themselves because their religion told them to. It's basically Buddhist suicide bombing. If it doesn't happen on the Indian side, it's because the DL never commanded it there, because he needs the numbers to sustain his renegade commune. It's simply impossible to argue that Tibetans in China are less materially well off than those in India.

1.Materially well of does not mean better life.
2. There is nothing to prove that Tibetans in China are better off than Tibetans in India. You can't compare per capita incomes of the two countries to come to that conclusion. Tibetans in China are one of the poorest communities there while Tibetans in India are relatively well off compared to other communities.
3. Buddhists nowhere else in the world are self immolating like that. It's only in Tibet. Speaks volumes.
I suppose truth hurts.

India is an anomaly in this world of unitary states and I am sure this anomaly will soon be rectified.
They do want freedom from the fascist Indian federation and in the eventuality of liberation will obviously look to the Chinese for pretection
Insurgency in Northeast India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Insurgents does not literally speak da voice of da ppl ,ppl in northeast india themselves hate these insurgents and had raised voice against'em n are happy tht insurgency had decreased ova da years......various groups had raised their voice fr freedom in Pakistan n China n as well ,tht doesn't mean every chinese or a pakistani feel da same way :coffee:
I read an article from a mainstream source that some parts of India are more poor than Africa.
I think it would be not because it is China but I believe China's governing system is way better than ours. Our government is a mess because of the corrupt and retarded politicians.
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