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  1. S

    Iran arms embargo has officially been lifted by UN

    Yes, I can confirm that Pakistanis also contributed with weapons but the Iran was the sole state who had channels and means to deliver these weapons. I can tell as well saudis also helped with their shipments of datules which we were suppose to throw them at the enemy tanks. When you say...
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    Iran arms embargo has officially been lifted by UN

    I couldn't agree more on this one and every sane Bosniak, Serb and Croat can confirm this. These are the very obvious truths regarding role Iran had in saving Bosniaks from being exterminated by Serbs and Croats. Without Iranian material support and help B&H would not exist and their majority...
  3. S

    Iranian Chill Thread

    UAE very strong and powerful nation. Target their plants for water production and desalinization and in the matter of days they will start dying from shortage of water. Disease will florish in these arab provinces they call countries.
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    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    Who knows?! Embargo on weapons export/import is being removed and the fella maybe wants to be a middle man for Iranian weapons so he needs to make a catalogue for all these toys
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    Featured Iran has rejected Russia's proposal to negotiate with the United States

    The more time passes and the more we go into the future he is more and more missed :frown:
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    Featured UNSC president dismisses US bid to renew all UN bans against Iran

    That would be suicidal for already retarded agreement that has been signed. Them coming back on the table is out of question. I bet Trump a potentially dead man as time goes by would certainly love to come back just to activate snapback mechanism and this time legally and then leave the JCPOA...
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    Iranian Space program

    Nah, I believe it is desirable state of mind these westerners are regarding where Iran stands technologically in comparison to them. There is nothing better when you catch their faces in shock and awe when the real shit happens. People who should be knowledgeable about Iran's military...
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    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Remember guys they fired in 2017 in Syria 6 or 7 and in 2020 they fired some 15 on the americans so you need to curb these numbers a bit. Geez guys where do you come up with such numberso_O?! Oh I remmber when we moved from few dozen to few thousands in numbers :D
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    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Please can you be more specific at your language, people love to hear it?
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    Featured A Powerful explosion rocks Beirut.

    Depleted uranium is used for very high material strength. Especially when you want to achieve maximum penetration values for the projectile. I lean more towards that this was an attack used high velocity kinetic projectile for deep underground penetration. Something was stored in the lower...
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    US against Iran like 'camel dreaming of cottonseed'

    That is just tip of the ice berg since there is no satisfactory solution that will appease US zionists. First they will ask to abandon nuclear program then after that abandon development of missile program, then after that the regime itself would be a problem since it is based on religious...
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    Novel Iranian missile launch technique - Underground canisters

    Imagine a nuclear tipped missile buried under dirt NOT IN SILOS! Doesn't require extreme precision guidance but sufficient nuclear blast. IMHO triad equation does not exist anymore since these things can be smuggled in third countries and bury them and activating in the proper time. They do not...
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    Iranian Space program

    Strange, google earth reports same image with identical arrangement of aircrafts on the tarmac and this image is from 03/07/2020. Could be IRGC decided to give some images almost 1 month old.
  14. S

    Iran blasts dummy US aircraft carrier with missiles

    Yeah you are right but these mullahs can do shit like this and they bring other fun toys to the table too... Who wouldnt love these mullahs, I say the mullahs are secret Iranian uber weapon and if only other nations knew their secret power Iranians would export them like hot cakes.
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    Breaking News: Large explosion in western Tehran

    It is hot summer what do you expect, accidents happen.
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    Iran has information of Israel defense minister's phone

    As long as por*hub will not censor the content we are waiting impatiently for the new iteration of Gantz and his fellow black gangsters!
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    "breaking the siege"

    You mean Naval siege of Yemen?
  18. S

    Iran deploys S-300 air defense missile systems in emergency

    Probably true but again it beats the purpose of going publicly with this AD contract with Syrians. Why would you place AD systems if you are gonna act as Russians hiding behind the corner and telling when Syrian crews are able to engage and when not? If you are preparing for hidden surprise...
  19. S

    Iranian cars ... Gonna buy if available?

    @Aramagedon I'm not an expert in the crash testing videos but by the looks of it this car has to have a very good score passing the crash test in flying colors! All I can say IMPRESSIVE!
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