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A turbofan with high thrust was Iran’s main bottleneck for decades.

We would be happy with something in the range of RD-33 but it is even better.

Iran is still far away from a medium-thrust or high-thrust turbofan engine suitable for supersonic aircraft. Don't expect a modern manned fighter aircraft soon.
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Iran is still far away from a medium-thrust or high-thrust turbofan engine suitable for supersonic aircraft. Don't expect a modern manned fighter aircraft soon.

An array of four of them can be used for heavier birds, until the next breakthrough.
An array of four of them can be used for heavier birds, until the next breakthrough.

Yes in drones only but for a manned fighter aircraft you need bigger and heavier engines which take a lot of time to develop even if you have all the available technology.
[QUOTE = "Raghfarm007, post: 12646501, member: 183634"] [MEDIA = youtube] uw11BlVEBOs [/ MEDIA] [/ QUOTE]
"Iranian manufactured turbofan jet engine with 1500lb thrust"

but eventually not only for UAVs, to give an example of the past the Spaniards built the Saetta 220 with 2 Turbomeca Marboré VI turbojets of 4.71 kN (1,058 lbf) each
Iran 140 is back baby with new engine it seems now its all Iranian ( even the engine ? )



Amir Khajehfard, head of the Ministry of Defense's aviation organization, announced the construction of a transport aircraft by the end of the year.
Iran 140 will probably return with a new engine

What bottleneck are you referring to? I don't speak farsi btw
Questi si eccitano facilmente, probabilmente pensando che da questo motore passeranno a motori tipo F404 nel giro di un anno. Sicuramente qualche aiuto c’è stato, probabilmente da qualche paese dell’est. Anni fa sembra che abbiano comprato un motore Ucraino o Ceco.
Iran 140 is back baby with new engine it seems now its all Iranian ( even the engine ? )
They been using ATR 42 for some time now, they may have learned some good stuff from it.



Amir Khajehfard, head of the Ministry of Defense's aviation organization, announced the construction of a transport aircraft by the end of the year.
Iran 140 will probably return with a new engine

Questi si eccitano facilmente, probabilmente pensando che da questo motore passeranno a motori tipo F404 nel giro di un anno. Sicuramente qualche aiuto c’è stato, probabilmente da qualche paese dell’est. Anni fa sembra che abbiano comprato un motore Ucraino o Ceco.
Please can you be more specific at your language, people love to hear it?
It really wasn’t specific, just told him that people here get excited and think by next year Iranian will be making turbofan like the American F404.
This engine is mostly suitable for drones. It can be enlarged to some extent, but not a whole lot. So it’s poor for fighter jet application, better for drone endurance.

It could eventually make is way into the Iranian version of the Global Hawk (if iran failed to recover the engine) which I expect Iranian Global Hawk within next 3 years.

Knowledge gained will assist (indirectly) Iran to build heavier engines.

Next up is a medium weight engine that Hajizadeh alluded to 3-4 years ago, that should be revealed in next couple years at most. 3-4 years ago he said it would be ready hopefully in 3 years if I recall correctly. So we are technically overdue.. As well as heavy engine that is likely 5+ years away.
Iran showed this picture and said "building heavy jet engine" ( for those who said its J-85 just look at the size of the man and the engine )

بلاخره ما نفهمیدیم این موتور قضیش چیه این اولین عکس با کیفیتشه درسته؟


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