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Breaking News: Large explosion in western Tehran

I suggest you educate yourself as I value your opinion and you seem to be non bias (generally).




Here is a good article that goes in depth if you like to read it:

Thanks for the share.

A few points to consider.

1. A percentage of 'any' modern military aircraft is composed of carbon fiber material. Radar absorbing paint is also applied on each - these significantly vary in terms of quality by the way. These measures are termed "LO treatments." Even 4th generation aircraft such as F-16 and JF-17 Thunder receive "LO treatments."

2. RQ-4 receive "LO treatments", but it is not a true LO design, let alone a true VLO design.

3. Simulations such as those are based on 'assumptions' and cannot be accurate; this is true for all simulations of similar kind and not just Iranian (Russian simulation of F-22A = flop; Australian simulation of F-35A = flop). Only the aircraft's manufacturer can provide correct simulations because it would have 'complete model' to work with, but this kind of information is not for public domain.

Levels of stealth:-

LO treatments (numerous aerial assets including Global Hawk UAV series)
LO design* (F-117A Nighthawk; X-47 series; RQ-170 series)
VLO design (F-22A Raptor; F-35 Lightning II; B-2 Spirit; RQ-180 series)
ELO design (B-21 Raider)

USAF does not consider RQ-4 for "infiltration roles." RQ-4 is a powerful surveillance platform, but not an effective infiltration platform:

"Keep in mind, BAMS-D, like the Global Hawk and the MQ-4C to a degree, has a zero penetration mission. It doesn't fly into contested airspace. It is literally a sitting duck. The only reason it would do so would be if it was off the leash or there was a major navigational malfunction. It is far more likely Iran just shot it out of international airspace as the Pentagon states." - Tyler Rogoway (The Drive)

Secondly; current generation of UAV are not really good at protecting themselves from external threats. The one which was shot down by the 3rd Khordad had its alarm bells ringing in full swing when the missile was approaching it but the UAV could not do much; it was toast. The drone operator was like OH SHIT...

Side note: 3rd Khordad is a potent platform. It is certainly possible that Iranian defensive applications can take cues from each other (networking).

Blogs do contain nuggets of truth in them and can be informative, but some also have the tendency to mislead; you need to study on a much bigger level for a better grasp of aircraft design mechanics and such. Academic publications is a good start.

*Some examples in the following link: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zo...eriously-missing-unmanned-combat-air-vehicles
Secondly; current generation of UAV are not really good at protecting themselves from external threats. The one which was shot down by the 3rd Khordad had its alarm bells ringing in full swing when the missile was approaching it but the UAV could not do much; it was toast. The drone operator was like OH SHIT...

First of all it carries one of the most sophisticated EW/ECW suites available today in tow. So it is not “defenseless”.

It’s painstakingly obvious you didn’t even read the the article I sent you because you are merely parroting stealth 101 propaganda.

RQ-180 is considered VLO? RQ-170 the previous generation was easily detected via EO, you can’t escape EO.

Global Hawk is not a standard RQ-4 first of all. It is a 200m+ dollar aircraft. I have shown you evidence it has a very low RCS (not F-35 or F-22 but more on that later).

Now let’s debunk your whole argument about why F-35 is super duper shall we?

On the night that Global Hawk was brought down 3rd Khordad algo signatures Radar and EO sights picked it up.

However, the issue with stealth aircraft is illuminating the target and providing accurate targeting data to the seeker. That is why Early warning and OTH radars can pick up F-22 and F-35, the issue being they can’t provide accurate enough coordinates to a seeker.

At the end of the day, a missile is bound by the laws of physics the more effort it has to expend to find the aircraft the more penalty hits its KE. SAMs do not have unlimited energy nor do they have unlimited fuel thus each missile is afforded X amount of penalty before the likelihood of intercepting becomes unlikely.

So what ended up happening was if 3rd Khordad illuminated the target it would lead to defense mechanisms to be initiated and would likely cost the missile too much KE to down the aircraft on top of the fact that 3rd Khordad would likely not be able to provide precise enough coordinates. Thus a data link with an Iranian radar operating in a band that Global Hawk is more exposed in was fed data from the 3rd Khordad which in turn found the general vincinity that the Global Hawk was in and passively fed that data back to 3rd Khordad which was then able to get a general lock on the area to fire the missile.

However, this was not enough to hit the target. The missile was fired using data from the other Iranian radar and the updated data from EO system of the 3rd Khordad to provide small mid course corrections.

So the missile flies up in the upper atmosphere and top attack pattern and then turns on its radar and does a scan downward of the most likely area that the global Hawk should be. It detects the global Hawk radar signature as it is being hit from radar waves from ABOVE it. The missile that aligns it self for the kill.

The Iranians said the global Hawk NEVER activated its defense EW/ECW suite though they expected it to. Which means the Global Hawk never knew it was about to be hit.

Now why is this whole process important? Because the same process used to kill a low RCS object with a system that is not truly designed to take down low RCS can be used by more capable systems like the Bavar-373 to down F-35 and F-22. The process is the SAME in finding the target and being able to target ACCURATELY enough so that the missile does not waste to much energy in trying to lock on.

The issue with this stealth progpanda you quote is they assume they are not going up against a true radar defense network with high data link capabilities.

It wasn’t Global Hawk vs 3rd Khordad

It was Global Hawk vs SAM Seeker -3rd Khordad EO system - 3rd Khordad Radar - Fajr (?) Early warning radar.

Again I’m doing a simplified explanation via memory if you read the article it does a much more accurate and deep job about the targeting.

The data is still valid and what is important is the process: same process that downed Global Hawk by raising its RCS is able to down a F-35 by raising its RCS to the point of a high probability targeting rate.

So again you can sit and talk about LO, true LO, true VLO, super duper ELO. But you can’t escape physics and the process of detection.

Iran was able to detect and down nearly 75KM away which is unheard of for a low RCS object facing a system like 3rd Khordad which was not designed for such a hit.
First of all it carries one of the most sophisticated EW/ECW suites available today in tow. So it is not “defenseless”.

It’s painstakingly obvious you didn’t even read the the article I sent you because you are merely parroting stealth 101 propaganda.

RQ-180 is considered VLO? RQ-170 the previous generation was easily detected via EO, you can’t escape EO.

Global Hawk is not a standard RQ-4 first of all. It is a 200m+ dollar aircraft. I have shown you evidence it has a very low RCS (not F-35 or F-22 but more on that later).

Now let’s debunk your whole argument about why F-35 is super duper shall we?

On the night that Global Hawk was brought down 3rd Khordad algo signatures Radar and EO sights picked it up.

However, the issue with stealth aircraft is illuminating the target and providing accurate targeting data to the seeker. That is why Early warning and OTH radars can pick up F-22 and F-35, the issue being they can’t provide accurate enough coordinates to a seeker.

At the end of the day, a missile is bound by the laws of physics the more effort it has to expend to find the aircraft the more penalty hits its KE. SAMs do not have unlimited energy nor do they have unlimited fuel thus each missile is afforded X amount of penalty before the likelihood of intercepting becomes unlikely.

So what ended up happening was if 3rd Khordad illuminated the target it would lead to defense mechanisms to be initiated and would likely cost the missile too much KE to down the aircraft on top of the fact that 3rd Khordad would likely not be able to provide precise enough coordinates. Thus a data link with an Iranian radar operating in a band that Global Hawk is more exposed in was fed data from the 3rd Khordad which in turn found the general vincinity that the Global Hawk was in and passively fed that data back to 3rd Khordad which was then able to get a general lock on the area to fire the missile.

However, this was not enough to hit the target. The missile was fired using data from the other Iranian radar and the updated data from EO system of the 3rd Khordad to provide small mid course corrections.

So the missile flies up in the upper atmosphere and top attack pattern and then turns on its radar and does a scan downward of the most likely area that the global Hawk should be. It detects the global Hawk radar signature as it is being hit from radar waves from ABOVE it. The missile that aligns it self for the kill.

The Iranians said the global Hawk NEVER activated its defense EW/ECW suite though they expected it to. Which means the Global Hawk never knew it was about to be hit.

Now why is this whole process important? Because the same process used to kill a low RCS object with a system that is not truly designed to take down low RCS can be used by more capable systems like the Bavar-373 to down F-35 and F-22. The process is the SAME in finding the target and being able to target ACCURATELY enough so that the missile does not waste to much energy in trying to lock on.

The issue with this stealth progpanda you quote is they assume they are not going up against a true radar defense network with high data link capabilities.

It wasn’t Global Hawk vs 3rd Khordad

It was Global Hawk vs SAM Seeker -3rd Khordad EO system - 3rd Khordad Radar - Fajr (?) Early warning radar.

Again I’m doing a simplified explanation via memory if you read the article it does a much more accurate and deep job about the targeting.

The data is still valid and what is important is the process: same process that downed Global Hawk by raising its RCS is able to down a F-35 by raising its RCS to the point of a high probability targeting rate.

So again you can sit and talk about LO, true LO, true VLO, super duper ELO. But you can’t escape physics and the process of detection.

Iran was able to detect and down nearly 75KM away which is unheard of for a low RCS object facing a system like 3rd Khordad which was not designed for such a hit.

My response will come in another separate thread in due time - I do not want to derail a topic.

Stay tuned.

While US ship is burning for the second day, many here are burning more than the ship.

The ship is burning for no known reason. Largest incidental burning of a US ship in decades.

Wondering whether it was F35 or Shahed 135 or UUV?

Also a few refineries and airports burning in KSA after Yemenis drone and BM attack.

Feel the burn :)
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Overall rumours about "Large explosion in western Tehran" that were published by many media, proved as full fake news. There are no signs of any big explosion on satellite images of objects in this area.

@Falcon29 Hey Falcon29, now that it is established the news was fake, I wonder what your reaction will be. It was easy to take free shots when the fake reports were freshly being released. How about a little comment now?

Your blanket statements full of assurance about Iranians fearing persecution thus refraining from uploading photographic and video evidence of the supposed "explosions", the supposed "gag order" you accused Iranian authorities of having issued, all these were shown to be untruthful, casting additional doubts on your consecutive conclusions regarding Iranian policy towards the zionist apartheid regime.

Will you show moral integrity and admit your statements about this event were wrong?
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Iran general on US navy ship blaze: Tough days await America, Israel
Tuesday, 14 July 2020 1:46 PM [ Last Update: Tuesday, 14 July 2020 2:17 PM ]


Breaking news
A senior commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says a conflagration and subsequent blast that hit a huge American warship has been the result of the US government’s own crimes.

Addressing a meeting of senior resistance commanders, Brigadier General Esmail Qa’ani, commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), urged the Americans “not to waste their time looking for a culprit or level accusations against others” over what happened to the navy ship off San Diego.

“This is a fire they (Americans) have lit themselves,” he said.

He was reacting to the fire that broke out at Bonhomme Richard, an amphibious assault ship and light aircraft carrier, as it was anchored at the US Naval base in San Diego on Sunday.

The blaze was accompanied by at least one large explosion. The US Navy said the ship had been docked for scheduled maintenance between deployments.

Amid indications that the ship could continue burning for days, hundreds of American firefighters have been busy battling the blaze for two consecutive days. Scores of American sailors and civilians have been injured.

“This incident is an answer to your crimes, which has come about at the hands of your own elements,” Qa’ani said. “God uses your own hands to punish you.”

What is unfolding in the US today, especially the warship incident “is the [direct] result of the US administration’s [own] action, behavior, and atrocities,” the general again noted.

As per divine prophesy, whoever seeks recourse to oppression and atrocity would, in turn, be met with divine retribution, Qa’ani said.

“They have been afflicted with divine wrath and retribution because they tried to skew the divine word and resorted to oppression.”

Tough days ahead for US, Israel

Qa’ani — who was assigned to the Quds Force after the US assassinated his predecessor Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani in a drone strike against Baghdad in early January — said both the United States and its regional ally Israel were to wade into serious hardship and adversity.

“You are still experiencing your halcyon days. You have very tough days and occurrences ahead of you,” he noted.

General Soleimani’s successor noted that the US army had turned into a “tired and decrepit” force, and its equipment has degraded into “scrap iron.”

Washington has to accept its dire conditions and stop oppressing the humanity and its own people, he said.

(This item is being updated.)


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