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Iran general on US navy ship blaze: Tough days await America, Israel
Tuesday, 14 July 2020 1:46 PM [ Last Update: Tuesday, 14 July 2020 2:17 PM ]


Breaking news
A senior commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says a conflagration and subsequent blast that hit a huge American warship has been the result of the US government’s own crimes.

Addressing a meeting of senior resistance commanders, Brigadier General Esmail Qa’ani, commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), urged the Americans “not to waste their time looking for a culprit or level accusations against others” over what happened to the navy ship off San Diego.

“This is a fire they (Americans) have lit themselves,” he said.

He was reacting to the fire that broke out at Bonhomme Richard, an amphibious assault ship and light aircraft carrier, as it was anchored at the US Naval base in San Diego on Sunday.

The blaze was accompanied by at least one large explosion. The US Navy said the ship had been docked for scheduled maintenance between deployments.

Amid indications that the ship could continue burning for days, hundreds of American firefighters have been busy battling the blaze for two consecutive days. Scores of American sailors and civilians have been injured.

“This incident is an answer to your crimes, which has come about at the hands of your own elements,” Qa’ani said. “God uses your own hands to punish you.”

What is unfolding in the US today, especially the warship incident “is the [direct] result of the US administration’s [own] action, behavior, and atrocities,” the general again noted.

As per divine prophesy, whoever seeks recourse to oppression and atrocity would, in turn, be met with divine retribution, Qa’ani said.

“They have been afflicted with divine wrath and retribution because they tried to skew the divine word and resorted to oppression.”

Tough days ahead for US, Israel

Qa’ani — who was assigned to the Quds Force after the US assassinated his predecessor Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani in a drone strike against Baghdad in early January — said both the United States and its regional ally Israel were to wade into serious hardship and adversity.

“You are still experiencing your halcyon days. You have very tough days and occurrences ahead of you,” he noted.

General Soleimani’s successor noted that the US army had turned into a “tired and decrepit” force, and its equipment has degraded into “scrap iron.”

Washington has to accept its dire conditions and stop oppressing the humanity and its own people, he said.

(This item is being updated.)


Qaani indirectly takes responsibility for the US ship incident and warns of further attacks.

@Falcon29 Hey Falcon29, now that it is established the news was fake, I wonder what your reaction will be. It was easy to take free shots when the fake reports were freshly being released. How about a little comment now?

Your blanket statements full of assurance about Iranians fearing persecution hence refraining from uploading photographic and video evidence of the supposed "explosions", the supposed "gag order" you accused Iranian authorities of having issued, all these were shown to be untruthful, casting additional doubts on your consecutive conclusions regarding Iranian policy towards the zionist apartheid regime.

Will you show moral integrity and admit your statements about this event were wrong?

I have not seen this @Falcon29 dude in two days since the Yemenis attack. He was in Iranian section non-stop.

I wonder if he was hit in Jizan or Najran or Abha or Jazan or Khamis Mashit?
Or maybe trying to put down the fire of the Jizan refinery?

Any news of him?
Hopefully he is safe.
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@Falcon29 Hey Falcon29, now that it is established the news was fake, I wonder what your reaction will be. It was easy to take free shots when the fake reports were freshly being released. How about a little comment now?

Your blanket statements full of assurance about Iranians fearing persecution thus refraining from uploading photographic and video evidence of the supposed "explosions", the supposed "gag order" you accused Iranian authorities of having issued, all these were shown to be untruthful, casting additional doubts on your consecutive conclusions regarding Iranian policy towards the zionist apartheid regime.

Will you show moral integrity and admit your statements about this event were wrong?

Are you Aspen? Just want to say you don't sound okay man, take a break from politics if it is affecting you. Wish you the best.

In regards to the news, some people reported that an aircraft missile was fired in that region at the time of the explosion and I never believed that or accepted it as true news. But I do believe an explosion took place in an area on that night and do believe there is gag order in place .... Give it more time and you will see....

Qaani indirectly takes responsibility for the US ship incident and warns of further attacks.

I have not seen this @Falcon29 dude in two days since the Yemenis attack. He was in Iranian section non-stop.

I wonder if he was hit in Jizan or Najran or Abha or Jazan or Khamis Mashit?
Or maybe trying to put down the fire of the Jizan refinery?

Any news of him?
Hopefully he is safe.

You are misunderstanding what your general is saying, lol.
Qaani indirectly takes responsibility for the US ship incident and warns of further attacks.

I have not seen this @Falcon29 dude in two days since the Yemenis attack. He was in Iranian section non-stop.

I wonder if he was hit in Jizan or Najran or Abha or Jazan or Khamis Mashit?
Or maybe trying to put down the fire of the Jizan refinery?

Any news of him?
Hopefully he is safe.

ignore that Falcon troll. He lives in an alt reality where everything is upside down.
Are you Aspen?


Just want to say you don't sound okay man, take a break from politics if it is affecting you.

Why would you say that? Is it shocking to you when someone considers international zionism and the associated global oligarchy as the primary and ultimate threat faced by nations and mankind, which every person should treat as the utmost priority in the schmittian scale of political antagonism?

But I do believe an explosion took place in an area on that night and do believe there is gag order in place .... Give it more time and you will see....

Problem with that renewed assertion is that satellite photograps tell a decidedly different story. Did you not read the so-called "tweet" I cited right above my comment to you?

The other problem is that the sources which claimed there was an explosion also named some sites supposed to have exploded. Yet, satellite pictures once again disprove this.

How to explain the reiteration of your claim against said "tweet"?

Also, might you produce any sort of evidence in support of your assertive claim that there is "a gag order in place"? Because you are the only person on the entire internet postulating this and what is more, you speak with utter assurance, as if you had access to some hard evidence but were unwilling to share it with us.

If you are not in possession of evidence yet feel comfortable enough to strike a categorical tone with regards to something you aren't actually in a position to objectively gauge the veracity of, then perhaps you'd gain in reflecting upon the soundness and honesty of such an approach.

Lastly, do you realize as long as Iran is connected to the global internet, as long as there is something called VPN and proxies not to mention encrypted communication devices used by Mossad and CIA spies, and as long as the country's borders aren't hermetically sealed against any in- and outbound traffic, it would simply amount to a herculean task and require considerable resources as well as the implementation of security measures immediately perceptible by everybody (including foreign journalists stationed in Iran, who would be prompt to report) to try and prevent the upload of a miserable little picture file to a "social media" or its physical smuggling out of the country using a memory device? When it comes to these things, Iran is not quite the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (and unfortunately so, some of us might argue).

You are misunderstanding what your general is saying, lol.

Doubt he is.
Are you Aspen? Just want to say you don't sound okay man, take a break from politics if it is affecting you. Wish you the best.

In regards to the news, some people reported that an aircraft missile was fired in that region at the time of the explosion and I never believed that or accepted it as true news. But I do believe an explosion took place in an area on that night and do believe there is gag order in place .... Give it more time and you will see....

You are misunderstanding what your general is saying, lol.

Finally back after three days. Read his words in Farsi.
Sure. Jizan refinery was not hit either. Everything is fine. Let’s close the thread.
3 small wooden boats (lenj) versus KSA refinery in Jizan.
No brainer.
3 small wooden boats (lenj) versus KSA refinery in Jizan.
No brainer.
well depends on who you ask , I'm pretty sure the owners of those dhows are pretty sad about the incident.
USA is the imaginary friend of their vassals dumbsh*t states like Israel.


As USA persuades dumbsh*t vassals to do their dirty work, they remain in thousand miles secure from any retaliation.


Israeli people should burn their politicians for exposing them all to aniquillation because they love to s*ck American c*cks.

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