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Featured Iran has rejected Russia's proposal to negotiate with the United States

Hey, iran Bro @QWECXZ . and my Chinese Bro @Beast . Please help to stop fighting.

I am not sure who is @TheImmortal, I have never paid attention to him. Any one who knew him American or Iranian please let me know.

But I would say let's don't blame each other and fight the meaningless war on PDF, this has brought enough joy to the Americans. So let's me back off a little bit, and discuss something worth it.

I am aware of the deal between 2012-2015, and see what happened after JCPOA signed. I would say China did NOT get much share after JCPOA during Rouhani administration. I would not say who is responsible for this, because all I knew are the news on the web, most news come from western outlet.

I take western news about China Iran deal with a grain of salt, I don't know what to believe and what I should NOT. But I knew western media has tried their best to ruin Iran-China relationship, as Iran members pointed out. The western media tried very hard to ruin Iran-China relationship within Iran as well.

I suppose @TheImmortal is part of the efforts. Maybe I am wrong.
No hard feelings, bro. Arguments like that happen sometimes.

Iranians think about politics as a chess game. We don't expect the Chinese or our other economic partners to turn down other economic opportunities because of us. And our relationships with all countries in the world (except for Israel which our enmity is purely ideological) are based on realities, not fantasies or blind friendships.

I just didn't appreciate him calling Iranians "thieves" and that's why I reacted to his insult like that.
No hard feelings, bro. Arguments like that happen sometimes.

Iranians think about politics as a chess game. We don't expect the Chinese or our other economic partners to turn down other economic opportunities because of us. And our relationships with all countries in the world (except for Israel which our enmity is purely ideological) are based on realities, not fantasies or blind friendships.

I just didn't appreciate him calling Iranians "thieves" and that's why I reacted to his insult like that.
Bro @Beast. I have trust on our government. Those contracts will be taken care of properly. Our government especially under President Xi is very professional, and I believe Grand Ayatollah Khamenei has good personal relationship with President Xi, they should have no problem to negociate.

I really don't want to discuss the details of the contracts, what I knew mostly comes from western media, Fcuk. I don't understand Farsi.

I knew both Iran and China are taking care of our national interest. That's good enough. Let the professionals deal with it.

I bet next Iran president won't trust US, Iranians people won't trust US any more. There are rosy Chinese as well in China and abroad, they believe we can share the prosperity with US, they are damn wrong. I hope some pro west Iranians can wake up as well.
Dont talk as u iranian are angel. There are many gas deal after signed with Chinese side and taken the money but nothing come out of it. We Chinese are wary ofthe deep corruption and rot within iranian administration. Talking about back stab , iranian is expert too.

If NATO gets confrontational against China.

It is in China's interest to build up countries hostile to the West to have nearly the top technologies of China, so that the West has to use the best weapons exposing top secret technologies, while China has advisors there to monitor and record these Western weapons. Then troubleshoots them over a decade and makes them and has defenses against them. You want proxies to expose this, many as possible. Venezuela, Iraq, Iran, Syria, North Korea, and other countries willing to stand up to the West and defy them. If war happens, China fund the resistance, and force the US to play the secret weapon hand, or face a stalemate. And have these countries be like Iran in developing their own weapons like the Bavar. There is safety in number. China needs proxies, very strong, and allied with China. However, each independent and can handle the US on their own.
Iran has rejected Russia's proposal to negotiate with the United States

Thanks to Supreme Leader ayatollah Khamenei, and thanks to him alone.

If it was up to the centrist-liberal Rohani administration and their reformist coalition partners, Iran would jump to the negotiating table even after Trump ripped apart the JCPOA.

Reformist figures such as Zibakalam, Tajzadeh or Hajjarian repeatedly called for renewed negotiations with the US regime. Even as they expressed preference for a Democrat administration to be in charge in Washington, they never categorically opposed repeated negotiations, unlike Supreme Leader ayatollah Khamenei.

Even Rohani himself, in a more indirect manner but pretty irrespective of the US regime's behaviour, went on about the "virtues" of negotiations.

So it's the red line imposed by the Leader in conjunction with the historic failure of the western-apologetic agenda of Iranian liberals (culminating in Trump's exit from the JCPOA and his launching of the "maximum pressure campaign" in spite of full Iranian compliance with the deal) that is now forcing Zarif & co to reject such mediation proposals from the EU or Russia.

It is only logical for an Iranian to become dastboosse hazrate āghā, for it is him who managed not only to contain and neutralize domestic pressures for capitulation, but also to do so while maintaining Iran's deterrence against her existential external foes.

He exerted carefully calibrated patience when needed (due to domestic and external pressures which were best addressed that way), and determination once the time was ripe and conditions became once again conducive to such a stance. Hats off to his strategic genius and wise maneuvering.
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It is only logical for an Iranian to become dastboosse hazrate āghā,
lol i know you love him... we do too.. if he manages to make iran untouchable for the enemies his name will be forever recorded.. but as things stand now... very doubtful.

the coming months will be extremely important.
We wont negotiate even if Trump would sit on the opposite chair:

Negotiation with (interrogation of ) Serb president, lol
lol i know you love him... we do too.. if he manages to make iran untouchable for the enemies his name will be forever recorded.. but as things stand now... very doubtful.

the coming months will be extremely important.

Depends what you call untouchable. In an existential battle against the most powerful empire history has seen, casualties are inevitable. It's the end result that counts, and even more so, is the moral stance one has been observing all along. I prefer going under while knowing I did my best to fight oppression (zolm), rather than bowing to it.

By the way, Iran suffered damage in the 80's too, some of which it could not fully retaliate against. From Iraq's massive use of WMD against Iranians to the US downing of Iran Air 655, several such instances are recorded.

To Imam Khomeini, agreeing to the ceasefire with Saddam felt like "drinking from a chalice of poison", i. e. the Imam saw himself compelled to do so against his option of choice (including because of pressures from certain quarters inside the establishment). Yet in the end, Iran came out stronger than before.

Also, if you like to go by numbers, pro-Iranian groups caused more casualties to the US military in the 2000's than they did in the 1980's.

Never limit your view to the empty half of the glass while obfuscating the filled half.
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We wont negotiate even if Trump would sit on the opposite chair:

Negotiation with (interrogation of ) Serb president, lol
It looks like the trumpfather is making him an offer that he cant [darent] refuse.

The more time passes and the more we go into the future he is more and more missed :frown:
I think at a bare minimum he almost certainly would`ve been a future president of iran,and likely a very great one too.
One can only wonder at what the entire mena region as a whole may well have potentially lost with his pointless murder.
Truly a tragedy.

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