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Featured Iran has rejected Russia's proposal to negotiate with the United States

Rouhani bet on US and EU. China did NOT get much share in post JCPOA.

Rouhani was betrayed by US and EU, on the other hand, China take the risk and seize the cooperation opportunities of Iran.

Hopefully it will work, as China's offer has really pissed off quite a lot of countries in West Asia(ME), and the West, especially Israel and US. China will have to pay a heavy price, quite a lot of political capital to keep our promise in this 400 billions deal.

If Iran next president take offer from west again and kick China out, China will be embarrassed and lose a lot.

China has hardly been reliable in energy deals in the past. I’m skeptical of this so called “deal”.

I don’t think China is that much more trust worthy than US. China and Iran relationship is marriage of convienece.

Also the terms are not as favorable to Iran today versus 10 years ago as China has found other partners in the region.
China has hardly been reliable in energy deals in the past. I’m skeptical of this so called “deal”.

I don’t think China is that much more trust worthy than US. China and Iran relationship is marriage of convienece.

Also the terms are not as favorable to Iran today versus 10 years ago as China has found other partners in the region.
Who are you? American or Iranian?
China is no angel. No one is. Every single country take care of themselves, this is a self serving international system.
China has China's interest to take care of, of course.
Nothing is perfect. At least China offered a deal, no one can. India can NOT. Russia is oil and gas exporter. Turkey is Iran competitor more than ally.

I don't see Iran has another decade to waste on other partners which is perfect and reliable, taken care of Iran's interest more than their own.

And it's naturally Iran takes care of Iran's own interest more than others. Who doesn't?
Who are you? American or Iranian?
China is no angel. No one is. Every single country take care of themselves, this is a self serving international system.
China has China's interest to take care of, of course.
Nothing is perfect. At least China offered a deal, no one can. India can NOT. Russia is oil and gas exporter. Turkey is Iran competitor more than ally.

I don't see Iran has another decade to waste on other partners which is perfect and reliable, taken care of Iran's interest more than their own.

And it's naturally Iran takes care of Iran's own interest more than others. Who doesn't?

China has joined numerous energy deals with Iran then dragged their feet and ultimately either left or been kicked out of the project.

I would be cautious that some members here think China will be suddenly a much more reliable partner given their on and off relationship with the US.

Also offering a deal and fulfilling the deal are two different things. As long as China knows Iran has no better options they can do whatever they want, much like those energy projects mentioned earlier.
China has joined numerous energy deals with Iran then dragged their feet and ultimately either left or been kicked out of the project.

I would be cautious that some members here think China will be suddenly a much more reliable partner given their on and off relationship with the US.

Also offering a deal and fulfilling the deal are two different things. As long as China knows Iran has no better options they can do whatever they want, much like those energy projects mentioned earlier.
I simply don't see any oil/gas importer more reliable and has deeper market as China.

India? Not possible. India herself depends on US and west.

who else?

Be realistic. No one is Angel. No one is Savior. This is a self serving international system. Every single country is complaining, even the US is complaining unfair deal. Nothing is perfect. There is no magic, a snap, that suddenly China can reverse the Iran economy and international environment.

Iran as an ancient civilization, suffered so much in past 40 years. They are very realistic, at least the conservatives are very realistic on harsh international environment, no rosy dreams.

China has her own interest to take care of. Iran of course will take this into account. This is international relationship 101.
I simply don't see any oil/gas importer more reliable and has deeper market as China.

India? Not possible. India herself depends on US and west.

who else?

Be realistic. No one is Angel. No one is Savior. This is a self serving international system. Every single country is complaining, even the US is complaining unfair deal. Nothing is perfect. There is no magic, a snap, that suddenly China can reverse the Iran economy and international environment.

Iran as an ancient civilization, suffered so much in past 40 years. They are very realistic, at least the conservatives are very realistic on harsh international environment, no rosy dreams.

China has her own interest to take care of. Iran of course will take this into account. This is international relationship 101.

China signs deals the neglects or violates them. You have no counter to my question on why China has been so unreliable in past energy deals with Iran?

China is no different than India and Chahabar project. In my opinion they aren’t that much different than US in reliability Only slightly better. The difference is US you know what you are getting. A backstabber.

I will never forget during the JCPOA negotiations an Iranian negotiator said that the most difficult party to work with was the Chinese. He said with the West we expect to be backstabbed, but with China they stab you while looking straight at you.

How many years has Iran been observer in SCO and Chinas fake promises to make it Full member?

How many energy gas deals have Chinese companies signed then neglected the terms?

Members on this board must be naive to think China will invest $400B into Iran. Don’t hang your hat on China to be your Ally or you partner. Like Russia they have no true allies or strategic partners (maybe Pakistan).

Iranian authorities have rejected Russia's proposal to establish direct Iranian-American talks

Iranian President's Chief of Staff Mahmoud Vaezi said that the proposal of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to establish a direct dialogue between Tehran and Washington was rejected, Anatolia reports.

Stressing that Russia and many other countries are making efforts to relax relations between Iran and the United States, Vaezi told the Tesnim news agency that Iran has no plan to negotiate with Washington and that Tehran has made its position clear.

So long as Iran is under sanctions, any negotiation with the U.S. will only be perceived by the U.S. as capitulation and weakness and they will credit their own idiotic sanctions and violent behaviors like the murder of Gen Solaimani as the main tools that brought Iran to the table/capitulate.

And who exactly exactly would Iran wanna negotiate with? Pompeo? Really?
Getting in the same room with the likes of Pompeo even before the murder of Gen Solaimani would have been capitulation let alone now!

So long as U.S. sanctions remain and US behavior towards Iran doesn't change there is really NOTHING to discuss!

It's like someone holding a gun to your head and is screaming and yelling absurd demands at you (like demanding that you commit suicide) to a point that everyone clearly seen they've gone nuts and so they ask another person (Russia) standing in the crossfire to ask us (Iran) to come close so they (U.S.) can whisper their absurd demands so that way everyone (The World) doesn't think they're nuts!

So I'd say Russia should know better than to even ask this of Iran but the truth is the Russians are just another country that prefers not to be in the crossfire of American obsessionalism
(AKA American exceptionalism)
So long as Iran is under sanctions, any negotiation with the U.S. will only be perceived by the U.S. as capitulation and weakness and they will credit their own idiotic sanctions and violent behaviors like the murder of Gen Solaimani as the main tools that brought Iran to the table/capitulate.

And who exactly exactly would Iran wanna negotiate with? Pompeo? Really?
Getting in the same room with the likes of Pompeo even before the murder of Gen Solaimani would have been capitulation let alone now!

So long as U.S. sanctions remain and US behavior towards Iran doesn't change there is really NOTHING to discuss!

It's like someone holding a gun to your head and is screaming and yelling absurd demands at you (like demanding that you commit suicide) to a point that everyone clearly seen they've gone nuts and so they ask another person (Russia) standing in the crossfire to ask us (Iran) to come close so they (U.S.) can whisper their absurd demands so that way everyone (The World) doesn't think they're nuts!

So I'd say Russia should know better than to even ask this of Iran but the truth is the Russians are just another country that prefers not to be in the crossfire of American obsessionalism
(AKA American exceptionalism)

Russia is merely doing this to help Trump’s election chances.

Iranian authorities have rejected Russia's proposal to establish direct Iranian-American talks

Iranian President's Chief of Staff Mahmoud Vaezi said that the proposal of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to establish a direct dialogue between Tehran and Washington was rejected, Anatolia reports.

Stressing that Russia and many other countries are making efforts to relax relations between Iran and the United States, Vaezi told the Tesnim news agency that Iran has no plan to negotiate with Washington and that Tehran has made its position clear.
They murdered our great war hero Sulaimani. No negotiations. The Bully is crumbling in the weight of its sin.
China signs deals the neglects or violates them. You have no counter to my question on why China has been so unreliable in past energy deals with Iran?

China is no different than India and Chahabar project. In my opinion they aren’t that much different than US in reliability Only slightly better. The difference is US you know what you are getting. A backstabber.

I will never forget during the JCPOA negotiations an Iranian negotiator said that the most difficult party to work with was the Chinese. He said with the West we expect to be backstabbed, but with China they stab you while looking straight at you.

How many years has Iran been observer in SCO and Chinas fake promises to make it Full member?

How many energy gas deals have Chinese companies signed then neglected the terms?

Members on this board must be naive to think China will invest $400B into Iran. Don’t hang your hat on China to be your Ally or you partner. Like Russia they have no true allies or strategic partners (maybe Pakistan).
Dont talk as u iranian are angel. There are many gas deal after signed with Chinese side and taken the money but nothing come out of it. We Chinese are wary ofthe deep corruption and rot within iranian administration. Talking about back stab , iranian is expert too.
Dont talk as u iranian are angel. There are many gas deal after signed with Chinese side and taken the money but nothing come out of it. We Chinese are wary ofthe deep corruption and rot within iranian administration. Talking about bad stab , iranian is expert too.
Are you talking about the contracts that the chinese were kicked out because of too much delay, thanks to your unconditional obedience to US sanctions on Iran at the time?
Let me explain to you how things work, little whiny bitch.
When someone signs a contract with you for doing something, you become the employee and they become the employer. In case that you can't finish what you have been hired for within the deadline, you will get fired without getting paid a penny. Just like how Indians are getting kicked out project by project from Chabahar. You can cry us a river, but since your promises were not delivered due to the fear of US sanctions, who basically treat you like dirt by the way, you were thrown out. As simply as that.
Dont blame Chinese nasty on u when u play punk. Its called to have a taste of your own medicne!
@PakSword please educate this foul mouth. Thank u.
Dont blame Chinese nasty on u when u play punk. Its called to have a taste of your own medicne!
@PakSword please educate this foul mouth. Thank u.
Read my post again and try to understand how the employee-employer relationship works. If an employee does not honor their promises, they will be fired and they can even be asked for compensation for the delay. Read it again and again until you can fully understand it.
Read my post again and try to understand how the employee-employer relationship works. If an employee does not honor their promises, they will be fired and they can even be asked for compensation for the delay. Read it again and again until you can fully understand it.
Hey, iran Bro @QWECXZ . and my Chinese Bro @Beast . Please help to stop fighting.

I am not sure who is @TheImmortal, I have never paid attention to him. Any one who knew him American or Iranian please let me know.

But I would say let's don't blame each other and fight the meaningless war on PDF, this has brought enough joy to the Americans. So let's me back off a little bit, and discuss something worth it.

I am aware of the deal between 2012-2015, and see what happened after JCPOA signed. I would say China did NOT get much share after JCPOA during Rouhani administration. I would not say who is responsible for this, because all I knew are the news on the web, most news come from western outlet.

I take western news about China Iran deal with a grain of salt, I don't know what to believe and what I should NOT. But I knew western media has tried their best to ruin Iran-China relationship, as Iran members pointed out. The western media tried very hard to ruin Iran-China relationship within Iran as well.

I suppose @TheImmortal is part of the efforts. Maybe I am wrong.

The Chinese should be smart. Do not sign a deal with the Rouhani administration. They are already depicting China as some evil country that wants to take over Iran while negotiating with you at the same time. They are releasing false information about the deal to the public to help the Western propaganda against you. All reformist newspapers are demonizing China everyday. If you are smart, you should wait for a year for Rouhani to leave the office and then enter negotiations with the new president.

Let's not forget that all reformist newspapers bashed China for infecting the world with "Wuhan virus". Reformist newspapers basically translate and republish whatever that is written in Western newspapers, sometimes verbatim.

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