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  1. T

    G-20 Summit: Modi singles out Pakistan for spreading terror in region

    Do people here in pakistan know that he has a 70% approval rating now vs 50% at the start of his tenure. He may be making missteps but he is putting indian interests before anything which all people like. Pakistani people will never realize that. Give him 10 more years, you all will know.
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    An Epidemic of ‘Dead Eyes’ in Kashmir as India Uses Pellet Guns on Protesters

    Do you people think that police want to use pellet guns. If stones get thrown by cowards hiding in crowded streets and bringing the passer bys into danger, then they them selves are equally responsible. Indian police behave more softly with kashmiri agitation vs the jat agitation. In jat...
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    ‘CPEC to attract $150 billion foreign investment

    Dear Indian friends, I don't find all of you contributing to indian economic threads, analysing and giving comments there. Lets focus on our country. Let Pakistanis deal with the economics of CPEC themselves. Be better Indians, don't try to bear out the Pakistanis in Pakistaniyat.
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    Pakistan Day Celebrated In NASDAQ

    Its good to be positive and a nice thing that pakistan is getting invited and surely with so much global liquidity everybody is looking doe new nations to put the money into. But you are full with such falsehood that i had to write it.please attach the original MS document as they are not as...
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    This Kashmiri’s Response to an Army Veteran Is a Must Read

    The video of multiple stabbing looks clearly from middle east, soldiers with snickers, never seen on indian army. Secondly f the shooting the person in rubble, they first confirmed it was militant and then shot to avoid him pull a trigger on a grenade or something. Too much propaganda,
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    Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

    Nothing gives right to the military to undertake a coup. Its not that bad. He is still fighting elections. Dont give my country a bad name by supporting coups.
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    There is nothing wrong in working with RSS: Jamaat Ulama-e-Hind

    So what exactly is secularism. When congress leaders attend to Muslim scholars, when id parties are held by all so called secular parties, when Muslim zealot rulers are celebrated, when Pakistan is praised for tolerance against minorities and India made fun off, when suggestions are made of...
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    There is nothing wrong in working with RSS: Jamaat Ulama-e-Hind

    What's wrong with gays. U seem like an intolerant zealot
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    Why China Is Selling Submarines to Pakistan ?

    Would be nice of you to give a source where Indian aircraft carrier and primary surface elements are planned to placed so far away from Pakistani EEZ in case of a conflict. Is it just your opinion or a fact?
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    Review: ‘India’s Daughter’ Explores a Gang Rape and Its Galvanizing Aftermath

    Let it happen to ur family members n let us see how small a thing u think of it
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    SHOCKING:The 1.3 million Dalit human waste collectors

    Please do come to a village in orissa to see the difference that has happened in last many years. There is still a lot of things to do. But you sitting miles away from India and propagating shit as gospel is noting to be proud of.
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    Sri Lanka Attempts to Repair Relations With China Amid an Escalating Financial Crisis

    But the problem is why did the previous government go on such a debt binge and what are the terms of Chinese loans that they so soon have become difficult to service. Instead of productive uses have the loans been put to unproductive ones. That should be the issue. There should be proper due...
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    Punjab Assembly resolution demands Shiv Sena be declared terrorist group

    That's not true. Take a look at terrorist incidents and death statistics. It tells a different story. Pakistan has improved a lot on this aspect but not to be ahead of India in terms of stability.
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    Is Modi government accountable to RSS? Congress says

    They should come out with report cards for the general public too, why only RSS
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    Time to Sell India Short and Go Long on Pakistan?

    Since I work in a global investment firm, I can say that that Pakistan, Vietnam as well Sri Lanka are being looked as next frontier markets. A lot of interest is there. Would be nice if some Pakistani friends can suggest some interesting name which we can look at- esp in consumer, healthcare and...
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 6]

    Hi, To Pakistani members: I came across this report , just pasting a portion of it. "The chances are good that we will reach a high level of integration before the military might of China has reached levels where the incitement to flex those muscles becomes too large. As a former fighter pilot...
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    PAF JF 17 Promotional Video (HD)

    Hi, To Pakistani members: I came across this report , just pasting a portion of it. "The chances are good that we will reach a high level of integration before the military might of China has reached levels where the incitement to flex those muscles becomes too large. As a former fighter pilot...
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