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‘CPEC to attract $150 billion foreign investment


May 17, 2015
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ISLAMABAD: Board of Investment (BOI) Chairman Miftah Ismail on Tuesday said that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) would attract huge international investments for enhancing employment opportunities and would encourage economic growth.

After the completion of this mega project, Pakistan would be expecting approximately $150 billion international investment in the country through different businesses, manufacturing centres and investment by Chinese firms, he said.

The BOI chairman said that through the mega projects of the CPEC initially $46 billion is to be invested in energy sector and infrastructure development, which would help enhance economic activities and industrial growth in the country.

The CPEC would be a booster for investors and attract investment not only from China, but other parts of the world as well, he added.

CPEC would provide regional and global connectivity and connect the country with the international markets in different regions, including developed countries for contributing huge multilateral trade opportunities, he said.

He added that investment on the corridor would transform Pakistan into a regional economic hub for enhancing the economic integration and trade linkages. The connectivity through this mega projects to enhance trade opportunities for Pakistan, which connect the country with 70 percent of international maritime trade through Gawadar and Karachi ports, he said.

The BOI chairman said that the CPEC routes to connect all the regions of the country with Gwadar port, which also gives a huge chance for enhancing exports of different trade items in international market from far-flung areas. For more industrial activity and growth, "We need self-sufficiency in energy for which $ 35 billion to be invested in energy sector including different mode of energy hydro, coal and wind energy to overcome the energy shortage," he added.
Source: http://dailytimes.com.pk/business/31-Aug-16/cpec-to-attract-150-billion-foreign-investment
CPEC is the framework and foundational infrastructure..on it many things will be built.

Your country is finally at the launchpad state in rapid industrialisation.

Great things ahead of you..that is why your enemies are in such panic.

Just make sure that the CPEC is not subotaged by foregin sponsored terror or other proxies.

Your people deserve an economic revival.

Remain focused and get the job done..

150bln is just a start...expect much more in the coming two decades...

Your economy is bound to cross trillion dollar mark sooner than most expect it.

Security, stability and social development are the key.
All Noise and more Noise. I am now really doubtful about CPEC as it is presented. Its treated as more important in Human history then Suez Canal. All the members please don't Hype the project and let it deliver first. Don't count the chiks before they hatch .
All Noise and more Noise. I am now really doubtful about CPEC as it is presented. Its treated as more important in Human history then Suez Canal. All the members please don't Hype the project and let it deliver first. Don't count the chiks before they hatch .
what if i tell you that a city like dubai is in making and will bring even more money as it will connect countries to arabian sea.
is it important now?
what if i tell you that a city like dubai is in making and will bring even more money as it will connect countries to arabian sea.
is it important now?
Dubai never gloated over there development. When they delivered the various projects like;- Burj khalifa, Ferrari world ..etc then only they boasted. If giving example then be like them , First deliver then boast not vice versa
:sick:...yes, it will be and can be possible...Right now, it is of 72 billion dollars...
46 billion $ are not Invested Yet you Talking about 72 billion $
Go check you FDI Figures as 2015 is only 2.6 billion $ FDI is Invested as of Now

Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan increased by 2677.90 USD Million in 2015. Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan averaged 2623.93 USD Million from 2010 until 2015, reaching an all time high of 3184.30 USD Million in 2010 and a record low of 2099.10 USD Million in 2012. Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan is reported by the State Bank of Pakistan.

All Noise and more Noise. I am now really doubtful about CPEC as it is presented. Its treated as more important in Human history then Suez Canal. All the members please don't Hype the project and let it deliver first. Don't count the chiks before they hatch .
Don't worry the policy of isolating Pakistan has failed miserably. Coming up next is CPEC. IT is good actually I would encourage more marketing and publicity to attract more investment, we should do that. Theres nothing wrong in publicity
after hearing so much about CPEC, now I feel its more like a propaganda being fed to citizens of Pakistan, to overlook failure of there government. Which over the years have sent there state in grip of terrorism and abject poverty, earning them good name "failed state".

I don't understand project CPEC as "magic wand", alone china building a port and roadways cant help you get on track of heavy Industrialization, with all the industries and manufacturing hubs comfortably residing in other side of china(which I don't see shifting, why china will loose its tag of manufacturing hub?), with there major markets in Americas I am yet to understand use of it. Second to be Industrialize, one need to churn out skilled people, which I don't see as most people prefer graduating in throwing bombs/stones.

anyways, all the best, but I don't see it.
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CPEC is the framework and foundational infrastructure..on it many things will be built.

Your country is finally at the launchpad state in rapid industrialisation.

Great things ahead of you..that is why your enemies are in such panic.

Just make sure that the CPEC is not subotaged by foregin sponsored terror or other proxies.

Your people deserve an economic revival.

Remain focused and get the job done..

150bln is just a start...expect much more in the coming two decades...

Your economy is bound to cross trillion dollar mark sooner than most expect it.

Security, stability and social development are the key.

Yes o agreed in next decade or so Pakistan will be most richest in our region. Woww 150 billion dollars whaa ware waaa
Dear Indian friends, I don't find all of you contributing to indian economic threads, analysing and giving comments there. Lets focus on our country. Let Pakistanis deal with the economics of CPEC themselves. Be better Indians, don't try to bear out the Pakistanis in Pakistaniyat.
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